
Terms for subject Nautical containing 非" | all forms
低比活度 LSA-1裂变的或预计裂变的放射性物质radioactive material, low specific activity LSA-1 non-fissile or fissile-excepted (UN 2912)
全滑行模式或排水模式fully planning mode or non-displacement mode
国际贸易委员会染证书International Trade Administration Commission (NLS 证书)
的南部区域Southern South African waters
取缔法贩运危险毒品公约Convention for the Suppression of Illicit Traffic in Dangerous Drugs
线性模型weakly non-linear model
联合国禁止法贩运麻醉药品和精神药品公约United Nations Convention against illicit traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances
优惠性配额non-preferential quota
入级船舶non-classed ship
公约船舶non-convention ship
协定自动出口配额制non-agreement voluntary export quotas
危险区域non-hazardous area
原生境保存ex situ conservation
受援船unassisted craft
固化物质non-solidifying substance
固定价格non-fixed price
均匀有理 B样条non-uniform rational B-spline
均匀有理B样条曲面NURBS surface
基本类管路系统non-essential piping systems
对称数字用户环路asymmetric digital subscriber line
帆艇non-sailing boat
常严重的海难very serious marine casualty
常规富裕干舷船舶ships having an unusual large freeboard
常规富裕干舷船舶ship having an unusual large freeboard
弹性联轴节non-elastic coupling
IACS 成员non-IACS member
排水状态non-displacement mode
收放型减摇鳍装置不可收放式减摇鳍,固定式减摇鳍non-retractable fin stabilizer
敞口船non-open top ship
散热设备non-heat elimination equipment
暴露区非露天区域unexposed zones
有效上层建筑non-effective superstructure
本地物种non-indigenous species
机动船舶巴拿马运河non-self-propelled vessel
机动船舶non-self propelled vessel
油船non-oil tanker
洲渔业伙伴关系precautionary approach to fisheries
电控柴油机non-electrically controlled diesel engine
直接测量装置indirect gauging device
破坏性试验无损检测non-destroyed test
线性干扰抑制non-linear interference suppression
线性缺陷显示nonlinear indication
职务技术成果non-employee-developed technology
自吸泵non-self priming pump
自航平台non-self-propelled unit
裂变的或预计裂变的表面受到放射性物质污染的物体radioactive material surface contaminated objects SCO-1, non-fissile or fissile-excepted UN 2913
轴对称屈曲non-axisymmetric buckling
重要用途锅炉auxiliary boilers for nonessential services
重要系统nonessential system
重要设备non-essential equipment
高速小水线面双体船small water-plane area twin hull
黏性物质non-cohesive material
黏性货物non-cohesive cargoes