
Terms for subject Eastern Orthodoxy containing Неделя | all forms | exact matches only
Неделя ВаийPalm Sunday (тж. Вербное воскресенье: Palm Sunday. (Gr. Kyriaki ton Vaion; Sl. Verbnoye Voskresenye). The Sunday before Easter, commemorating the triumphal entrance of Christ into Jerusalem. The Orthodox use palms or willow branches in the shape of a cross, which the priest distributes to the faithful after the liturgy. goarch.org)
Неделя мясопустнаяMeatfare Sunday (тж. Неделя о Судном дне – Judgement (Meatfare) Sunday: Judgement Sunday – The Sunday of the Last Judgment is the third Sunday of a three-week period prior to the commencement of Great Lent. This is the last day that meat can be eaten before the Lenten fast. On this day, focus is placed on the future judgment of all persons who will stand before the throne of God when Christ returns in His glory. • Sunday of the Last Judgment – This Sunday is called Meatfare Sunday since it is traditionally the last day before Easter for eating meat. goarch.org 'More)
Неделя о блудном сынеSunday of the Prodigal Son (In the Russian Orthodox Church, 3rd Sunday before Lent: The Sunday of the Prodigal Son is the second Sunday of a three-week period prior to the commencement of Great Lent. On the previous Sunday, the services of the Church began to include hymns from the Triodion, a liturgical book that contains the services from the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee, the tenth before Pascha (Easter), through Great and Holy Saturday. As with the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee, the theme of this Sunday is repentance, and the focus on the parable of the Prodigal Son leads Orthodox Christians to contemplate the necessity of repentance in our relationship with our Heavenly Father. goarch.org)
Неделя сыропустнаяCheesefare Sunday (Forgiveness (Cheesefare) Sunday – тж. Прощёное воскресенье: The Sunday of Forgiveness (Cheesefare) At the onset of Great Lent and a period of intense fasting, this Sunday reminds us of our need for God’s forgiveness and guides our hearts, minds, and spiritual efforts on returning to Him in repentance. goarch.org 'More)
Неделя Торжества ПравославияOrthodox Sunday ("Торжество́ правосла́вия" (греч. ὁ θρίαμβος τῆς Ὀρθοδοξίας) — праздник в Православных церквях, совершаемый в первую неделю (воскресенье) Великого поста.ё: Orthodox Sunday. The first Sunday of Lent, commemorating the restoration of icons in the church (see Iconoclasm). goarch.org 'More)