
Terms for subject Information technology containing | all forms
push to talk
三行three-row keyboard
上下文内题内字母key letter in context
上下文内作者和关索引author and key word in context
上下文内关keyword in context
上下文内关字母key letter in context
上下文内关keyword in context
上下文内关词索引keyword in context index
上下文外题外词索引keyword out of context index
上下文外关keyword out of context
上下文外关keyword out context
中文盘输入Chinese keyed entry
中断break key
中断break key
prime key
标加密密钥primary key encrypting keys
主关major key
主关字字段primary key field
主机主host master key
主机主标变量host master key variant
主记录prime record key
二相差分相移binary differential phase shift keying
二相相移binary phase shift keying
二进制频移binary-code frequency-shift keying
二进制频移binary frequency shift keying
亮灯式可编程功能lighted programmable function keyboard
人类工程学kinesis ergonomic keyboard
代码扩充code extension key
valence bond
任务标识task identification key
任意any key
伴随companion keyboard
作废cancel key
保密privacy key
候选关键码candidate key
候选关算符candidate key operator
偏置正交相移offset quadrature phase shift keying
光标移动cursor movement keys
公共public key
业务数据mission critical data
任务应用mission-critical application
功能critical functions
基础设施critical infrastructure
字函数keyword functions
字变量key argument
字地址key address
字堆砌keyword stuffing
字密度keyword density
字对象key object
字操作数keyword operand
字日期问题date-in-key problem
字检索key search
字段key field
字消息keyword message
字语句keyword statement
字顺序文件keyed sequential file
工作中心critical work centre
帧动画key frame animation
临界微操作critical microoperation
数据元素key data element
活动key activity
活动critical activities
码改变key change
码树key tree
记录vital record
词主题索引Keyword subject index
词参数keyword parameter
词和上下文索引keyword and context index
词词根keyword root
词转换key transformation
路径法critical path method
路由调度critical path scheduling
路线计划critical path scheduling
部分第_critical piece first
写关write key
计数keystroke counter
验证key-stroke verification
分离式split keyboard
分类sorting key
分类定序关sorting sequencing key
制表器设定tabulator set key
功能设定key assignment
加点dead key
动态位分布系数dynamic coefficient of key distribution
ten-key pad
参考key of reference
翻转two-key rollover
双音two-tone keying
可编程功能programmed function key
启动按钮activate key
命令command patch keypad
命令功能command function key
命令窗口热command window hot key
和谐入法chord keying
唯一替代unique alternate key
四相相移quaternary phase-shift keying
四相移quadraphase shift keying
四相移相quaternary phase shift keying
地址address key
基于关字的搜索based on keywords search
备用关alternate key
复合compound key
匹配问题multiple-keyword pattern-matching problem
字符输入multistroke character entry
多值相移multiple phase shift keying
多关键标组织multiple key organization
多相移相multiple phase-shift keying
多站盘到磁带系统multistation keyboard-to-tape system
多进制幅移multiple amplitude shift keying
多进制频移multiple frequency shift keying
large keyboard
word key
键盘字型变换按shift key
字母数字alphameric key
字符character key
存储保护storage protection key
密码主cryptographic master key
密钥的key-encrypting key
封锁的locked keyboard
minipad keyboard
差分四相相移differential quadrature phase shift keying
差分相移differential phase shift keying
差分移相differential phase-shift keying
带凸焊点的载带自动bumped tape automated bonding
幅度amplitude keying
幅相amplitude phase keying
幅移amplitude shift keying
并置concatenated key
并置关concatenated key
应用程序快捷application shortcut key
引用关key of reference
引起注意attention key
引起注意标识attention identifier key
引起注意标识符识别attention identifier AID key
强调dead key
快速频移fast frequency-shift keying
扩充的计数标数据设备extended count-key-data device
报文引用message reference key
双音电话转接器touch-tone adapter
呼叫touch call
式数据服务touch-tone data service
式电话机touch-tone telephone
式电话机key telephone set
标选择路由routing by key
电话key telephone set
电话touch tone
系统设备key system features
访问keyed access
顺序存取法keyed sequential access method
按关字直接存取keyed direct access
排序sorting key
接收命令AC指示符AC indicator (accept-command-key indicator)
数据功能data function keyboard
数据库database key
数据库码转换表database key translation table
数据集data set key
斜率-点压缩slope-keypoint compaction
无线一push-to-talk over cellular
无线一PoC (push-to-talk over cellular)
显示数字display number pad
智能盘系统intelligent keyboard system
最小相位频移minimum phase frequency shift keying
最小相位频移minimum frequency shift keying
最小频移minimum shift keying
有缓冲器buffered keyboard
标题关词索引keyword from title index
校正check key
校验check key
横向水平制表horizontal tabulator key
横向制表horizontal tabulator key
次关路径near critical path
次记录alternate record key
正交相移quadrature phase shift keying
正向ascending key sequence
dead key
paragraph key
汉字字元Chinese character element keyboard
汉字整字complete Chinese character keyboard
汉字输入Chinese character input keyboard
注意事件处理程序attention-key-handling program
清除消除cancel key
热关warm key point
热压thermal compression bonding
球形ball bonding
用户可编程序user-programmable keys
用户定义user-definable keys
用户定义的功能user-defined function key
电容式capacitive keyboard
监听电check key
目录directory key
目标关targeted keyword
相关相移correlative phase shift keying
相干差分相移coherent differential phase-shift keying
相干频移coherent frequency shift keying
相移phase shift keying
相联关associative key
矩阵matrix keyboard
离开away from keyboard
程序功能program function key
程序存取program access key
空格space bar
管理supervisory keyboard
系统复位清除system reset clear key
索引index key
索引关indexed key
组合composite key
终端terminal keyboard
绝对相移absolute phase shift keying
自动重复automatic repeat key
自动重复typematic key stroke
自动重复按typematic key
自由关free keywords
苹果扩展Apple extended keyboard
虚拟激光virtual laser keyboard
覆盖overlay keyboard
计算calculate key (Calc Key)
超前入缓冲区type-ahead buffer
超前入能力type-ahead capability
soft keyboard
辅助alternate key
辅助companion keyboard
辅助功能alternate function key
过滤对称差分相移filtered symmetric differential phase-shift keying
连续相位频移continuous phase frequency shift keying
递减descending key
通断on-off keying
重复标值duplicate key value
重复动作repeat action key
lock key
开关keylock switch
锁下latch-down key
锁相环四相相移phase-locked loop quadrature phase shift keying
位表key mapping table
元集key element set
刻画模型key-specified model
变元key argument
变换key change
Home 和 End 键Home and End keys
key frames
序数据集key-sequenced data set
开关防跳keyswitch debouncing
扫描key scan
控穿孔key punching
控脉冲key pulse
控自动增益控制keyed automatic gain control
板缓冲区keyboard buffer
标匹配key matching
标压缩key compression
标字和通用十进制分类法索引keyword and UDC index
标字段key field
标字段级说明key field level specifications
标折合法key folding
标排序文件key-sequenced file
标文件keyed file
标范围key range
标表key table
标随机存取random access by key
标顺序key sequence
标顺序存取路径keyed sequence access path
校对key verify
的键盘101-key keyboard 101
AT AT keyboard (一种84键的键盘,由IBM PC/AT 首次采用)
盘占用keyboard grabbing
盘发送器key sender
盘发送/接收keyboard send/ receive
盘发送/接收keyboard send/receive
盘发送接收模式keyboard send/receive mode
盘发送/接收电传打字机keyboard send/receive teletypewriter
盘发送/接收终端keyboard send/receive terminal
盘字符keyboard character
盘快捷键文件名后缀.acl (CorelDRAW 绘图 软件的键盘快捷键文件的扩展名)
盘映射keyboard mapping
盘的功能键keyboard function key
盘磁带输入系统key-to-tape system
盘类型keyboard type
盘询问keyboard inquiry
盘路由选择keyboard select routing
盘转移keyboard shift
盘输人区key entry area
盘锁定keyboard lockout
码接收器key code receiver
码表key code table
种类key class
获取key grabbing
key row
裂磁泡发生器keyhole bubble generator
路由选择key routing
锁特制件keylock feature
频率bond frequency
验证码key authentication code
长尾关long end keyword
descending key
静态位分布系数static coefficient of key distribution
非关微操作non-critical microoperation
非唯一替换non-unique alternate key
非缓冲unbuffered keyboard
频移frequency shift keying
频移frequency-shift keying
频移控调制frequency-shift keyed modulation
题内关字母key letter in context
题内关词组索引key phrase in context
高斯最小频移Gaussian minimum shift keying
高斯最小频移Gaussian minimum shift keyingGMSK
高斯滤波最小频移Gaussian filtered minimum shift keying
高斯频移Gaussian frequency-shift keying
髙斯滤波最小频移Gaussian filtered minimum shift keying
鼠标mouse button