
Terms for subject Artificial intelligence containing 阵式 | all forms
严格对角优势矩阵strictly diagonally dominant matrix
代价矩阵cost matrix
信息矩阵Fisher's information Fisher matrix
前后关系协方差矩阵contextual covariance matrix
半正定矩阵semi-positive definitiveness matrix
变换矩阵transform matrix
各向同性假设散度矩阵isotropy assumption divergence matrix
含混矩阵confusion matrix
哈尔矩阵Haar matrix
图像的矩阵表达image representation with matrix
图像阵列均方误差squared error averaged over an image array
块轮换矩阵block-circulant matrix
子空间投影矩阵projection matrix in subspace
尺度矩阵scaling matrix
平移矩阵translation matrix
弱透视投影矩阵matrix of weak perspective projection
彩色滤波器阵Color Filter Array
影响矩阵influence matrix
总体散布矩阵total scatter matrix
托伯利兹矩阵Toplitz matrix
推广的共生矩阵generalized cooccurrence matrix
插值矩阵interpolation matrix
收益矩阵payoff matrix
放缩矩阵scaling matrix
散度矩阵divergence matrix
核矩阵Kernel matrix
模糊类矩阵fuzzy matrix
正交投影矩阵orthogonal projection matrix
正交投影矩阵matrix of orthogonal projection
滞后协方差矩阵lag covariance matrix
灰度共生矩阵gray-level co-occurrence matrix
灰度相关矩阵gray-level dependence matrix
灰度阵列grey level array
状态符号概率矩阵state sign probability matrix
状态转移概率矩阵state transfer probability matrix
相关矩阵记忆correlation matrix memory
Green 矩阵Green's matrix
T 矩阵T-matrix
A 矩阵A-matrix
矩阵变换自然梯度matrix transformation natural gradient
矩阵的列matrix column
矩阵逆引理matrix inversion lemma
解混合矩阵demixing matrix
詹纳斯天线阵列Janus antenna array
话筒阵列microphone array
误差协方差矩阵error-covariance matrix
逆投影矩阵matrix of inverse projection
透视投影矩阵matrix of perspective projection
阵列天线处理array antenna processing
黑塞矩阵Hessian matrix