
Terms for subject Nursing containing | all forms
接触three-mirror contact lens
下颌骨颜发育不全mandibulofacial dysostosis
中枢性central facial palsy
中骨盆平mid plane of pelvis
主动脉瓣口aortic valve orifice area
乙型肝炎表抗体hepatitis B surface antibody
二尖瓣mitral facies
二尖瓣口mitral valve orifice area
二维切声像图two-dimensional cross section sonogram
伤寒typhoid facies
低钙击Chvostek sign
lateral view
偏侧肌痉挛hemifacial spasm
偏侧肌萎缩facial hemiatrophy
性失语症global aphasia
全颜疤痕挛缩cicatricial contracture of face
关节折断articular fracture
心脏回声图cross-sectional echocardiography
显像cross-section imaging
显像cross section imaging
超声心动图cross-sectional echocardiography
超声心动描记术cross section echocardiography
湿敷wet dressing (on surface of wound)
前额喉切除术anterior frontal laryngectomy
痉挛hemifacial spasm
半侧部肢体发育不良hemifacial microsomia
半月平planum semilunatum
simple cavity
论证one-side proof
单一平关节hinge joint
论证two-side proof
双平关节two plane joint
口腔表麻醉superficial anesthesia of mouth
口腔颌外科一般护理general care of oromaxillo-facial surgery
口腔颌外科手术前后护理pre and post operative care of oromaxillo-facial surgery
口腔颌脂肪瘤lipoma of oral and maxillofacial region
口腔颌脂肪肉瘤liposarcoma of oral and maxillofacial region
口腔颌部损伤护理nursing care of oromaxillo-facial injuries
口腔颌部清创术debridement of oral and maxillo-facial region
口腔颌部炎症oro-maxillo-facial inflammation
呆小病cretinism special complexion
周围性peripheral facial palsy
complex cavity
积 III° 烧伤疤痕挛缩extensive third degree burn scar contracture
积烧伤一般护理general care of extensive burns
安全切盘safe sided disc
定位平plane of orientation
定位平斜度inclination of plane of orientation
导平guiding plane
左心长轴切long axis view of the left heart
导板plane guide plate
导板flat bite plate
检影镜plane retinoscope
平滑smooth surface caries
按体表积计算失水量公式calculated with TBS
文丘里Venturi mask
导板oblique guide plate
导板inclined bite plate
斯蒂尔牙Steele facing
断层 X 线片pantomogram
断层 X 线片panoramic
平整术root planing
transverse plane
母体娩出式Duncan mechanism
法兰克福平Frankfurt plane
满月moon shaped face face
烧伤积估计estimation of burn area
烧伤创感染程度分级法grading of burn wound infection
烧伤创脓毒症burn wound sepsis
生物膜P片劈.裂protoplasmic fracture face
生物膜E 片劈裂endocellular fracture face
瓣口反流regurgitant valve orifice area
病危critical facies
sagittal plane
组织tissue surface
T 细胞表抗原T cell surface antigen
结核tubercular facies
耳源性otogenic facial paralysis
肢端肥大症acromegaly facies
胎儿娩出式Schultz mechanism
胸侧chest lateral view
胸骨旁短轴切parasternal short axis view
血管瘤病Sturge-Weber syndrome
血管瘤病encephalofacial angiomatosis
lingual surface
lingual fossa
苦笑sardonic facies
苦笑risus sardonicus
蒙森殆球学说Monson spherical theory of occlusion
frog face
上皮superficial epithelium
局麻Surface anesthesia
贫血anemic facies
超声电子计算机切显像ultrasonic computer tomography
足趾掌疤痕挛缩cicatricial contracture at volar aspect of toes
近中medial surface
反射带照明法zone of specular reflection
霍乱cholera face
中部发育不良midfacial hypoplasia
先露face presentation
具有害空间harmful space within the mask
团感doughy sensation
对面视野检查法confrontation method
face bow
弓叉face bow fork
弓记录face-bow record
-指综合征oral-facial-digital syndrome
瘫护理nursing care of facial paralysis
神经减压术facial nerve decompression
神经吻合术facial nerve anastomosis
纱细胞veiled cell
罩给氧mask oxygen inhalation
肌抽搐facial tic
肌痉挛facial tic
肌痉挛clonic facial spasm
肩肱型肌营养不良Landouzy-Dejerine dystrophy
肩肱型肌营养不良facio scapulo humeral type muscular dystrophy
裂囊肿facial cleft cyst
部侧貌facial profile
部恶性肉芽肿facial malignant granuloma
部烧伤burns of face
部联动facial syncinesis
部麻痹Bell palsy
颊部facial-buccal area
联合进路combined craniofacial approach
外伤止血法hemostasis of maxillo-facial injuries
潴留性囊肿retention cyst of maxillofacial region
疤痕maxillofacial scar
神经鞘瘤nerve sheath tumor of maxillofacial region
缺损修复.maxillofacial prosthesis
软骨肉瘤chondrosarcoma of maxillofacial region
部尤因肉瘤Ewing sarcoma of maxillo facial region
部畸形缺损整形术护理nursing care of reconstruction of maxillo-facial deformity and defects
部皮肤癌cutaneum carcinoma of maxillo facial region
部表皮样囊肿epidermoid cyst of maxillofacial region
部骨瘤oral maxillofacial osteoma
神经CN VII facial nerve
神经试验facial nerve tests
神经麻痹facial nerve paralysis
部疖痈furuncle and carbuncle of maxillofacial region
部血管瘤haemangioma of facial region
黏液性水肿myxedema facies