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Terms containing Всеанглийский | all forms | exact matches only
tenn.Всеанглийский клуб лаун-тенниса и крокетаAELTC (All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club Linera)
sport.Всеанглийский клуб, также известный как Всеанглийский клуб лаун-тенниса и крокета или Уимблдонский клубAll England Club (Linera)
gen.Всеанглийский клуб тенниса и крокетаAll-England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club (Sayapina)
law, courtВсеанглийский сборник судебных решенийAll ER (The All England Law Reports (All ER) began in 1936. They are published by Butterworths/Lexis Nexis, and are a rival publication to the Law Reports. The All ERs report significant judgments from the Courts of Appeal and High Courts, and ECJ cases since 1995. The All ERs are generally considered to be second in authority to the Law Reports. These reports cross refer to relevant entries in Halsbury's Laws, Halsbury's Statutes and the Digest. The All ERs Index consists of three volumes, published annually. Soft cover supplements are issued to cover the period between publication of the indexes and the present. It indexes only cases reported in the All ERs: Volume 1 indexes all reported cases and UK and EU legislation judicially considered. Volumes 2 and 3 are a subject index. solitaire)