
Terms for subject General containing артикль | all forms
в английском языке перед названием рек обычно ставится определённый артикльin English we generally prefix the definite articles to the names of rivers
женский пол используется без артикляwoman
неопределенный артикльan
неопределённый артикльa (Anger over a Russian election marred by widespread violations and the shadow of Vladimir Putin's likely return to the presidency broke into violence late on Monday, as thousands of people took to the streets of Moscow in protest. ... Anger has been steadily growing inside Russia since Putin, currently the prime minister, announced his intention to run for the presidency in a March 2012 vote. His United Russia party fared poorly in a parliamentary vote on Sunday, losing 77 seats in the Duma, or lower house. ... The protest, one of the biggest liberal opposition demonstrations in years, is certain to worry a state that looks down on opposition and is long unused to a politically conscious public. TG Alexander Demidov)
неопределённый артикльan
неправильное место артикляthe wrong placing of the article