
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing Критерии | all forms | exact matches only
практика – критерий истиныsuck it and see (VLZ_58)
применять одни и те же критерии ко всемlevel the playing field (to make a situation fair for everyone (Merriam-Webster): Study co-author Thomas Davidoff, an associate professor in UBC’s Sauder School of Business, called the findings “outrageous.” “There are lots of people who pay a ton of income tax who own expensive homes, but there's too many people who are clearly affluent who don't contribute much to taxation in British Columbia and that's a failure of the progressivity of our taxes," said Davidoff. He suggests the city should implement a minimum income tax based on property value to level the playing field. "What we've proposed is people have to pay an income tax of one per cent of their property value," Davidoff said. (bc.ctvnews.ca) ART Vancouver)