
Terms containing 比高 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.三分之一高跨比one-third pitch
el.下一最高响应比highest response-ratio next
proj.manag.不过、闪存通常较为便宜、它随机读取的速度最高可比典型硬盘快10倍Flash memory, however, is generally cheaper and can service random reads up to 10 times faster than a typical hard disk
commer.今年产量将比去年高得多The outturn this year will be much higher than last year
econ.他买了比票面价值高的股票He has bought shares above par
gen.M 价格比 M 要高得多cost a precious sight more than
sport.任何跳高运动员不得无故延误比赛No jumpers are allowed to delay the competition without reason
econ.优先股比率高的资本high-geared capital
tech.低压缩比高增压发动机high supercharged engine of low compression ratio
auto.低高宽比〔宽断面〕轮胎low-aspect tire
shipb.你们的价格比我们从别处得到的报价要高Your price is higher than that we got from elsewhere.
econ.你方还盘比现行市价高出很多,难以接受Being much higher than the current price, your counteroffer is too difficult to accept
gen.你知道吗,俄塞俄比亚高原是尼罗河的发源地Do you know that Ethiopian Highland is the source of the Nile River?
IT像素宽高比pixel aspect ratio
IT像素宽高比pel aspect ratio
multimed.像素高宽比pixel aspect ratio
skiing儿童国际高山滑雪比赛Children's International Alpine Competitions
gen.先生,我们的价格可能比您原本想的略高,这样没事吧?Sir, our room prices are slightly higher than you may have thought. Will that be okay?
agric.冠厚树高比crown length ratio
tech.冠长树比高crown length ratio
securit.准许的最高杠杆比率maximum permitted leverage
racing减重短程高速赛车比赛drag car racing
interntl.trade.出价比别人高bid against a person
econ.分析报告表明尿素中缩二脲含量是1.1%,而不是1.0%,比需要的要求高一些The analyst report shows that the biuret content of the ures is 1.1% instead of 1.0%, higher than necessary
desert.利比亚高原Libyan Plateau (迪法高原)
bridg.constr.剪切高跨比shear span-depth ratio
expl.加大装药的比例、以提高工程爆破的效力augment the effect of an engineering blast by raising the proportion of charged explosive
auto.转速升高比step-up ratio
auto.转速升高比stepping up
el.单线对高比特率数字用户线single-pair high-bit-rate digital subscriber line
el.单线对高比特率数字用户线single pair high-bit-rate digital subscriber line
railw.压力升高比pressure step-up ratio
auto.压力升高比ratio of pressure rise
railw.压力升高比rate of pressure rise
tech.压力升高比rate of explosion
hydroel.st.厚高比ratio of thickness to height
auto.轮胎名义高宽比nominal aspect ratio
tech.含腐叶百分比高的土壤soil containing a high percentage of rotted leaves
construct.四分之一高跨比quarter pitch (高1:跨4)
tech.四分之一高跨比quarter height-to-span ratio
tech.四分之一高跨比quarter pitch (斜坡)
tech.四分之一高跨比1/4 height-to-span ratio
hydroel.st.四分之一高跨比quarter pitch 1:4
tech.四分之一高跨比one-fourth pitch
econ.国民经济按比例的高速发展proportionate and speedy development of the national economy
el.国际电信电话21世纪太比特高速公路KDD terabit highway for the twenty-first century
tech.图像宽高比picture aspect ratio
space图像宽高比picture ratio
tech.图像宽高比image aspect ratio
tech.图像宽高比aspect ratio
sport.在女子跳高比赛中、 郑达真创造了一项新的亚洲纪录High jumper Zheng Dazhen set a new Asian record in women's high jump.
sport.在撑竿跳高和跳高比赛中、运动员仅在胸前或后背佩戴一块号码布In the pole vault and high jump events, one number bib may be worn on the breast or back only
sport.在撑竿跳高比赛中、75 号选手3次试跳均不成功、最后被淘汰In the pole vault, No. 75 failed to clear the bar on any of his three attempts and was eliminated
sport.在撑竿跳高比赛中、113 号选手越过了 5.75 米In the pole vault, No. 113 cleared 5. 75 meters
sport.在跳高和撑竿跳高比赛中、任何一名运动员连续3次试跳失败将被取消比赛资格In the high jump and pole vault, any competitor with three consecutive unsuccessful trials is eliminated
sport.在跳高比赛时、横杆放在最初的起跳高度上、每名选手有三次机会跳越横杆In the high jump, the bar is set at a starting height and each competitor has three chances to clear it
sport., med.坐高比specific sitting height
el.坝的长高比length to height ratio of dam
desert.埃塞俄比亚高原Ethiopian highland
tech.基一高比base-height ratio
tech.基线与航高比例base-height ratio
tech.基线与高度比K factor
tech.基线与高度比base-altitude ratio
avia.基线与高度比base-height ratio
rem.sens.基线航高比base-height ratio
tech.基线航高比base-altitude ratio
tech.基线航高比倒数reciprocal of base-height ratio
tech.基线航高比倒数reciprocal of the base height ratio
tech.基线航高比倒数reciprocal of base-altitude ratio
space基高比base to height ratio
space基-高比base-height ratio
oil基高比base-height ratio
proj.manag.它使用鲜明的对比、更高速度的屏幕刷新、在你快速移动光标时不会丢失光标也称潜水provides sharp contrast, speedier screen refresh and doesn't lose your cursor when you move it fast also knowing as submarining
el.宽度-高度比width-to-height ratio
archit.截面宽高比width-to-depth ratio
hydroel.st.宽高比aspect ratio
telecom.宽高比图像aperture ratio
tech.截面的宽高比width-to-depth ratio
el.对称高比特率数字用户环路symmetric high-bit-rate digital subscriber loop
tech.屋面高跨比pitch of roof
tech.屋顶高跨比roof pitch
archit.屋顶高跨比斜度pitch of roof
tech.屋顶高跨比pitch of a roof
tech.屋顶高跨比角度angle of roof pitch
tech.帧面宽高比picture aspect ratio
tech.底高比base-height ratio
golf.庭园式高尔夫球比赛Tom Thumb golf
sport.庭院式小型高尔夫球比赛Tom Thumb golf
tech.征收比规定费率高的保险费rate up
tech.径高比ratio of diameter to high
nautic., tech.悬高杆长比suspension height-boom length ratio
sport.我想报名参加跳高比赛I want to enter my name for the high jump
shipb.我觉得你们的价格比较高I'm afraid your price is quite high.
construct.房顶〔屋面〕高跨比pitch of roof
tech.房顶高跨比pitch of roof
UN拉丁美洲和加勒比环境事项区域合作高级别专家会议High-Level Experts meeting on Regional Cooperation on Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean
hydroel.st.拱坝弧高比ratio of arch crest length to height (crest length-height ratio)
construct.拱的高pitch of arch
tech.拱的高跨比pitch of arch
tech.拱高与跨度比arch rise-span ratio
bridg.constr.拱高跨比ratio of rise and span
bridg.constr.拱高跨比ratio of pitch and span
textile按比例升高scale up
tech.按比例高速发展proportionate and speedy development
met.提高二次燃烧比increasing post-combustion ratio
securit.提高杠杆比例增发债券提高资产结构中的杠杆比例leverage up
China, polit.提高比重、比例increase the proportion of
expl.摩天大厦的高度,举世罕比The height of the skyscraper is without compare
outd.摩托车跳高比赛step up
auto.汽车赛改装的高速赛车比赛路段drag strip
proj.manag.显示器和图形宽度对其高度的比率aspect ratio
econ.最高利润比maximum profit ratio
China, polit.最高差额比例the maximum percentage for competitive election
oil.proc.最高有效压缩比highest useful compression ratio
auto.发动机最高有效压缩比highest useful compression ratio
space最高有效比特most significant bit
auto.最高档总速比overall top gear ratio
telecom.最高比特率maximum bit rate
tech.最高齿轮速比top gear ratio
agric.树高比率tree height ratio
tech.梁的高度与跨长之比depth ratio
tech.梁的高度与跨长之比depth-beam ratio
tech.梯级高进比rise/run ratio
tech.楼梯踏步高宽比rise and run ratio
sport.比…… 爬得高outclimb
sport.比…… 高一等outclass
China, polit.比上一年高出近10个百分点nearly 10 percentage points higher than the previous year
space比例高度scaling height (核爆炸高度与爆炸当量的立方根之比)
space比例高度效应scale altitude effect
space比利时空间高层大气物理学研究所Institut d'Aéronomie Spatiale de Belgique (法文)
space比利时空间高层大气物理学研究院Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy
space比利时空间高层大气物理研究所Belgian Institute of Space Aeronomy
sport, bask.比对方跳得高outjump
textile, tradem., USA比尤格里普高强力黏胶丝Beau Grip
tech.比平流层更高的大气层higher layers of the atmosphere
ecol.比平流层更高的大气层higher layers (of the stratosphere)
el.比特和八位字节同步信号高层次数据链路控制规程bit-and octet-synchronous signal high-level data link control procedure
gen.比…稍高just over
gen.比自己高明的人one's better
met.比色 - 比亮高温计colour-brightness pyrometer
tech.比色光学高温计colour pyrometer
tech.比色光学高温计color pyrometer
met.比色一比亮高温计colour-brightness pyrometer
met.比色光学高温计Bioptix pyrometer
construct.比色高温计color pyrometer
tech.比色高温计color ratio pyrometer
tech.比色高温计colour ratio pyrometer
met.比色高温计pyroversum pyrometer
met.比色高温计colour pyrometer
met.比色高温计colorimetric pyrometer
tech.比色高温计colour comparator pyrometer
chem.比色高温计colourimetric pyrometer
tech.比色高温计color comparator pyrometer
heavy.eq.比赛高潮competition climax
proj.manag.比较基数偏高high base of comparison
securit.比较基数较高high base of comparison
badm.比较平直的高远球attacking clear
badm.比较平直的高远球attacking clear
securit.比重高于股价指数market overweight
space比高scaling height
space比高scale height of burst (核爆炸高度与威力立方根的比值)
gen.比高stack up
met.水灰比高的混凝土wet concrete
tech.波状高跨比pitch of corrugations
construct.波纹高跨比pitch of corrugations
tech.波高一波长比wave height-length ratio
desert.流域高宽比relief ratio
earth.sc.流域高长比流域最大高差与流域最大长度之比relief ratio
tech.潮高比height ratio of tide
tech.灌入高度比grouting height ratio
el.甚高比特率数字用户环路very high bit-rate digital subscriber loop
el.甚高比特率数字用户线very high bit-rate digital subscriber line
el.甚高比特率数字用户线以太网Ethernet over VDSL
tech.甚高比特率数字用户线系统very high bit rate digital subscriber line
commun., railw.甚高比特轍字用户线Very high bit rate Digital Subscriber Line
expl.甲比乙高出几个数量级A is magnitudes higher than B
adv.画面宽高比aspect ratio
hydroel.st.1:4 的高跨比quarter pitch 1:4
eng.geol.试样直径高度比diameter to height ratio
met.相对高度比relative height ratio
gen.硬玉俗称翡翠,其比重达到3. 33,硬度高于软玉Jadeite, is also called jade, the proportion reached 3. 33, harder than nephrite
econ.第二季度的租金比第一季度的要高The second quarter's rent is higher than the first quarter's
el.等高线对比地形跟踪导航系统terrain contour matching navigation system
tech.级高与级宽比rise to run ration (楼梯)
proj.manag.结果表明:该系统能够达到非常高的并行加速比和并行效率Results show that this system could run with high speedup ratio and parallel efficiency
rem.sens.航高-等高距比altitude-contour ratio
shipb.舵高与舵宽的比aspect ratio rudder
shipb.舷墙高与船宽比bulwark height over the breadth
chem.莫比尔公司高温二甲苯异构化工艺Mobil high temperature xylene isomerization process
cosmet.虽然我们的兰蔻香水具有高质量和与众不同的香型,但是它的价格比普通香水高很多,我认为广告应该针对时尚人群Although our Lancome perfume is of high quality and of different flavors, it is much more expensive than ordinary perfume. I think the advertising should aim at fashionable people
tech.观察帧高比viewing ratio
pack.该液体灌装机性价比高,小容量填充十分精确,主要用于水性和其他低黏度产品的充填This liquid filling machine is the machine of choice for high value; small volume fills at very high accuracy. It is primarily suitable for aqueous and other light viscosity products
gen.调整燃料的混合比使达到最高速度soup (up)
shipb.贵方的价格比去年高了 20%Your price is 20% higher than that of last year.
securit.资本结构中负债比率高的公司high-gearing company
space超高函道比发动机ultra-bypass engine
space超高函道比发动机ultra high bypass engine
tech.超高压缩比发动机extra-high compression engine
el.超高对比度very high contrast
el.超高对比度液晶显示器very high contrast liquid crystal display
el.超高比特率数字用户环路ultra high-bit-rate digital subscriber loop
avia.超高涵比ultra high bypass
avia.超高涵道比发动机ultra-bypass engine
avia.超高涵道比发动机ultra-bypass propulsion
avia.超高涵道比发动机ultra bypass engine
tech.超高阻比较器high megohm resistance comparator
tech.距高比spacing-height ratio
hydroel.st.跨高比span-depth ratio
bridg.constr.跨高比ratio of depth to length of span
bridg.constr.跨高比span depth ratio
tech.路灯间距与悬高比spacing-to-mounting height ratio
exhib.踏步宽和踏步高的比值tread-riser ratio
tech.踏步级高与踏步宽之比rise and run ratio
tech.踏步高宽比rise and run ratio
auto.轮胎截面高宽比tire aspect ratio
bridg.constr.较高细长比higher slenderness ration
tech.速度高度比velocity/height ratio (值)
avia.速度/高度比velocity/height ratio
tech.速高比speed-height ratio
space速高比velocity/height ratio
avia.速高比velocity to height ratio
space速高比计velocity to height meter
auto.重心高度与轴距之比ratio of height of center of gravity to wheelbase
tech.锚碇高度比anchor level ratio
footb.锦标赛中比分最高者biggest win of the tournament
tech.长的比较高大bigger on the hoof
sport.长跑比赛需要有很高的心理和身体素质Distance race requires high mental and physical qualities
bridg.constr.长高比length-height ratio
eng.geol.长高比length height ratio
tech.长高比length to height ratio
tech.长高比【船length to beam ratio
tech.间高比spacing-height ratio
met.降低高炉焦比的措施measures to reduce coke rate of blast furnace
met.降低高炉焦比的措施measures of reducing coke rate of BF
telecom.随着电子技术的发展,高比能量的移动电源需求量越来越大With the development of electronic technique, high-energy-density portable powers are demanded more and more
tech.障碍高度与车轮直径比obstacle-height to wheel-diameter ratio
el.面积高比率缩小芯片high area reduction die
auto.转向系统传动比转向high-ratio steering
el.高[深]宽比aspect ratio
archit.-径比height-diameter ratio
met.depth-span ratio
met.depth-span ratio (例)
construct.度与度之depth-span ratio
construct.度与度之depth-width ratio
securit.高于市场持有比重market overweight
auto.高传动比在用发动机最大输出功率及相应高车速时的传动比high gearing
telecom.高位比特high order bit
telecom.高低亮度比highlight to lowlight ratio
auto.传动系统高低传动比区间high-low range
el.高-低比特率high-low bit rate
space高体积比冲high volumetric specific impulse
securit.高借贷比资本high geared capital
mil., air.def.高占空比high duty cycle
space高压比high pressure ratio
avia.高压比high-pressure ratio
plast.高压缩比〈螺杆〉high-compression ratio
auto.发动机高压缩比high-compression ratio
tech.高压缩比high compression ratio
auto.高压缩比发动机high-compression engine
tech.高压缩比发动机high compression engine
tech.高压缩比汽缸盖high compression cylinder head
tech.高压缩比稀混合气体发动机high compression lean burn engine
auto.高压缩比缸盖high-compression head
bridg.constr.高厚比depth-thickness ratio
tech.高厚比width-thickness ratio
tech.高厚比ratio of height to thickness
tech.高变性比high modification-ratio
met.高合金比合金concentrated alloy
securit.高售价比股票收益high ratio
met.高喷吹比high rate injection
met.高喷煤比高blast furnace with high-rate PCI
met.高喷煤比高炉操作BF operation with high coal injection rate
met.高喷煤比high coal injection rate
met.高喷煤比high rate of coal injection
met.高喷煤比high-rate pulverized coal injection
met.高喷煤比high rate injection of pulverized coal
met.高喷煤比技术high coal injection rate technology
met.高喷煤比技术high PCI rate technology
met.高喷煤比技术high PCI technology
tech.高宽比rise and run (楼梯踏步)
tech.高宽比high-to-width ratio
auto.轮胎高宽比aspect ratio
plast.高宽比height to width ratio
hydroel.st.高宽比depth-width ratio
hydroel.st.高宽比depth-to-width ratio
eng.geol.高宽比depth-width ratio
auto.轮胎断面高宽比height-to-width (ratio)
auto.轮胎断面高宽比section height/section width
exhib.高宽比aspect ratio
cinema帧的高宽比aspect ratio
auto.轮胎断面高宽比aspect ratio
tech.高宽比height-to-width ratio
adv.高对比high contrast
telecom.高对比度high contrast
AI.高对比度图像high contrast imaging
construct.高对比度图像high-contrast image
tech.高对比度图像high contrast image
el.高对比度寻址液晶high contrast addressing LC
oil高对比度异常high-contrast anomalies
tech.高对比度异常high contrast anomalies
avia.高对比度目标high-contrast target
tech.高对比成像high contrast imagery
tech.高对比目标high contrast target
archer.高尔夫式射箭比赛archery golf
golf.高尔夫球比赛方式的―种best and gross
tech.高屈强比钢high yield steel
skiing高山滑雪两项比赛north combined competition
earth.sc.高岭石-绿泥石比kaolinite chlorite ratio
tech.高峰停放比率ratio of parking for peak phase
tech.高峰剥采比peak stripping ratio
tech.高峰小时比率peak hour ratio
tech.高峰小时流量比peak ratio
mil., air.def.高工作比high duty cycle
met.高废钢比high scrap rate
met.高废钢比操作operation with high scrap rate
met.高废钢比炉料high scrap charge
met.高废钢比熔炼技术smelting technique with high scrap rate
met.高废钢比转炉炼钢converter steelmaking with high scrap rate
eng.geol.高度〔垂直〕比例尺scale of height
tech.高度与宽度之比depth-width ratio
auto.高度与直径之比height-to-diameter ratio
tech.高度与直径之比aspect ratio
bridg.constr.高度与跨度之比ratio of depth to length of span
tech.高度与跨度之比depth-span ratio
desert.高度与间距比height: spacing ratio
textile高度对比high contrast
auto.制动系统高度敏感式比例阀height-sensing proportioning valve
tech.高度比aspect ratio
tech.高度比例尺scale of height
tech.高度比例尺height scale
tech.高度比例尺altitude scale
avia.高度比率altitude rate
auto.高度直径比ratio of height to diameter
tech.高度直径比height-diameter ratio
avia.高度直径比height to diameter
shipb.高度计比例尺误差表altimeter scale error card
mil., air.def.高度距离比height-to-distance rate
space高度距离比height-to-distance ratio
gen.高度-距离比height to distance ratio
tech.高度跨度比depth-to-span ratio
space高强度-密度比[率]high strength-to-density ratio
chem.高径比aspect ratio
oil高径比slenderness ratio
auto.高径比ratio of height to diameter
tech.高径比height-diameter ratio
avia.高总压比high overall pressure ratio
sport.高手林立的比赛star-studded meet
polo.高排名球队比赛high goal play
space高模量一密度比[率]high modulus-to-density ratio
expl.高模量比岩石弹性〈切线〉模量与单轴抗压强度的比值大于500的岩石rock of high modulus ratio
tech.高模量比岩石high ratio of modulus
anim.husb.高比height ratio
tech.高比height ratio
tech.高比速泵high specific speed pump
textile高比例high rate
textile高比例higher rate
textile高比例毛涤花呢wool-rich and polyester fancy suiting
avia.高比冲high specific impulse
sport.高比分boxcar figures
sport.高比分high score
sport.高比分balloon score
tech.高比压仿星器high beta stellarator
avia.高比推力high specific impulse
genet.高比放射性high-specific activity
oil高比放射性high specific activity
telecom.高比特率high bit rate
el.高比特率数字用户环路技术high-bit-rate digital subscriber loop technology
tech.高比特率数字用户线high bit rate digital subscriber line
el.高比特率数字用户线路收发器high-bit-rate digital subscriber line transceiver
el.高比特率视频high-bit-rate video
agric.高比率high percentage
securit.高比率贷款high-ratio loan
securit.高比率贷款投资high leveraged investment
auto.高比率输出high specific output
tech.高比电阻粉尘high resistivity dust
tech.高比能量high energy-density
avia.高比表面积high surface area
el.mach.高比转速high specific speed
hydroel.st.高比速法兰西斯式水轮机high-specific-speed Francis turbine
agric.高比速泵high specific speed pump
hydroel.st.高比速混流式水轮机high-specific-speed Francis turbine
hydroel.st.高比速混流式水轮机higher-specific-speed Francis turbine
tech.高比速混流式水轮机higher specific speed Francis turbine
hydroel.st.高比速辐向流式水轮机high-specific-speed Francis turbine
hydroel.st.高比速辐向轴流式水轮机higher-specific-speed Francis turbine
tech.高比速辐向轴流式水轮机higher specific speed Francis turbine
dril.高比重high gravity
dril.高比重压井液kill-weight fluid
chem.高比重合金high density alloys
met.高比重合金high density alloy
tech.高比重合金high-density alloy
tech.高比重固相含量high weight solids content
sport., med.高比重尿baruria
tech.高比重水泥high-density cement
tech.高比重油井水泥oil-well cement of high density
tech.高比重泥浆weight drilling mud
dril.高比重泥浆heavy mud
tech.高比重泥浆loaded mud
dril.高比重泥浆钻井heavy weight drilling
dril.高比重添加剂heavy weight additive
met.高比重燃料high gravity fuel
shipb.高比重燃料high-gravity fuel
dril.高比重盐水density brine
econ.高比重货物closeweight cargo
busin.高比重货物closeweight goods
tech.高比阻铜镍合金advance metal
gen.高比阻铜镍合金Advance (metal)
mining.高气油比high gas-oil ratio
oil高气油比原油high gas-oil ratio crude oil
oil高气油比原油high-shrinkage crude oil
hydroel.st.高水力比能短时运行范围high specific hydraulic energy temporary operating range
earth.sc.高油气比high gas-oil ratio
tech.高液气比high liquid-gas ratio
space高涵道比high bypass ratio
space高涵道比发动机high ratio engine
space高涵道比涡轮风扇发动机high bypass turbofan
tech.高涵道流量比high by-pass ratio
textile高混纺比high blending ratio
met.高炉使用球团矿比pellet rate in BF burden
met.高炉喷煤置换比replacement ratio of coke-to-coal for BF
met.高炉喷煤置换比coke-to-coal replacement ratio for blast furnace (【技】高炉喷吹煤粉的主要目的是利用价格低廉的煤粉取代价格昂贵资源紧缺的焦炭。高炉每喷人单位质量的煤粉所能替代的焦炭量即高炉喷煤置换比。喷吹煤粉能置换焦炭是由于煤粉中的碳和氢代替了焦炭中的碳。故影响高炉喷煤置换比的主要因素有:喷吹煤粉的种类和数量。含碳和含氢量高的煤粉,置换比就高,反之就低。喷吹煤粉在风口前的气化程度高,置换比就高,反之就低。此外,风温风压的高低、富氧程度、煤气流的利用状况以及高炉的操作状况都会对高炉喷煤置换比产生影响。)
busin.高炉炼焦比coke ratio in blast furnace iron-making
met.高炉煤焦置换比replacement ratio of coke-to-coal for BF
met.高炉煤焦置换比coke-to-coal replacement ratio for blast furnace
met.高炉燃料比blast furnace fuel rate (【技】高炉喷吹煤粉、重油或天然气后,加上焦炭,折合每炼一吨生铁所消耗的燃料总量。)
met.高炉高喷煤比操作BF operation with high coal injection rate
gen.高电抗电阻比large reactance-resistance ratio
econ.高程比例尺scale of elevation
avia.高空油气混合比调节器altitude mixture control
chem.高精度同位素比质谱计high precision isotope ratio mass spectrometer
tech.高级储量百分比percentage of higher-category reserves
bridge.高级对式比赛master pairs
tech.高级巴比特合金majestic babbitt alloy
el.高级指挥仪相位比较仪系统director raydist system-high
el.高纵横比high-aspect ratio
el.高纵横比钻孔high-aspect ratio drilling
bridg.constr.高细长比high slenderness ratio
tech.高衬比high contrast
textile高裤脚比基尼泳衣high-cut leg bikini
refrig.高诱导比的喷嘴送风high induction nozzle diffuser
fin.高负债比率highly geared ratio
tech.高跨一与四比quarter pitch
hydroel.st.高跨比rise to span ratio
eng.geol.高跨比ratio of rise to span
bridg.constr.高跨比ratio of depth to length of span
bridg.constr.高跨比depth-span ratio
construct.高跨比rise-to-span ratio
archit.高跨比rise-span ratio
met.1/4屋架高跨比one-fourth pitch
tech.高跨比ratio of rise to span
tech.高跨比depth-to-span ratio
tech.高跨比为单数的屋顶odd-pitch roof
polym.高轴比纤维high axial ratio fibrous type
econ.高速度以按比例发展为前提High speed presupposes a balanced development
tech.高速比传动装置high ratio gear
tech.高速比较器high-speed comparator
tech.高速电压比较器high-speed voltage comparator
oil高配合比混合物rich mixture
met.高铁比炉料high iron charge
met.高铁水比high hot metal rate
met.高铁水比炉料操作法high molten pig iron practice (平炉的)
met.高铁水比炉料操作法high hot metal practice (平炉的)
met.高铁水比熔炼high hot metal smelting
met.高铁水比熔炼high hot metal heat
met.高锡巴比合金high tin babbit (含83〜 87Sn)
compr.高锡巴比合金high-tin babbit
water.res., ecol.高镒酸钾-过硫酸钾消解-双硫踪比色法potassium permanganate-potassium persulfate decomposed-dithizone colorimetry
tech.高阔比high-to-width ratio
tech.高阔比depth-width ratio
tech.高阔比depth-to-width ratio
tech.高阻比较器high megohm resistance comparator
tech.高集料水泥比high aggregate/cement ratio
tech.高集灰比high aggregate/cement ratio
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