
Terms for subject Emphatic containing С€С | all forms
выбросить с работыfire (MichaelBurov)
выкинуть с работыfire (MichaelBurov)
граничащий с фанатизмомreligious (treated or regarded with a devotion and scrupulousness appropriate to worship Alex_Odeychuk)
ни с местаstand still! (Franka_LV)
ну всё, с меня довольно!that does it! (That does it! I'm going to go up there and give those people hell! pinimg.com)
обращаться как с людьмиtreat as human beings (Something's in the air…please stop abusing us! I’m speaking for all servers who work at restaurants in English Bay, but holy cow we’ve collectively never seen some of the meanest most awful folks walk through our doors and sit in our sections. You guys, we’re not expecting huge tips and you to be our best friend. But please treat us as human beings. (...) Please be kind, please be patient, we understand you’re hot n hungry…so are we! We’re running around in the heat to make sure you’ve got your beers n food! reddit.com ART Vancouver)
она с восторгом читаетshe loves reading (playing tennis, dancing, being admired, having a lot of dogs round her, etc., и т.д.)
с каких делов?what's the point? (Alex_Odeychuk)
с каких делов?what's the occasion? (Alex_Odeychuk)
с каких делов?what's the deal? (Alex_Odeychuk)
с каких делов?why in the world? (Alex_Odeychuk)
с каких порsince when (Since when has there been a law against stalking? – С каких пор ходить следом за кем-то считается преступлением? • Since when has money mattered to you? • Since when have you been interested in my opinion? 4uzhoj)
с каких это порsince when (Since when have you become a baseball fan? I thought you were a hockey buff. • Since when do students get to decide how schools should be run? ART Vancouver)
с меня довольно!I've had enough of it! (I'm clearing out of here. I've had enough of you all. ART Vancouver)
с меня довольно!enough already! (Enough already! I don’t know how many of us living in Central and Lower Lonsdale are woken up each night with the sound of street racers and cars with turbos, but I’ll bet it’s in the hundreds. (nsnews.com) ART Vancouver)
с меня хватит!enough already! (Enough already! I don’t know how many of us living in Central and Lower Lonsdale are woken up each night with the sound of street racers and cars with turbos, but I’ll bet it’s in the hundreds. nsnews.com ART Vancouver)
с трудом удерживаешь слезыit's all one can do to keep from crying (MichaelBurov)
с трудом удерживаешь слезыit's as much as one could do not to cry (MichaelBurov)
смётать с прилавковswept off the shelves (Alex_Odeychuk)
черта с дваtough! (ad_notam)
черта с дваyou got to be kidding (You think the world government would authorize expenditure for stuff like that? You got to be kidding. 4uzhoj)
черта с дваyou got to be joking (You think the president appoints those guys? You got to be joking. 4uzhoj)
черта с дваsnoots!
черта с дваno sir (=certainly not/no way: I'm not going to ride the subway, no sir! • No sir, I will not be fooled again! 4uzhoj)
черта с дваyou're bloody well not
черта с дваI'll see you damned first!
черта с дваfat chance (Tamerlane)
черта с дваdamned if (Me? I'm gonna stick it out and fight it out as long as I can. But damned if I'm going to wait until the exits start to close, while the screaming mobs wave their flags and shout "God Bless America!!" • I'll do my part to recycle as much as I can but damned if I'm forced to drive a little clown car that resembles a clown car on a daily basis. 4uzhoj)
черта с дваlike that's going to happen (ad_notam)
черта с дваgoateed (I am, we are и т.д. (в зависимости от глагола в предыдущей фразе bit20)
черта с дваthe devil a bit
черта с два!the devil a bit! (a penny)
черта с дваnot in a month of Sundays (Although she had never really warmed to her son-in-law, not in a month of Sundays would she have thought him capable of deserting his wife and little girl. Alexander Demidov)
черта с дваlike hell (Like hell he was going to let her win this easily, he thought angrily. • This is it, we're all gonna die! – Like hell we are! We're gonna make it!)
чёрта с два!the devil a penny (В.И.Макаров)
чёрта с дваI'll see you damned first
чёрта с дваin a pig's eye (shergilov)
чёрта с два!hell no! (matvey_p)
чёрта с два!snooks!
чёрта с два!deuce a bit! (В.И.Макаров)
чёрта с два!the devil a bit (В.И.Макаров)
чёрта с два!devil a penny (В.И.Макаров)
чёрта с два!the deuce a bit! (В.И.Макаров)
чёрта с два!devil a bit (В.И.Макаров)
чёрта с дваthat'll be the day (VLZ_58)
чёрта с два!nix on that game!
чёрта с дваno way (Александр_10)
я без всяких колебаний согласен сit is without hesitation that I accept (Alex_Odeychuk)