
Terms for subject Surgery containing 重复 | all forms | in specified order only
十二指肠重复畸形preduodenal portal vein
反向重复序列inverted repeat
同向重复序列direct repeat
尿道重复畸形urethral duplication
消化道重复畸形alimentary tract duplication
球型重复畸形spherical duplication
管状重复畸形tubular duplication
重复畸形duplication of intestine
肢体长骨重复畸形long limb bone duplication
重复畸形reduplication of stomach
胃肠道重复畸形duplication of alimentary tract
输尿管重复畸形ureteral duplication
重复尿道duplication of urethra
重复renal duplication
重复duplex kidney
重复肾盂duplication of pelvis
重复肾盂和输尿管double pelvis and ureters
重复膀胱duplication of bladder
重复膀胱double bladder
重复输尿管duplication of vas deferens
重复输尿管duplication of ureter
重复阴茎duplication of penis
长末端重复序列long terminal repeat
食管重复畸形esophageal duplications
食管重复畸形duplication of esophagus