
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Ассоциации | all forms
N-арная ассоциацияn-ary association (In a static structure diagram, an association among three or more classes (a single class may appear more than once). Each instance of the association is an ordered set of values from the respective classes)
ассоциация возможностиfeature stapling (The process of associating a feature with a site definition, without modifying the site definition itself or using code routines. The associated feature is added automatically to new sites that are based on that site definition)
ассоциация на основе внешнего ключаforeign key association (An association between entities that is managed through foreign key properties)
Ассоциация национальных рекламных агентствAssociation of National Advertisers, Inc. (ANA)
Ассоциация национальных рекламных агентствANA (ANA)
Ассоциация рекламных исследованийAdvertising Research Foundation (ARF)
Ассоциация рекламных исследованийARF (ARF)
набор ассоциацийassociation set (A logical container for instances of associations of the same type)
Национальная ассоциация автоматизированных клиринговых палат, NACHANational Automated Clearing House Association (An organization that operates the Automated Clearing House (ACH) Network)
независимая ассоциацияindependent association (An association between entities that is represented and tracked by an independent object)
окончание ассоциацииassociation end (The end of a binary or other association where it connects to a class. By associating properties with an association end, you can indicate the role or direction)
роль ассоциацииAssociationRole (A type of collaboration role that describes the relationship between two ClassifierRoles. It is represented by a path between two class role elements and can include the underlined name of the corresponding association)
Стандарт 005 Канадской платёжной ассоциацииCanadian Payments Association Standard 005 (A standard for the exchange of financial data on automatic funds transfer (AFT) records that is maintained by the Canadian Payments Association (CPA))