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不设城市Open city
世界治疟疾宣言World Declaration on the Control of Malaria
个人装备无防毒面具-10件套-仅适用于执行暴任务的军事特遣队personnel equipment without gas mask — set of 10 — applicable to military contingents with riot control tasks only
治疟疾协助非洲国家减少对滴滴涕的依赖区域协商Regional Consultation to Prepare African Countries Towards Reduction of Reliance on DDT for Malaria Control
治疟疾协助非洲国家减少对滴滴涕的依赖区域协商DDT Regional Consultation to Prepare African Countries Towards Reduction of Reliance on DDT for Malaria Control
为执行治荒漠化行动计划筹资特别账户Special Account for Financing the Implementation of the Plan of Action to Combat Desertification
乌干达人民国UPDF Ugandan People’s Defense Force
二十一世纪预犯罪和刑事司法国际合作International cooperation in crime prevention and criminal justice for the twenty-first century
亚太经社会区域青少年、犯罪与预犯罪专家组会议Expert Group Meeting on Adolescence, Crime and Crime Prevention in the ESCAP region
亚洲灾中心Asian Disaster Preparedness Center
亚洲及太平洋治荒漠化研究和训练中心区域网Regional Network of Research and Training Centres on Desertification Control in Asia and the Pacific
亚洲和远东预犯罪和罪犯待遇研究所Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders
亚洲预犯罪基金会Asia Crime Prevention Foundation
亚非治荒漠化论坛Asia-Africa Forum on Combating Desertification
以适当的野战御设施例如铁丝网、沙袋和其他防御工事障碍物保护其营地安全secure own base camps with adequate field defence facilities e.g., barbed-wire fences, sandbags and other field defence obstacles
以适当的野战御设施例如铁丝网、沙袋和其他防御工事障碍物保护其营地安全field defence facilities e.g., barbed wire fences, sandbags and other field defence obstacles
促进环境技术和预化学事故手册Manual on the promotion of environmental technology and prevention of chemical accidents
修筑不需由专门工兵特遣队进行的自卫御工事例如小掩体、堑壕和观察哨所self-defence fortification works e.g., small shelters, trenches and observation posts not tasked to specialized engineering contingents
全球治疟疾战略Global Strategy for Malaria Control
全球治艾滋病、肺结核和疟疾基金the Global Fund
全球治艾滋病、肺结核和疟疾基金Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
全面预和管理洪灾损失手册和指导方针Manual and Guidelines for Comprehensive Flood Loss Prevention and Management
公安与预犯罪:警察和地方当局在民主化过程中的作用和责任Public Security and Crime Prevention: Roles and Responsibilities of the Police and the Local Authorities in the Context of Democratization
关于农业发展和荒漠化治的阿布扎比宣言Abu Dhabi Declaration on Agricultural Development and Desertification Control
关于发展形势下预犯罪和刑事司法国际合作的建议Recommendations on international cooperation for crime prevention and criminal justice in the context of development
关于非洲治艾滋病毒/艾滋病、结核病和其他有关传染病的《阿布贾宣言和行动框架》Abuja Declaration and Framework for Action for the Fight Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Other Diseases
利用三重蛇腹形铁丝网建立环形triple standard concertina wires for perimeter defence
制定治环境污染法规的指导方针Guidelines on the development of environmental pollution control legislation
制定有效的联合国预犯罪和刑事司法方案部长级会议Ministerial Meeting on the Creation of an Effective United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme
制定预犯罪和刑事司法方案政府间工作组Intergovernemental Working Group on a Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme
副秘书长兼联合国维也纳办事处主任和联合国药物管制和预犯罪办事处执行主任Under-Secretary-General, Director General of the United Nations Office at Vienna and Executive Director of the United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention
加强注射剂量和预booster shots and prophylaxes
化学工业风险管理和事故预指导方针Guidelines on Risk Management and Accident Prevention in the Chemical Industry
单兵携带空系统manned portable air defense system
南亚治空气污染及其潜在越境影响马累宣言Malé Declaration on Control and Prevention of Air Pollution and its Likely Transboundary Effects for South Asia
卫生组织/开发计划署治艾滋病联盟WHO/UNDP Alliance to Combat AIDS
发展形势下犯罪和预犯罪新层面问题知名人士会议Meeting of Eminent Persons on the New Dimensions of Criminality and Crime Prevention in the Context of Development
发展形势下犯罪和预犯罪的新层面新德里一致意见New Delhi Consensus on the New Dimensions of Criminality and Crime Prevention in the Context of Development
发展形势下预犯罪和刑事司法的规划讨论会Seminar on Planning for Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in the Context of Development
发展环境下预犯罪和刑事司法规划训练讨论会Training Seminars on Planning for Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Administration in the Context of Development
向所有人员提供必要的核生化护服和防护装备例如保护面罩、工作服、手套、个人净化包、注射器NBC protection clothing and equipment e.g., protective mask, coveralls, gloves, personal decontamination kits, injectors
四级护服level 4 body armour
和安全部队的改革和重建reform and restructuring of the defence and security forces
国内刑事司法和预犯罪方案domestic criminal justice and crime prevention programme
国家治荒漠化行动计划national plan of action to combat desertification
国家边State Border Service SBS
国际止船舶污染公约的1978年议定书Protocol of 1978 Relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships
国际止船舶造成污染公约MARPOL Convention
国际止船舶造成污染公约International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships
国际结核病和肺病治联合会International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
国际预犯罪中心International Centre on Crime Prevention
国际预犯罪中心Centre for International Crime Prevention
国际预犯罪从业人员学会International Society for Crime Prevention
国际预犯罪信息网International Crime Prevention Information Network
国际预犯罪合作周International Cooperation Week on Crime Prevention
国际预犯罪和刑事司法年International Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Year
国际预犯罪和刑事司法讨论会International Symposium on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
国际预犯罪研究会议International Conference on Research in Crime Prevention
城市安全、毒品和预犯罪问题国际会议International Conference on Urban Safety, Drugs and Crime Prevention
城市预地震灾害风险评估和分析讲习班Risk Assessment and Diagnosis of Urban Areas against Seismic Disasters workshop
基本弹片茄克防弹背心basic flak jacket fragmentation vest
大流行病范计划pandemic preparedness plan
导弹御系统missile defenses system
小型非战地御工事non-field defensive minor constructionb provide redundant emergency backup when the main power supply, provided through larger generators, is interrupted
干地生态系统和治荒漠化方案活动中心Drylands Ecosystems and Desertification Control Programme Activity Centre PAC
建立区域治荒漠化研究训练中心网络政府间会议Intergovernmental Meeting on a Regional Network of Research and Training Centres on Desertification Control
开设并营运一个实施治荒漠化行动计划筹资特别账户establishment and operation of a special account for financing the implementation of the Plan of Action to Combat Desertification
弹道导弹Ballistic missile defence
必要的核生化护服和防护装备例如保护面罩、工作服、手套、个人净化包、注射器necessary NBC protection clothing and equipment e.g., protective mask, coveralls, gloves, personal decontamination kits, injectors
战区导弹Theater missile defense
战地御工事用品field defence stores
战略御计划或战略防御倡议Strategic Defense Initiative
执行建立国部队的程序的技术委员会Technical Committee to implement the procedures for the establishment of a national defense force
拉丁美洲预犯罪和罪犯待遇研究所Latin American Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders
拉沙热的抗病毒药物病毒痤, 预Lassa fever, antiviral drug ribavirin for
排雷护围裙/裤demining protective apron/trousers
排雷护头盔与面罩demining protective helmet and visor
排雷护背心/夹克demining protective vest/jacket
排雷护背心/夹克或排雷保护围裙/裤二选一demining protective vest/jacket or demining protective apron/trousers alternatives
排雷护鞋demining protective shoes
支持在非洲执行国际治荒漠化公约内罗毕会议Nairobi Meeting to Support the Implementation of the International Convention on Desertification in Africa
教化工作预犯罪工作组Working Group on Correctional Practices for the Prevention of Crime
新的预犯罪和刑事司法秩序new crime prevention and criminal justice order
有关预犯罪的司法程序问题工作组Working Group on Judicial Procedures in relation to Crime Prevention
有关预犯罪的执法问题工作组Working Group on Law Enforcement in relation to the Prevention of Crime
机构间减少需求、管制药物和预犯罪网Inter-Agency Network for Demand Reduction, Drug Control and Crime Prevention
构思发展和新的国际经济秩序形势下预犯罪和刑事司法的新做法特设专家组会议Ad hoc Expert Group Meeting in Conceptualizing New Approaches to Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in the Context of Development and the New International Economic Order
欧洲和北美洲城市安全和预犯罪会议European and North American Conference on Urban Safety and Crime Prevention
欧洲-地中海流域治荒漠化公约执行框架伙伴非政府组织国际讲习班NGO International Workshop on Partners in the framework of the implementation of the Convention to Combat Desertification in the Euro-Mediterranean Basin
欧洲空气污染损害森林与水资源 原因及止问题多边会议Multilateral Conference on the Causes and Prevention of Damage to Forests and Water by Air Pollution in Europe
欧洲预和控制犯罪研究所European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control
气象组织/亚太经社会/红十字会协会热带旋风地区灾备灾指导方针编辑委员会WMO/ESCAP/LRCS Editorial Board on the Guidelines for Disaster and Preparedness in Tropical Cyclone Areas
气象组织从气象气候水文方面治荒漠化行动计划WMO Plan of Action in the Meteorological, Climatological and Hydrological Aspects of the Combat Against Desertification
水位管理或洪抗洪water-table or flood management
沙漠蝗虫治方案Desert Locust Control Programme
水线路和水箱firewater suppression line and tanks
法规fire code
灭火、坠机和失事救援轻型装备firefighting, crash and rescue light
firefighting truck
消耗品包括战斗用品、一般和技术性储备、御储备、弹药/爆炸物和其他支持主要装备和次要装备及人员的基本商品consumables include combat supplies, general and technical stores, defence stores, ammunition/explosives and other basic commodities in support of major equipment as well as in support of minor equipment and personnel
犯罪趋势和预犯罪战略国际专家会议International Meeting of Experts on Crime Trends and Crime Prevention Strategies
犯罪预和控制委员会Committee on Crime Prevention and Control
犯罪预和控制委员会小组委员会Sub-Committee of the Committee on Crime Prevention and Control
犯罪预和控制方面联合国活动进展报告Progress report on United Nations activities in crime prevention and control
用卡氯菊酯或类似化合物浸泡蚊账甚至衣物已证明可增加对蚊子的护。impregnation of bed nets and even clothing with permethrin or similar compound has been shown to increase protection against mosquitoes
疟疾治工作队Task Force on Malaria Prevention and Control
疟疾治行动方案Malaria Action Programme
疟疾预和传病媒介控制malaria prophylaxis and vector control
疟疾预措施malaria prophylaxis
社区参与预犯罪专家组会议Expert Group Meeting on Community Involvement in Crime Prevention
社区参与预犯罪讲习班Workshop on community involvement in crime prevention
禽流感的奥塞米韦或达菲, 预avian influenza, Oseltamivir or Tamiflu for
第七届联合国预犯罪和罪犯待遇大会区域间筹备会议知名人士会议第一主题: 发展情况下犯罪和预防犯罪的新层面Interregional Preparatory Meeting Meeting of Eminent Persons for the Seventh United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders on topic I: New Dimensions of criminality and crime prevention in the context of development: challenges for the future
粮农组织/环境规划署虫害综合治全球合作方案FAO/UNEP Cooperative Global Programme on Integrated Pest Control
紧急状况预、防范、评估、减缓和应对战略框架Strategic Framework on Emergency Prevention, Preparedness, Assessment, Mitigation and Response
《联合国治荒漠化公约》《荒漠化公约》United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
联合国治荒漠化行动计划United Nations Plan of Action to Combat Desertification
联合国关于在发生严重干旱和/或荒漠化的国家特别是在非洲治荒漠化的公约United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
联合国关于在发生严重干旱和/或荒漠化的国家特别是在非洲治荒漠化的公约United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification UNCCD
联合国关于在发生严重干旱和/或荒漠化的国家特别是在非洲治荒漠化的公约United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa
联合国关于犯罪趋势、刑事司法制度的运作和预犯罪战略的第二次调查研讨会Research Workshop on the Second United Nations Survey of Crime Trends, Operations of Criminal Justice Systems and Crime Prevention Strategies
联合国关于犯罪趋势、刑事司法制度的运作和预犯罪策略的调查United Nations Survey of Crime Trends, Operations of Criminal Justice Systems and Crime Prevention Strategies
联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约关于止、禁止和惩治贩运人口特别是妇女和儿童行为的补充议定书Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime
联合国根据发展和新的国际经济秩序制订的预犯罪和刑事司法的指导原则United Nations Guiding Principles for Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in the Context of Development and a New International Economic Order
联合国犯罪预和控制公约United Nations Convention on Crime Prevention and Control
联合国犯罪预和控制领域政府任命的国家通讯员网United Nations network of government-appointed national correspondents in the field of crime prevention and control
联合国社会卫信托基金United Nations Trust Fund for Social Defence
联合国药物管制预犯罪办事处United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention
联合国预和控制犯罪领域国家通讯员网network of United Nations national correspondents in the field of crime prevention and control
联合国预犯罪中心United Nations crime prevention centres
联合国预犯罪和刑事司法基金United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Fund
联合国预犯罪和刑事司法大会United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
联合国预犯罪和刑事司法方案United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme
联合国预犯罪和刑事司法方案的原则声明和行动纲领Statement of Principles and Programme of Action of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme
联合国预犯罪和刑事司法方案网年度联合方案协调会议Annual Joint Programme Coordination Meeting of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme Network
联合国预犯罪和刑事司法方案网联合方案 协调会议Joint Programme Coordination Meeting of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme Network
联合国预犯罪和刑事司法标准和规范执行情况会前工作组Pre-sessional Working Group on the Implementation of United Nations Standards and Norms in Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
联合国预犯罪和刑事司法标准和规范简编Compendium of United Nations Standards and Norms in Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
联合国预犯罪和刑事司法领域国家通讯员欧洲讨论会European Seminar for United Nations National Correspondents in the Field of Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
联合国预犯罪和罪犯待遇大会United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders
苏丹 - 萨赫勒区域治荒漠化行动计划Plan of Action to Combat Desertification in the Sudano-Sahelian Region
英联邦加勒比成员国预犯罪合作会议Conference for Collaboration in Crime Prevention in the Commonwealth Caribbean
荒漠化desertification control
药物管制和预犯罪办事处Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention superseded
营地御只需布设环形防护铁丝网base camp defence along perimeter with protective wires only
虫害综合治专家组Panel of Experts on Integrated Pest Control
西非治荒漠化和保护自然资源总计划Master Plan for Combating Desertification and for the Conservation of Natural Resources in West Africa
西非妊娠期疟疾治网West Africa Network Against Malaria During Pregnancy
西非经共体卫和安全委员会ECOWAS Defence and Security Commission
评价联合国预犯罪和刑事司法准则和指导方针执行情况专家会议Meeting of Experts for the Evaluation of Implementation of United Nations Norms and Guidelines in Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
负责任的预犯罪的要素elements of responsible crime prevention
赫尔辛基预和控制犯罪研究所Helsinki Institute for Crime Prevention and Control
近东旱地改造、森林再造和荒漠化治网Near East Network on Arid Land, Forest Restoration and Desertification Control
近距离反导弹卫系统Close-in anti-missile defense system
区外导弹Stand-off missiles
备气候变化combating climate change
弹玻璃bullet-resistant glazing
御工事Defensive works
御性武器defensive weapons
患未然的办法anticipatory approach
排装置anti-handling device
擅入监测系统intrusion detection system
暴装备riot control equipment
止倾倒废物及其他物质污染海洋的公约London Dumping Convention
止倾倒废物及其他物质污染海洋的公约Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter
止倾倒废物污染南太平洋议定书Protocol for the Prevention of Pollution of the South Pacific Region by Dumping
止和制止国际恐怖主义的国内法律和条例National Laws and Regulations on the Prevention and Suppression of International Terrorism
止和打击腐败公约Convention on the Prevention and Combating of Corruption
止外层空间军备竞赛特设委员会Ad Hoc Committee on the Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space
止外层空间的军备竞赛prevention of an arms race in outer space (防止外空军备竞赛)
止水灾涝地管理原则-讨论会Seminar on Principles of Flood Plain Management for Flood Loss Prevention
止沙漠化方案anti-desertification programme
止种族灭绝罪行问题特别顾问Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide
止船污公约MARPOL Convention
止船污公约International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships
止船舶和飞机倾弃废物污染地中海议定书Protocol for the Prevention of Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea by Dumping from Ships and Aircraft
止陆源物质污染海洋公约Paris Convention
止陆源物质污染海洋公约Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution from Land-based Sources
毒面具gas mask
治沙漠蝗虫灾害方案Desert Locust Plague Prevention Programme
治石油污染区域中心Regional Oil Combating Centre
治艾滋病毒/艾滋病全球领导战略框架Strategy Framework for Global Leadership for HIV/AIDS
治荒旱处Office to Combat Desertification and Drought
治荒漠化公约缔约方会议与国际农业发展基金关于全球机制模式和行政业务的谅解备忘录》Memorandum of Understanding between the Conference of the Parties of the UNCCD and the International Fund for Agricultural Development Regarding the Modalities and Administrative Operations of the Global Mechanism ICCD/COP/10
治荒漠化共同政策部长级会议Ministerial Conference for a Joint Policy to Combat Desertification
治荒漠化和干旱世界日World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought
治荒漠化和干旱办事处Office to Combat Desertification and Drought
治荒漠化和抗旱基金Trust Fund to Combat Desertification and Drought
治荒漠化国际专家小组International Panel of Experts on Desertification
治荒漠化国际合作International Cooperation to combat desertification
治荒漠化方案活动中心Desertification Control Programme Activity Center
治荒漠化特别账户Special Account for Desertification Control
治荒漠化行动计划Plan of Action to Combat Desertification
治荒漠化行动计划特别账户Special Account for the Plan of Action to Combat Desertification
治荒漠化行动计划的财务问题咨询会议Advisory Meeting on the Financial Aspects of the Plan of Action to Combat Desertification
治非洲沙漠蝗虫Desert Locust Control in Africa in General
火/生命安全系统fire/life safety systems
火警报系统fire alarm system
爆衣 –轻型胸部和腹股沟至少达到1000的V50级EOD suit — light minimum V50 rating of 1,000 for the chest and groin
air defence
空武器发射器anti-air weapons launchers
空、防装甲和榴弹炮anti-air, anti-armour and howitzer
范非战争受伤和精神压力的措施non-battle injury and stress-preventive measures
隔音、弹的参观点sound-proof and ballistically protected viewing points for visitors
青少年犯罪预与待遇及公众参与国际讨论会International Seminar on the Prevention and Treatment of Juvenile Delinquency through Community Participation
青年组织在预青年犯罪中的作用国际讲习班International Workshop on the Role of Youth Organizations in the Prevention of Crime among Youth
非政府组织治荒漠化国际网International NGO Network on Desertification
非政府组织预犯罪和刑事司法联盟Alliance of Non-governmental Organizations on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
非洲治荒漠化方案Programme to Halt Desertification in Africa
非洲疟疾治日African Malaria Control Day
非洲预犯罪和罪犯待遇研究所African Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders
原则precautionary principle
和制止石崩及煤, 气喷泄专题讨论会Symposium on the Prevention and Suppression of Rock Bursts and of Coal and Gas
和控制犯罪国际行动计划International Plan of Action for Crime Prevention and Control
和解决非洲冲突特设工作组Ad Hoc Working Group on Conflict Prevention and Resolution in Africa Security Council
国际恐怖主义股Prevention of International Terrorism Unit
城市犯罪prevention of urban crime
城市犯罪准则guidelines for the prevention of urban crime
灾害disaster prevention
犯罪crime prevention
犯罪专家组Group of Experts on Crime Prevention
犯罪全面措施清单Inventory of comprehensive crime prevention measures
犯罪准则Guidelines for the Prevention of Crime
犯罪和健全国家发展国际讨论会International Seminar on Crime Prevention and Sound National Development
犯罪和刑事司法与妇女:问卷Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice and Women: Questionnaire
犯罪和刑事司法区域顾问Regional Adviser for Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
犯罪和刑事司法司Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Division
犯罪和刑事司法委员会Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
犯罪和刑事司法干事Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Officer
犯罪和刑事司法技术委员会Technical Committee on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
犯罪和刑事司法方案政府间工作组Intergovernmental Working Group on a Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme
犯罪和刑事司法通讯Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice: Newsletter
犯罪和刑事司法问题区域间顾问Interregional Adviser in Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
犯罪和刑事司法领域消除对妇女的暴力行为的示范战略和实际措施Model Strategies and Practical Measures on the Elimination of Violence against Women in the Field of Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
犯罪和标准规范实施科Crime Prevention and Standards and Norms Implementation Section
犯罪和罪犯待遇亚太区域筹备会议Asian and Pacific Regional Preparatory Meeting on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders
犯罪战略strategies for crime prevention
犯罪方案crime prevention programmes
、管理和解决冲突的机制Central Organ of the OAU Mechanism for Conflict Prevention, Management and Resolution
青年犯罪和青少年司法的社会措施准则:亚太经社会区域青年组织的作用Guidelines on Social Measures for the Prevention of Crime among Youth and on Juvenile Justice: the Role of Youth Organizations in the ESCAP Region
麻醉品管治和预犯罪官员Drug Control and Crime Prevention Officer