
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing Мост | all forms | exact matches only
Мост ВздоховBridge of Sighs (The bridge in Venice, which crosses high over a narrow canal and joints the Palace of the Doges with the State prison. Over this bridge condemned prisoners were led from the Palace to their palace of execution. In the center of the bridge is a window; the guards would allow a prisoner to pause there and look for the last time at the light of day. Hence the bridge of sighs. 13.05)
наводить мостыbreak the barriers (between ... and ... – между ... и ... Alex_Odeychuk)
не сжигайте мостыbe nice (Alex_Odeychuk)
сжигать мостыburn boats (известно, что ранее римляне-полководцы сжигали свои корабли, высадившись на территории врага, то есть они могли либо победить, либо умереть Taras)