
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Сведения о | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
дополнительные сведения о защите от слеженияlearn more about tracking protection (Windows 8 ssn)
Закон о защите личных сведений детей в интернетеChildren's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)
мгновенные сообщения и сведения о присутствииIM&P (также встречается вариант IM/P vlad-and-slav)
не удалось получить сведения о данных.Data information could not be retrieved. (Visual Studio 2010 Rori)
Необходимо указать основные сведения о компьютереMachine base information must be specified (Windows 8 Rori)
область сведений о документеDocument Information Panel (A pane that displays document property information for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files stored in a WSS library. The pane is displayed below the ribbon and is actually a hosted custom InfoPath form. Information is synced automatically between the document and the WSS library)
окно сведений о веб-службеWeb Service Details window (Andy)
отправка сведений о членстве в группе в виде утвержденияsend group membership as a claim (microsoft.com bojana)
панель сведений о выступающемnow Presenting panel
панель сведений о конференцииMeeting Information panel (The Live Meeting console element that displays the Web address and audio conference line (if specified) for a Live Meeting session)
Подключается к сайтам социальных сетей и предоставляет сведения о пользователях, активности и состоянииConnects to social networking sites and provides people, activity, and status information (Office System 2010 Rori)
представление "Сведения о сообщении"Message Details view (In the Health and Activity Tracking (HAT) tool a detailed view of all known information for a given message in the Message Box. This view is available through the shortcut menu in the PivotTable field list in one of two Operations views)
Просмотр основных сведений о вашем компьютереSystem Information (в ОС Windows 7 Tetiana Diakova)
Сбор сведений о состоянии средства записиGather writers' status (Windows 8 Rori)
Сведения информация о версииversion information (Andy)
сведения о встречеAppointment details
Сведения о группеGroup Information (Andy)
сведения о доступностиfree/busy information (Information regarding the availability of a user)
сведения о доступностиfree/busy status (Information regarding the availability of a user)
Сведения о доступности в интернетеInternet Free-Busy (Outlook 2013)
сведения о задачеtask information (Information provided about a specific task)
сведения о компьютереcomputer details (A list of computer properties that are configured to display and provide information about a specific computer)
сведения о корреспондирующей проводкеoffset transaction details (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
Сведения о кортеже, определяющие данную ячейку, отсутствуютthe tuple information defining this cell is empty (Office System 2010 SP1)
сведения о назначенииassignment details (Rori)
сведения о поддерживаемых в SQL Server форматах datetimeinformation on SQL Server supported datetime formats (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
сведения о пользователеuser info (Andy)
сведения о пользовательских событияхcustom event details (ASP.NET 4.5 ssn)
сведения о посещенияхclickstream data
сведения о присутствииpresence information (A collection of attributes that provides an indication of a person's status, activity, location, willingness to communicate, and contact information)
сведения о присутствии в записной книжкеNotebook Presence (A feature that broadcasts user presence in a OneNote notebook and supports real-time synchronization for users who are editing the same page)
сведения о программеprogram info (Windows 8 ssn)
сведения о продуктеproduct information (Windows 7, Windows 8 Rori)
сведения о производительностиPerformance Data Information (Windows 7 Rori)
Сведения о профиле пользователяmy Profile Information (Exchange Server 2010)
Сведения о профиле портаPort profile information (System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2012 R2 Rori)
сведения о регистрацииregistration details (Andy)
сведения о реплицированных транзакцияхreplicated transaction information (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
сведения о ресурсеresource information (The categories of information shown in the Resource Sheet view that specify details about a resource, such as name, type, group, maximum units, and standard rate)
Сведения о системеSystem Information (A program that shows details about a computer's hardware configuration, computer components, and software, including drivers)
сведения о системеsystem info (The information about a computer that's derived from the System Information program)
сведения о службе ссылочных данныхreference data service details (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
сведения о соблюдении конфиденциальности интернет-магазиномonline store privacy information (Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista SP1, Windows Server 2008 Rori)
сведения о событииevent details (Windows Server Update Services 3.0 SP2 ssn)
сведения о событииevent detail (Windows 8 ssn)
сведения о транзакцииtransaction details (Visual Studio 2012, Windows Store v1 Rori)
сведения о физическом лицеindividual detail (A detail entered as account information for an individual, rather than a company)
Сведения о формате заголовка строки по умолчаниюDefault row header format info (Office System 2010 SP1, PerformancePoint Server 2007 Rori)
сведения о форматированииformat information (Ding_an_sich)
свойства сведений о событииevent detail properties (Dynamics CRM 5.0 ssn)
служба сведений о подключённых сетяхNLA2 (A service of Windows Vista that collects network information available to Windows on behalf of applications and enables them to easily and effectively adapt to changes in network environments)
служба сведений о подключённых сетяхnetwork location awareness service (A service of Windows Vista that collects network information available to Windows on behalf of applications and enables them to easily and effectively adapt to changes in network environments)
служба сведений о подключённых сетяхNetwork Awareness (A service of Windows Vista that collects network information available to Windows on behalf of applications and enables them to easily and effectively adapt to changes in network environments)
служба сведений о приложенияхApplication Information Service (A system service that facilitates starting applications that require one or more elevated privileges to run, such as Administrative Tasks. When user requires elevated privileges to run an application and gives consent, AIS creates a new process for the application with the user’s full access token. Rori)
служба сведений о приложенияхAIS (A system service that facilitates starting applications that require one or more elevated privileges to run, such as Administrative Tasks. When user requires elevated privileges to run an application and gives consent, AIS creates a new process for the application with the user's full access token)
столбцы со сведениями о состоянииTracking Columns (" An option under the Columns heading on the Report window. When expanded, this option enables the user to select columns that contain tracking information such as "Created By" and "Modified On".")
Страница сведений о назначенииAssignment Details Page (Rori)