
Terms for subject News style containing На | all forms | exact matches only
говорить на условиях анонимностиspeak on condition of anonymity ("The UUV was lawfully conducting a military survey in the waters of the South China Sea," one official said, speaking on condition of anonymity. • ...according to a Ukrainian defense official speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive bilateral talks. Alex_Odeychuk)
на исполнительном уровнеon the ground (4uzhoj)
на конфиденциальной основеprivately
на местахon the ground (There's a lot of support for the policy on the ground. Alexander Demidov)
на месте событийon the ground (о месте нахождения корреспондента, миротворческой миссии и проч.: The last communication that we had from our staff member on the ground was that they were still counting the dead. Bullfinch)
на полях сраженийon the ground (4uzhoj)
на условиях анонимностиon condition of anonymity (For that reason he would only speak on condition of anonymity • "The UUV was lawfully conducting a military survey in the waters of the South China Sea," one official said, speaking on condition of anonymity. Olga Okuneva)
на условиях анонимностиprivately (4uzhoj)
на условиях анонимностиunder condition of anonymity (Anglophile)
на условиях анонимностиon the condition of anonymity (The official was one of three senior U.S. intelligence officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity during a briefing arranged for reporters in Washington. • That prohibition is due to longstanding sanctions rather than the most recent events, according to two US officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity. • "The Russian plans call for a military offensive against Ukraine as soon as early 2022 with a scale of forces twice what we saw this past spring during Russia's snap exercise near Ukraine's borders," said an administration official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive information. washingtonpost.com bookworm)
на условиях сохранения анонимностиprivately
на фонеin the face (The Saudi coalition attacks came in the face of demands issued by the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child for the coalition to stop its deadly airstrikes against civilian targets in Yemen (NPM News) Yakov F.)
на фонеin the wake of (Airport security was extra tight in the wake of yesterday's bomb attacks. • In fact, in recent decades the rash of sicknesses in the wake of indoor air pollution has led to the coining of the term "sick-building syndrome". aldrignedigen)
на фонеamid a backdrop (The counter-offensive comes amid a backdrop of losses for Isis in the Palestinian refugee camp Yarmouk, in the Syrian capital of Damascus, after militants invaded it on 1 April. 4uzhoj)
на фонеamid (used esp. by the media: The planned counter-offensive comes amid reports that US President Barack Obama is weighing a decision to authorise air strikes. • One of the major government-backed drives in the city is the development of a tourism industry, amid a widespread belief that Pskov's historical legacy, which has accumulated over more than 1,000 years, could be a big earner. Aelred)
на фоне этих событийin the wake of these events (In the wake of last week's NATO meeting, Russia's reaction was predictable. ART Vancouver)
находиться на стадии проработкиbe in the works (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
непосредственно на месте происшествияon the ground (о месте нахождения корреспондента 4uzhoj)
отказать в передаче на порукиdeny bail
первый взгляд наhands on with (что-либо; в обзорах техники: Первый взгляд на новые смартфоны Samsung Galaxy – Hands on with Samsung's super-flagship, the new Galaxy S22 Ultra 4uzhoj)
представить на всеобщее обозрениеunveil (Mayor Kennedy Stewart has unveiled an ambitious housing plan promising 220,000 new homes over 10 years. ART Vancouver)
сообщить на правах анонимностиconfide ("There is tremendous pressure from hospital administration and regulatory agencies not to prescribe opioids," one local obstetrician confided to me. 4uzhoj)
сообщить на условиях анонимностиsay, speaking on condition of anonymity ("The UUV was lawfully conducting a military survey in the waters of the South China Sea," one official said, speaking on condition of anonymity. • ...according to a Ukrainian defense official speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive bilateral talks. 4uzhoj)
страна, экономика которой находится на грани крахаbasket case (This country is a financial basket case, a country so broke that it should be a perfect warning to lenders. КГА)