
Terms for subject Natural resourses and wildlife conservation containing Промысел | all forms
вести промыселengage in commercial fishing (ART Vancouver)
вести рыболовный промыселengage in commercial fishing (ART Vancouver)
морской промыселcommercial fishing (ART Vancouver)
осуществлять промыселengage in commercial fishing (Договоренность позволяла японским рыбакам в рамках квоты осуществлять промысел у южных Курильских островов. ART Vancouver)
рыболовный промыселcommercial fisheries (Commercial fisheries are a significant contributor to the provincial economy and the social fabric of numerous coastal communities. This industry includes the commercial harvesting of more than 80 different species of finfish, shellfish, and marine plants from both freshwater and marine environments. gov.bc.ca ART Vancouver)
рыболовный промыселcommercial fishing (ART Vancouver)