
Terms for subject Technology containing 陆架 | all forms | in specified order only
上升陆架uplifted shelf
上升陆架uplifted continental shelf
不稳定大陆架labile shelf
东海陆架边缘隆起带upwarping zone of East China sea shelf margin
中国东海陆架坳陷带Downwarping zone of East China sea shelf
主要着陆架basic travelling gear
主要着陆架basic traveling gear
冰蚀陆架glacial shelf
双串式着陆轮架装置dual-in-tandem landing gear assembly
双复式着陆架twin-twin landing gear
受护陆架protected shelf
陆架outer continental shelf
外大陆架沉积outer shelf deposit
外次大陆架outer sublittoral (水深五十~二百米)
陆架neritic zone
陆架公约Convention on the Continental Shelf
陆架名称name of continental shelf
陆架地形测量continental shelf topographical survey
陆架地形测量continental shelf topographic survey
陆架地貌单元geomorphological unit of continental shelf
陆架地貌单元geomorphologic unit of continental shelf
陆架坡折水深depth of break of continental shelf
陆架外斜面continental talus
陆架外缘outer continental shelf
陆架外缘坝bar of continental shelf outer edge
陆架外缘坝类型type of bar of continental shelf outer edge
陆架外缘陡坎shelf break
陆架天然气offshore gas
陆架平原continental shore plain
陆架平原continental shelf plain
陆架斜坡shelf continental slope
陆架斜坡continental shelf slope
陆架水域superjacent waters
陆架沉积continental shelf sediment (物)
陆架沉积shelf sediment (物)
陆架沉积continental shelf deposit (物)
陆架海区offshore zone
陆架海区epicontinental sea
陆架石油offshore oil
陆架石油continental shelf oil
陆架矿床shelf deposit
陆架矿床continental deposit
陆架类型type of continental shelf
陆架edge of continental shelf
陆架调查continental shelf survey
陆架资源resources of the continent
陆架资源continental resources
陆架边缘shelf edge
陆架边缘margin of continental shelf
平滑陆架smooth shelf
广海陆架open sea shelf
水陆两用起落架amphibious landing gear
河口、陆架和海洋模型estuarine, continental shelf and marine model
浅大陆架shallow continental shelf
海岸大陆架coast shelf
淹没陆架submerged shelf
登陆屋顶架landing ceiling joist
登陆用轮架beaching gear
登陆轮架beaching gear
近岸大陆架coast shelf
镶边陆架rimmed shelf
陆架ice shelf
陆架barrier ice
陆架前缘盆地shelf front basin
陆架动力学计划shelf dynamics project
陆架外缘shelf edge
陆架拦获波shelf trapped wave
陆架shelf water
陆架水力状态shelf hydraulic regime
陆架沉积shelf sediment (物)
陆架沉积shelf deposit (物)
陆架沉积作用shelf deposition
陆架沉积作用epicontinental sedimentation
陆架沉积层hinter surf bed
陆架wave of continental shelf
陆架epicontinental sea
陆架platform facies
陆架foreland facies
陆架shelf channel
陆架边缘沉积shelf margin deposit
陆架边缘重力异常gravity anomaly of continental shelf border
陆架间断shelf break