
Terms for subject Religion containing Китайско | all forms
китайская свеча для воскурения в храмахjoss stick
китайский календарьChinese calendar (Dating system used concurrently with the Gregorian calendar in China and Taiwan and in neighbouring countries)
китайский стильkara-yo (One of the three main Japanese styles of Buddhist temple architecture in the Kamakura period)
KEO Китайское евангелизационное обществоChinese Evangelization Society (Alex Lilo)
пещерные храмы китайских буддистовYun-kang caves (Series of magnificent Chinese Buddhist cave temples, created in the 5th century AD)
Приверженцы традиционных китайских верованийChinese folk religionists
трактат китайской историографииShih-chi