
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing Последнее | all forms | exact matches only
когда ты последний раз бывал в ...?when was the last time you went to ...? ("Does that lady look like she lives in Yaletown? She didn't hop in a beemer, she ran into a forest." "When was the last time you went to Yaletown? Homeless are everywhere now." (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
на основании последних данныхup-to-date (We intend to bring our readers an up-to-date picture of these ongoing events. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") -- картину этих далёких от завершения событий, составленную на основании последних данных ART Vancouver)
не в последнюю очередь из-за того, чтоnot least why (The cause of the crash, according to the United States Air Force, was pilot error. Barlow, they said, was seeing “radar ghosts”. This, combined with the loss of his navigation equipment, confused the pilot, who believed he was nearer to Tacoma than he actually was. A sound enough explanation. However, to some, the official explanation didn’t add up. Not least why he was traveling so fast while descending in the first place. (ufoinsight.com) ART Vancouver)
не ты первый, не ты последнийwe've all been there (Abysslooker)
последнее по списку, но не по значениюlast but not least (ART Vancouver)
происходитслучается что-либо в самый последний моментCome in under the wire (Interex)