
Terms for subject Telephony containing НЕ | all forms | exact matches only
вас почти не слышноI can barely hear you (ART Vancouver)
вы не туда звонитеyou've got the wrong number
не в сетиout of service (о телефоне: I've tried calling him but his phone is out of service and he doesn't answer the buzzer at his apartment. 4uzhoj)
не в сетиout of commission (о телефоне 4uzhoj)
не в сетиout of range (о телефоне: He tries to call Steph but his phone is out of range. 4uzhoj)
не вешайте трубки!hold the line!
не вешайте трубку!hold the line! (по телефону В.И.Макаров)
не вешайте трубкуhold the line
не вешать трубкуhold (Please hold. – Не вешайте трубку. | By continuing to hold, your call will be answered faster than if you hang up and dial again. ART Vancouver)
не вешать трубкуhold the line
не клади трубкуbear with me (4uzhoj)
не кладите трубкуbear with me (ad_notam)
не кладите трубку!hold the line! (по телефону В.И.Макаров)
не отвечатьbe out of range (о телефоне, находящемся вне зоны: If his phone is out of range, he will be back end of week and will contact you then. 4uzhoj)
не отвечаютthere is no answer
ситуация, при которой телефонные линии не справляются с количеством звонковjam (If callers are jamming telephone lines, there are so many callers that the people answering the telephones find it difficult to deal with them all. If callers are jamming telephone lines, there are so many callers that the people answering the telephones find it difficult to deal with them all. The telephone exchange has been jammed all day with people wanting to buy season tickets. VLZ_58; т.е. "перегруженность (телефонной линии)"? Min$draV)
телефон, не имеющий привязки к Сим-картам определённого оператораsim lock free handset (Victorian)
я не отвлекаю?am I disturbing you? (wordreference.com 4uzhoj)
я не отвлекаю?is this a good time? (по телефону; вариант ответа: Sure, now's fine wordreference.com, wordreference.com 4uzhoj)
я не слышу васI can't hear you (по телефону ART Vancouver)