
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
一年内到期的期负债current maturity of long-term debt
不可持续的增unsustainable growth
不断增的需求压力pressure from growing demand
世界上增最快的大型经济体world's fastest growing large economies
世界经济期稳定发展long-term stability and development of the world economy
世界经济增world economic growth
世界经济增格局world economic growth patterns
世界经济正增positive growth of the world economy
世界经济负增negative growth of the world economy
世界贸易增world trade growth
两位数增double-digit growth rates
两位数的增double-digit expansion
两位数经济增double digit growth
期信用medium term credit
期信用medium or long term credit
期政策协调medium- to long-term global policy coordination
期票据收买业务forfeiting (又称"买断"包买票据",是一种以无追索权形式为出口商贴现大额远期票据提供融资并能防范信贷风险与汇价风险的金融服务。)
期贷款medium and long-term loans
中国央行行governor of the People's Bank of China
中国央行行China's central bank governor
中央银行行central bank governor
中证创业成指数CSI Innovative & Growing Enterprises Index
远发展奠定坚实基础lay a firm foundation for long-term development
为了期帐户for the long account
为企业提供一个清晰稳定的增框架provide businesses with a clear and stable framework for growth
为包容和可持续的经济增做出贡献contribute to inclusive and sustainable economic growth
为更强劲、持续的增奠定基础lay the foundations for stronger, sustainable growth
主计controller general
主计comptroller general
主计controller (comptroller)
主计chief controller
主计制度controller system
买成buy growth
令人瞩目的增impressive growth
以两位数的增幅增rise at double-digit rates
以合理价格增growth at a reasonable price
以投资为中心的增模式investment-centric growth model
以牺牲环境的代价来换取高速增、盲目铺摊子seek economic growth rate and big size at the price of environment
以盈余偿还的期债款funded debt retired from surplus
以金融危机之前的增率快速扩张expand at rapid pre-crisis rates
企业增前景business growth prospects
会计主办会计费用controller's expense
会计主任科长,会计accountant general
会计核査院control general
低增国家low-growth countries
使可持续增成为不可能make sustainable growth impossible
依赖出口拉动型增rely on export-led growth
依赖出口来支撑经济增rely on exports to support economic growth
促进全球经济增promote global economic growth
促进可持续期增长promote sustainable, long-term growth
促进强劲、可持续和平衡增promote strong, sustainable, and balanced growth
促进经济期平稳较快发展strive for sustained, stable and fast economic development
促进经济期平稳较快发展promote long-term, steady and rapid economic development
促进经济远发展promote long-term economic development
促进经济增promote economic growth
促进经济增boost the economic growth
促进经济增、创造就业、创新和繁荣foster economic growth, job creation, innovation, and prosperity
保增,促稳定ensure growth and to promote stability
保持合理的增maintain reasonable rates of growth
保持合理的增速度maintain a proper level of economic growth
保持平稳较快增maintain a steady and relatively fast growth
保持稳定增maintain stable growth
保持金融稳定和经济增maintain financial stability and economic growth
保障快速经济增sustain rapid economic growth
信贷增credit growth
信贷增大幅放缓substantial slowdown in credit growth
允许工资加快增allow a faster rise in wages
全球增global growth
全球增动力motor of global growth
全球经济以不同速度增的格局pattern of a multi-speed global economy
全球经济增global economic growth
全球经济增复苏revival of global economic growth
全球经济强劲恢复均衡增strong resumption of balanced, global economic growth
全球经济的期进步long-term global economic progress
公司会计主计长corporation controller
公司注册处处registrar of companies
公司营收增corporate revenue growth
其他期负债other long-term liabilities
内部增organic growth
内部增internal growth rate
内需对经济增的贡献率contribution of domestic demand to economic growth
内需驱动型增domestic-driven growth
净值成net worth growth rate
分支机构期资产branch long-lived assets
制约世界经济的持久稳定增hamper sustained and steady growth of the global economy
刺激经济增stimulate growth
刺激经济增boost economic growth
加快转变经济增方式accelerate the transformation of economic growth pattern
助理主计assistant comptroller
区域合作的远目标long-term goal of regional cooperation
协调增coordinating growth
压低期利率push down long-term interest rates
压低期利率drive down long-term interest rates
同比增11.7%be increased 11.7 per cent year-on-year
名义增nominal growth
名义经济增nominal economic growth rate
呈指数式增grow in an exponential way
周期性增理论theory of cycle growth
在增中兼顾平衡ensure growth while paying attention to balance
坚守期奉行的"韬光养晦"外交政策hew to long-standing foreign policy of "concealing brightness and biding time"
55%rise by 55 per cent
决策的标准incremental decision criteria
刺激boosts to growth
前景growth prospects
和就业全球战略global strategy for growth and jobs
《增和就业行动计划》Action plan for Growth and Jobs
型市场growth markets
奇迹growth miracle
引擎growth engine
引擎论theory of engine for growth
成本additional cost
战略growth strategy
收益率incremental rate of return
放缓moderating growth
放缓的前景prospect of slower growth
growth pole
模式growth pattern
模式growth machine
水平growth levels
率理论theory of growth rate
率论theory of rate of growth
疲软期soft patch
经济economy of growth
趋向分析upward analysis
预期growth expectations
增强中期内经济增的基础strengthen medium-term foundations for growth
增强经济的增潜力increase the growth potential of the economy
复利式年增compound annual growth rate
外币期股权投资的折算translation of long-term equity investments in foreign currencies
大幅放缓贷款增slow loan growth sharply
夯实远发展基础shore up the foundation for long-term development
实现世界经济强劲、可持续、平衡增achieve strong, sustainable, and balanced growth of the world economy
实现世界经济相对平衡增achieve fairly balanced growth of the global economy
实现经济期平稳较快发展achieve long-term stable and rapid economic development
实现经济可持续增achieve sustainable economic growth
实现经济持续健康增achieve sustained and healthy economic growth
实现高速增register turbo-charged growth
实际增growth rate in real terms
实际经济增real economic growth
实际经济增real economic growth rate
实际经济增目标real economic growth target
审计comptroller of accounts
审计chief comptroller
审计comptroller general
审计chief auditor
宣布货币增引起的通货膨胀inflation from announcement of money growth
将政策转移至保增方向shift the policy to a pro-growth stance
小盘股成基金small-cap growth fund
岀口导向型增export-led growth
工资增rise in wage
工资增引起的通货膨胀wage inflation
工资无增的复苏wageless recovery
市盈增比率price earnings growth ratio
市盈率与增及股息比率price/earnings to growth and dividend yield ratio
幂次增exponential growth
平均年度增average annual growth rate
平衡增理论theory of balance growth
年均增average growth rate per annum
年均增annual growth averaged
应付期信用票long-term notes payable
应付期票据long-term notes receivable
应付期贷款long-term loan payable
应对期挑战address longer-term challenges
应收期票据long-term notes receivable
应收期票据long-term notes payable
应收期账款long-term receivables
应收分保期健康险责任准备金reserve for long-term health reinsurance receivable
应收分保期健康险责任准备金receivable reserve for the reinsurance of long-term health insurance liabilities
弥补短期内的经济增弱点address short term vulnerabilities
强劲且可持续的增strong and sustainable growth
强劲增robust growth
强劲的全球增strong global growth
强劲的经济增和扩大就业strong economic and jobs growth
影响增jeopardize growth
影响经济增weigh on growth
德国期公债Bunds (指期限可长达30年的德国联邦政府债券)
快速增rapid growth
总体增overall growth
恢复全球经济增restore global growth
恢复可持续增restore sustainable growth
恢复增和信心restore growth and confidence
恢复经济增restore growth
恢复经济增restore economic growth
意外强劲增unexpectedly strong growth
中公司growth company
growth type
型创业企业growth enterprises
型基金growth fund
型股票growth share
收益型growth income type
收益型基金growth and income fund
曲线growth curve
扩大世界增率的差异increase the divergence in world growth rates
把扩大内需作为经济发展的期战略take expanding domestic demand as long-term strategy for economic development
抑制信贷和货币增cap credit and monetary growth
抑制信贷增limit credit grow
投资增过快overheated invest ment growth
拉动世界经济复苏和增的引擎engine driving world economic recovery and growth
拉动经济增fuel economic growth
拖累未来的增depress future growth
拖累经济增detract from economic growth
拟定增earmarked growth
持续增continued growth
损害增compromis growth
损害经济增hamper economic growth
换短期借款为期公债法funding system
控制价格增control price increases
推动共同增promote common growth
推动增spur growth
推动增,谋求共赢promote growth through win-win cooperation
推动经济增turbocharge growth
推动经济平衡、包容、可持续、创新、安全增promote balanced economic, inclusive, sustainable, innovative, safe growth
提振增lift growth
提振经济增boost growth
提高经济增质量improve the quality of economic growth
提高经济增质量和效益improve the quality and performance of economic growth
支持全球增和稳定support global growth and stability
支持经济增support economic growth
支撑经济增prop up the growth
收人增微薄meagre income gains
收益增earnings growth
改善经济增的平衡性和可持续性improve the balance and sustainability of growth
放慢经济增步伐slow growth
新的经济增new sources of growth
新的经济增new sources of economic growth
无通货膨胀的经济增non-inflationary growth
普通期债券general long-term debt
普通期负债类帐户general long-term debt group of accounts
最佳经济增理论theory of optimum economic growth
最大成型基金maximum growth fund
有保证增warranted rate of growth
期权成型基金option growth fund
期权成基金option-growth fund
未来增future growth
权益资本对期债务比率equity capital to long-term debt ratio
欧元区13国财会议eurozone's finance ministers' group
欧洲中期信贷Euro medium-long-term credit
欧洲央行行European Central Bank president
正增positive growth
正增positive growth rate
永无止境的增奇迹never-ending growth miracle
流动性增liquidity growth
流动性过度增excessive liquidity growth
潜在的增发动机potential growth engines
潜在的增地区potential growth spot
潜在经济增potential growth rate
监事supervisory board chairman
监察control general
真正具有历史意义的期趋势truly historic long-term trend
着眼take a longer-term perspective
短期增short-term grow
短期增short-term grow rate
短期增目标short-term grow target
短期经济增short-term economic grow
确保期财政可持续性ensure long-term fiscal sustainability
确保经济持续、稳定、健康增ensure sustained stable and sound economic growth
稳定期债务水平stabilize long-term debt levels
稳定与增公约Stability and Growth Pact
稳定快速增stable and high growth
稳步增steady growth
稽核chief controller
纯利增growth rate of net profit
经历_段增较慢的时期have a period of slower growth
经常允谁费用期授权standing authorization
经济包容性增inclusive economic growth
经济可持续增sustainable economic growth
经济增乏力weak growth
经济增内生动力internal impetus driving economic growth
经济增减速moderation in economic growth
经济增势头momentum of economic growth
经济增和通胀前景outlook for growth and inflation
经济增带来的通胀压力inflationary pressures arising from this growth
经济增放缓economic slowdown
经济增数据economic growth figures
经济增的主要推动力key drivers of economic growth
经济增的重要驱动器important driver of growth
经济增目标target for economic growth
经济增目标growth target
经济增计划growth plan
经济增过热overheated economic growth
经济增速度pace of economic growth
经济增速度growth rate of the economy
经济增预测growth forecast
经济平稳较快增steady and relatively fast economic growth
经济平衡增balanced economic growth
经济强劲增strong economic growth
经济的健康和持续增health and continued growth of the economy
经济的"增疲软期"economy's "soft patch"
经济社会远发展long-term economic and social development
经济超高速增hyper-fast economic growth
经济高速增fast economic growth
经济高速增时期period of strong global growth
继续维持增keep growing
美元总会计comptroller of the currency
美国期国债U.S. Treasury bond (指美国财政部发行的期限为10年或10年以上的长期债券,每半年付息一次)
美国期国债市场U.S. Treasury bond market
美国财政部U.S. Treasury secretary
股利增模型dividend growth model
自我强化的增self-reinforcing growth
自然增accredit value
董事director general
董事声明chairman's statement
西方大型企业的成型市场growth markets for the west's large companies
财务处chief of finance
财务处chief accountant
财务稽核treasurer controller
财政部finance minister
财政部主计paymaster general
货币供应量超趋势增above-trend growth in money supply
货币增money growth
货币成理论money growth theory
质押资产对期债务比率ratio of pledged assets to long-term debts
资产急遽增explosion in assets
资本净值增net worth earning ratio
超产能加速增faster growth above capacity
超高速增hyper-fast growth
期通胀预测的利率expected longer term inflation rate
迅速减速的出口增rapidly waning export growth
迅速增的市场fast-growing market
过快的国内生产总值增excess GDP growth
还有很的路要走have a long way to go
通过提振民间消费来实现增再平衡rebalance growth by promoting private consumption
速度快得惊人的消费增surprisingly rapid consumer growth
道氏股市期趋势理论Dow theory on long-term trend of stock market
重启增引擎restart the engines of growth
重新激活经济增reinvigorate economic growth
久价格secular price
long ton (1长吨=2240磅)
周期论long cycle theory
城信用卡Great Wall credit card
城卡Great Wall card
存贷款evergreen loans
寿保险long life insurance
寿保险insurance on last survivor
式审计报告long-form audit report
效治理long-term governance
期业绩表现long-term performance
期丧失工作能力的生活保险long-term disability income insurance
期供应协议long-term supply agreement
期信贷long-term credit (指期限在10年以上的银行贷款)
期借款帐户long-term debt a/c
期借债long-term borrowings
期借款long-term borrowing
期借款funded debt
期债券公司债long-term bonds
期债券投资long-term bond investment
期债券收益yield of long-term debenture
期债券收益yields of long-term bonds
期债券收益yield of long-term bonds
期债务一自有资金比long-term debt-equity ratio
期债务偿还repayment of long-term debts
期债务偿还率long-term debt-service coverage
期债务对净营运资本比率long-term debt to net working capital ratio
期债务对固定资产比率funded debt to fixed assets ratio
期债务对权益比率long-term debt to equity ratio
期债务对资本总额的比率long-term debt to capitalization ratio
期债务收益proceeds from long-term debt
期债务收益proceed from long-term debt
期债务比率long-term debt ratio
期债务比率funded debt ratio
期债务清偿准备reserve for retirement of long-term debt
期债务溢价premium on funded debt
期债务赎回溢价redemption premium on long-term debt
期债务还本付息payment on long-term debt
期债权long-term claim
期债款准备reserve for bonded debts
期停滞long-term stagnation
期偿付能力long-term solvency
期公债long-term public bond
期公债long tap (期限在10年或10年以上的公债)
期公司债long-term debenture
期冲击long-term impact
期出口信贷long-term export credit
期利率long interest rate
期利率long rate of interest
期利率long-term rate (of interest)
期利率期货long-term interest rate futures
期前景long-term prospects
期合同完工会计法completed job method of accounting for longterm contracts
期合约long-term contract
期向坏的趋势negative long-term development trend
期向好的趋势positive long-term development trend
期固定利率债券long-term fixed rate bond
期国债long-term treasury bond
期失业率long-term unemployment
期存款long-term deposit
期市场long-term market
期市政公债基金long-term municipal bond fund
期年金long-term annuity
期应付款long-term accounts payable
期应收催收账款long-term overdue receivables
期应收账款long-term accounts receivable
期影响long-term effects
期循环long cycle
期性通货膨胀chronic inflation
期成本long-run costs
期成本变化long-run cost variation
期成长型基金long-term growth fund
期战略long-term strategies
期投资permanent investments
期投资折价摊销amortization of discount on long-term investment
期投资折价的摊销amortization of discount on long-term investments
期投资溢价摊销amortization of premium on long-term investment
期投资溢价的摊销amortization of premium on long-term investments
期投资组合均衡long-term portfolio equilibrium
期投资项目long-term investment project
期护理保险long-term care insurance
期报酬long-term compensation
期指数期权long-dated index option
期挑战long-run challenge
期支出long-term expenditures
期收益率long-term yield
期政府证券long-term government securities
期政府证券市场long-term government securities market
期未耗用成本long-term unexpired costs
期流动性规定long-term liquidity rule
期浮动利率票据long-term floating rate note
期清理liquidation by longs
期火灾保险perpetual fire insurance
期的债券等long dated
期的赤字削减计划multiyear deficit reduction plan
期目标long-range goal
期石油供应合同long-term oil supply contracts
期票据long paper
期票据long dated bill
期租赁long-term lease
期移动平均线long-term moving average
期稳定性prolonged stability
期经营资金long-term operation funds
期维持低利率keep rates low for a long time
期美国国债long-dated Treasury bond
期股权投资long-term equity investment
期股权投资的初始成本initial cost of the long-term equity investment
期股权预期证券long-term equity anticipation securities
期融资协议long-term financing deals
期证券long-dated securities
期负债long-term liability (fixed liability)
期负债long-term obligation
期负债funded liabilities
期负债long-term liabilities
期负债long-term debt
期负债固定利息一年以上贷款funded liability
期负债偿债准备reserve for retirement of long-term debt
期负债偿还repayment of long-term liabilities
期货币市场long-term money market
期贷款long-term advance (指美国的一种贷款,不规定具体的到期日,但银行每年总有一次机会将其转变为定期放款)
期贷款long loan
期贷款协议long-term loan agreement
期贷款帐户long-term loan a/c
期贸易信贷long-term trade credit
期贸易协定long-term trade agreements
期贸易协定long-term trade agreement
期费用成本long-period cost
期资产long-term assets (fixed assets)
期资产long-term asset
期资产funded property
期资产周转率long-term asset turnover
期资产重估revaluation of long-lived assets
期资本净损失net long-term capital losses
期资本净收益net long-term capital gains
期资本市场long-term capital market
期资本收益扣除long-term capital gains deduction
期资本流动long-term capital flow
期资本流动long capital flow
期资本租赁负债long-term capital lease liabilities
期资本赤字deficit in long-term capital
期资金计划long-range cash planning
期远期外汇合约long-dated forwards (指交割日在12个月之后的远期外汇合约)
期通胀威胁long-term threat from inflation
期限价证券long lap
期预算long-term budget
期预算long-range budget
期风险long-term risks
期餘帐的便利long-term credit facility
短款可容许误差率allowable percentage of cash overage or shortage
线投资者long-term investor
防止经济增剧烈波动prevent sharp swings in the pace of growth
预算budget director
预算期限的length of budget period
高增high growth
高增、低通胀的时代years of high growth and low inflation
高增high rates of growth
高成型基金high growth fund
高速增breakneck growth
鼓励平衡且可持续增encourage balanced and sustainable growth
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