
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing | all forms
三对角线矩triple diagonal matrix
三角台tripartite array
下三角形矩lower triangular matrix
五对角pentadiagonal matrix
优先矩dominance matrix
偶极dipole array
共轭conjugate matrices
共面电极coplanar electrode array
分区zoned array
初等矩elementary matrix
前馈矩feedforward matrix
单元质量矩element mass matrix
单模矩unimodular matrix
单项monomial matrix
反馈矩feedback matrix
发散矩divergence matrix
可分解矩decomposable matrix
可逆矩invertible matrix
同步矩cogradient matrices
向量矩vector matrix
回归regression matrix
垂直决策矩vertical decision matrix
基矩basis matrix
复合compound matrices
复对称矩complex symmetric matrix
复矩complex matrix
列感应multiarray induction
列感应仪multiarray induction tool
多元无源天线multielement parasitic array
多极列声波测井multipole array acoustilog
大孔径地震台large-aperture seismic array
天线multiple-element antenna
宽边天线broadside array
对称symmetrical matrix
对角占优矩diagonally dominant matrix
层矩layer matrix
嵌入矩embedded matrix
布尔矩Boolean matrix
带形矩band matrix
幕等矩idempotent matrix
幕零矩nilpotent matrix
平均矩mean matrix
平衡balanced array
广义逆矩generalized inverse matrix
广义随机矩generalized stochastic matrix
底心点base-centered lattice
悬挂式基监视系统suspended array surveillance system
扫描scanning array
投入产出矩input-output matrix
数据data array
整体矩global matrix
方差一协方差矩variance-covariance matrix
无规则晶体点random pattern
有穷矩finite matrix
模糊矩fuzzy matrix
气体点模型lattice-gas model
气枪air gun array
气枪子airgun subarray
面象差wave-front aberration
测量矩measurement matrix
海洋地震震源marine seismic source array
满秩nonsingular matrix
滤波filter array
激波波shock front
几何形态lattice geometry
打印机dot-matrix printer
模型lattice model
点源point source array
点矩字符dot-matrix character
爆轰波detonation wave front
生成矩generator matrix
电磁列剖面法electromagnetic array profiling
直排天线collinear array antenna
直线点linear lattice
传播函数法matrix propagator method
元素matrix element
列图matrix-banding scheme
开关matrix switch
式结构matrix type structure
数列算法matrix array algorithm
matrix norm
特征值proper value of matrix
的迹matrix trace
的阶order of a matrix
符号表示matrix notation
算法matrix algorithms
结构matrix structure
编排matrix organization
范数matrix norm
表示matrix representation
迭代法matrix iteration
磁心core array
磁心矩magnetic core matrix
离差scatter matrix
离散scatter matrix
稠密矩dense matrix
简单点simple lattice
线性矩linear matrix
组间离差矩between-groups dispersion matrix
组间离散矩between-groups scatter matrix
结合associated matrix
结构刚度矩structural stiffness matrix
网格矩grid matrix
耦合矩coupled matrix
转向矩detour matrix
转置transposed matrix
边射天线broadside array
迂回矩detour matrix
退化矩singular matrix
退化矩degenerate matrix
inverse matrix
通量矩flux matrix
逻辑矩logic matrix
铁电存储矩ferroelectric memory matrix
长方rectangular matrix
长方rectangular array
列传播电阻率array propagation resistivity
列侧向测井array laterolog
列匹配matrix matching
列变换处理器array transform processor
列地震成像仪array seismic imager
列地震测井array seismic log
列声波测井array sonic log
列声波测井仪array sonic tool
列感应仪器array induction tool
列感应成像仪array induction imager
列感应成像测井仪array induction image tool
列感应探测器array induction sonde
列感应测井array induction
列感应测井仪array induction tool
列感应测井图曲线array induction log
列感应测量array induction measurement
列电阻率补偿测井仪array resistivity compensated tool
天线multiple-element antenna
随机矩random matrix
频谱矩spectral matrix