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послание с того светаafter-life communication (Suzanne Somers' Husband Reveals Possible After-Life Communication from Late Actress. The husband of Suzanne Somers believes that the late actress visited him from the 'other side' by way of a series of eerie events that occurred in their home following her passing. The weirdness began, he said, when a hummingbird managed to get into their house and flew around the residence until it finally landed on a picture of him and his wife. However, this was just the start of what he later concluded was a message from his departed wife. According to Hamel, the fireplace in their home then suddenly "started all by itself," which was then followed by an even stranger turn of events when "some music came on by Suzanne’s favorite composer." (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
работник светаlightworker (OlesyaAst)