
Terms for subject Information technology containing 雷雷 | all forms
反鱼雷网antitorpedo net
复合脉冲雷达complex pulse radar
宽束雷达wide beam radar
帕雷托最优性Pareto optimality
帕雷托最优解Pareto optimal solution
帕雷托法则Pareto principle
V形波束雷达V-beam radar
格雷余3二进制编码的十进制码Gray-coded excess-3 BCD
格雷循环码Gray cyclic code
波束雷达beam radar
相干脉冲雷达coherent pulse radar
真实孔径雷达real aperture radar
级联模拟-格雷码转换器cascade analog to Gray code converter
线性调频雷达chirp radar
超近程雷达very short-range radar
避雷器波前冲击击穿放电电压front of wave impulse sparkover voltage of an arrester
阀式避雷器valve type surge arrester
防雷区lightning protection zone
雷电冲击截波chopped lightning impulse
雷电电磁脉冲lightning electromagnetic impulse
雷达显示台display console
雷达波束radar beam
雷达盲区radar blind range
雷雨云起电electrification in thunderclouds