
Terms for subject Corporate governance containing | all forms
不扣退休金的组成non-pensionable component
业务活动operational activities segment ECOSOC
主管line unit
以总为中心的方法HQ-centric approach
以总为中心的方法Headquarters centric approach
控股的子公司wholly owned subsidiary
公共门的机构general government
公司内组织internal organization of the firm
候选人internal candidate
和外部竞争性考试internal and external competitive examinations
委员会internal committee
审计internal audit
审计手册internal audit manual
监管措施internal control measure
语言考试internal language examination
远景internal vision
农业department of agriculture
经营业绩的独立利润规则profit independence rule in divisional performance
门采购承诺付款divisional purchase precommitment
协调经社理事会co-ordination segment ECOSOC
右尾与左尾部right and left tails
美国商务出口管理局Bureau of Export Administration
国际公共门会计标准International Public Sector Accounting Standards
候选人external candidate
审计external audit
投资顾问external investment advisor
语言考试external language examination
远景external vision
委员会committee segment ECOSOC
实地支付field allotment
制造通知单subproduction order
工资payroll unit
任职地点headquarters location
任职地点headquarters duty station
办公用房headquarters accommodation
机构headquarters establishment
活动Headquarters activities
独立办公室headquarters independent office
职员挑选程序headquarters staff selection procedure
职员选拔程序headquarters staff selection procedure
项目Headquarters' based project
技术援助technical assistance component
收回全成本full-cost recovery
无保留的外审计意见unqualified external audit opinion
服务servicing department
机构内协作intra-institutional collaboration
桌面署系统Desktop Deployment System
永久性分丧失能力permanent partial disablement
由总实施的项目Headquarters' based project
目标生产targeted production sectors
私人门发展项目Private Sector Development Program
英国出口信贷British Export Credits Department
计划planning department
计划的组成components of the programme
门联络cross-departmental contact
进修金构成fellowship component
分丧失工作能力partial disablement
分付款partial pay
分工作地点差价调整数partial post adjustment
分支付partial pay
分调整fractional adjustment
分贴补健康保险计划partially-subsidized health insurance scheme
分资料的决策decision under risk
审查组Departmental Review Group
级级别的职位调整fractional post adjustment classes
级级别的职位调整fractional classes of post adjustment
级计划管理工具包departmental programme management tool kit
署计划deployment plan
长级会议ministerial session
长级会议开幕式ministerial session opening ceremony
门互惠sectoral reciprocity
门发展计划sectoral development programme UNDP
门情况sectoral context
门研究stripe study
门经理line manager
门计划管理人员工具箱Departmental Programme Managers’ Toolkit
门间凭证interoffice voucher
门间转帐凭单interoffice voucher
门间转帐凭单报表IOV return
门间转帐凭单报表interoffice voucher return
非付费non-chargeable component
非总任职地点non-headquarters duty stations
非收费non-chargeable component
非消费组成缩写为NCCnon-consumption component
项目主管project authorities
项目的外支持external support to the project
高层high-level segment