
Terms for subject Electronics containing 飞船 | all forms | in specified order only
单级地球轨道可重复使用飞船single-stage earth-orbital reusable vehicle
双子星座飞船任务模拟器Gemini mission simulator
双子星座飞船发射数据系统Gemini Launch data system
双子星座飞船运载火箭Gemini launch vehicle
可重复使用载人飞船manned reusable spacecraft
太阳近区先进研究用行星际飞船interplanetary craft for advanced research in the vicinity of the sun
宇宙飞船通信操作中心communications spacecraft operations center
舰船导航与飞机惯性校准系统ships navigation and aircraft inertial alignment system
轨道运输飞船orbital transfer vehicle
飞船卫生健康监测系统vehicle health monitor system