
Terms for subject Electric machinery containing | all forms
三平面绕组端tier overhang
三平面绕组端three-plane overhang
磁轭lower half yoke
结构bottom half structure
轴承lower bearing
鼠笼lower squirrel cage
下降sloping portion
主要fundamental element
公差all-in tolerance
分断时间total breaking time
叠层结构fully-laminated construction
投入电阻all-in resistance
设备接线图general wiring diagram
运行时间full operating time
全套integral parts
全套integral units
冷却inner cooling
安装的加热器internally-mounted heater
泄漏损耗internal leakage loss
internal approach
电压降internal voltage drop
绝缘internal insulation
缺陷inner defect
过热保护装置inherent overheating protection
通风道internal air duct
防雷系统internal lighting protection system
零件internal part
切向tangential component
可导电conductive part
可用disposable part
同时可触及simultaneously accessible parts
埋入imbedded part
extraneous field
external field
安装冷却器externally-mounted cooler
导电部分extraneous conductive part
旋转电动机outer pole motor
旋转电动机outer-spinning motor
热交换器external heat-exchanger
特性曲线external characteristic
电源outer power source
电缆outboard cable
电路external circuit
绝缘outer insulation
锈斑extraneous rust
外露导电exposed conductive part
定子端stator end
定子端磁场stator end-area field
定子端铁芯stator end core
定子绕组端绑扎binding stator end turns
定子背stator core back
定子背frame back
定子轭stator rim
定子轭stator yoke
定子轭磁密flux density in stator yoke
定子轭磁路长length of flux path in stator yoke
定子轭磁路长length of magnetic path in stator yoke
定子铁芯端屏蔽shielding of stator core
定子齿安匝ampere-turns for stator teeth
定子齿磁路长length of magnetic path in stator teeth
定子齿磁路长length of flux path in stator teeth
导体有效active part of conductor
导体端conductor end
导电current carrying part
导电conducting part
包装part package
反馈local feed-back
反馈开关柜local feed-back switch cabinet
发热local heating
local ground
local earth
放电local discharge
放电熄火电压partial discharge extinction voltage
放电的规定值specified partial discharge magnitude
放电脉冲partial discharge pulse
放电超声定位locating partial discharge by ultrasonic wave
放电量amount of partial discharge
温度测量local temperature measurement
照明变压器local illumination transformer
磁滞环local hysteresis loop
绝缘partial insulation
负载partial loading
速度不均匀率incremental speed variation
带电active part
带电live part
半轴承bottom half-bearing
半轴瓦bottom half-shell
换向器端轴承commutator end bearing
旋转rotating member
旋转rotatable part
旋转rotating element
无功quadrature component
有效actual part
有效electrically active part
机座背frame back
磁路flux path in pole
磁路长length of magnetic path in pole
straight part of coil
slot portion
下层绕组bottom slot layer
卡特气隙系数carter's air-gap coefficient for slot
导体embedded conductor
导体长embedded conductor length
应力slot force
放电分析仪slot discharge analyzer
横截面积cross sectional area of slot
电抗slot reactance
电晕corona at slot
磁导slot permeance
线圈coil in slot part
线圈slot coil cells
线圈边embedded coil side
线圈长length of embedded coil
线棒bar in slot part
线棒长length of embedded bar
绕组slot winding
绕组长embedded length of winding
防晕slot discharge prevention
涡轮机零turbine part
润滑oiling site
灯泡体头top cover
灯泡体头nose of bulb
特大volumetric component
电刷顶brush top
电刷顶斜面brush top bevel
电动机motor element
电抗wattless component
电机electric machine component
电机放大机控制amplidyne control unit
电枢端armature end
电枢端armature end turns
电枢端绑线armature end-turn banding
电枢端连接线armature -connection
电枢端连接线armature end-connector
电枢绕组端armature end-turns
电枢绕组端armature end-connections
电枢轭armature rim
电枢轭armature yoke
电枢轭磁密flux density in armature yoke
电枢轭磁路长length of magnetic path in armature rim
电枢轭磁路长length of magnetic path in armature yoke
电枢齿磁路长length of magnetic path in armature tooth
电枢齿磁路长length of flux path in armature tooth
电磁electromagnetic component
电站全停电black out
电站地上power-house super-structure block
直流DC component
瞬变电抗内电压voltage behind transient reactance
稳定stable part
end turns
overhang part
overhang portion
余隙end play
压圈end clamping-ring
固定系统fixing system of end turns
固定系统bracing system of end turns
垫块bracing element
导体overhang conductor
屏蔽装配end shield assembly
弯矩end moment
换位overhang transposition
接线end connector
推力轴承end thrust bearing
搭接end lap
摆动end wobble
支撑end bracing
支架end support
支架end bracket
斜接的绕组skew coil winding
泄漏因数end leakage factor
泄漏常数end leakage constant
泄漏系数end leakage coefficient
terminal approach
漏感end leakage inductance
漏电感end leakage inductance
漏电抗overhang leakage reactance
漏电抗end leakage reactance
漏磁end leakage
漏磁场end leakage field
漏磁导overhang leakage permeance
漏磁导end leakage permeance
漏磁通end leakage flux
漏磁通overhang leakage flux
电感inductance of end connection
电抗overhang reactance
磁场end region field
空间overhang space
窜动end play
线匝end turn
线圈end wire winding
线圈end turns
线圈end turn
线圈固定end turn bracing
线圈绝缘end wire insulation
线圈绝缘end turn insulation
绑带end banding tape
绑带end banding strap
结构overhang construction
绕组支撑end winding support
绕组支撑结构end winding support structure
绕组电感end winding inductance
绕组电抗end winding reactance
绕组磁场end winding field
绕组通风end winding ventilation
绕组防晕end winding surface discharge protection
给风end feed
绝缘垫块overhang packing
翻转换位twisted lead transposition
视察窗end window
进风end-turn inlet
进风end feed
连接end connection
铁芯end core
铁芯段end piece
铁芯段end core packet
长度overhang length
零件end piece
馈电end feed
端线end coil portion
线圈槽外直线coil extension
线圈的直线straight-line part of coil
线圈端coil head
线圈端coil overhang
线圈端end conductor
线圈端end winding
线圈端coil end
线圈端固化cure of end winding
线圈端固定holding end turn
线圈端垫块coil end spacer
线圈端 180° 换位overhang 180° transposition
线圈端 180° 换位inverted turn transposition in coil end
线圈端支承coil end support
线圈端支承coil end bracing
线圈端漏抗coil end leakage reactance
线圈端漏磁coil end leakage
线圈端漏磁场coil end leakage field
线圈端漏磁通coil end leakage flux
线圈端绑扎holding end turn
线圈端绑扎带banding tape of coil overhang
线圈端绑扎带bandage of coil ends
线圈端绑环coil end bracing-ring
线圈端绝缘coil overhang insulation
线圈端长度coil overhang length
线圈端接free portion of coil
线棒端end bar
线棒端coil knuckle
绕组端end wire winding
绕组端end turn
绕组端end winding
绕组端end of winding
绕组端垫块end winding wedging block
绕组端垫衬winding overhang packing
绕组端层间绝缘layer insulation of winding overhang
绕组端层间绝缘belt insulation of winding overhang
绕组端换位winding overhang transposition
绕组端支承end winding support
绕组端楔块end winding wedging block
绕组端浇漆flooding of end winding
绕组端漏感end connection leakage induction
绕组端漏抗end connection leakage reactance
绕组端漏磁winding overhang leakage
绕组端漏磁导率end winding leakage permeance
绕组端漏磁通end connection leakage flux
绕组端电感inductance of end winding
绕组端电抗winding overhang reactance
绕组端绑扎结构cord-tied system of overhang
绕组端绑扎结构cord tied end winding support system
绕组端绝缘end winding insulation
绕组端长度winding overhang length
绕组端接termination portion of winding
绕组端接free portion of winding
绝缘insulated part
衔铁端armature end
要害vital part
视在轭磁密apparent flux density in yoke
视在铁磁密apparent flux density in iron
视在齿磁密apparent flux density in teeth
转动live part
转子中心rotor center
转子轭磁密flux density in rotor yoke
转子轭磁路长length of magnetic path in rotor yoke
转子轭磁路长length of flux path in rotor yoke
转子齿安匝ampere-turns for the rotor teeth
转子齿磁路长length of magnetic path in rotor tooth
转子齿磁路长length of flux path in rotor tooth
安匝yoke ampere-turn
平均直径mean diameter of yoke
平均磁密mean flux density in yoke
总横截面gross cross section of yoke
磁密flux density in yoke
磁滞损耗hysteresis loss in yoke
磁路magnetic circuit of yoke
磁路长length of magnetic path in yoke
磁路长flux path length in yoke
轴向axial component
轴向可移端结构Axial moveable end structure
轴承座上bearing pedestal cap
轴承活动active part of bearing
通流flow passage
通流flow-passing part
分停运partial outage
分剖视图phantom drawing
分响应时间partial response time
分成型绕组partly preformed winding
分损耗partial loss
分接地partial ground
分接地partial earthing
分放电分析仪partial discharge analyzer
分气候防护partially weather protection
分甩负荷partial load rejection
分电容element capacitance
分电容器partial capacitor
分短路partial short-circuit
分绕组启动part winding starting
分闭口槽partly closed slot
分阻尼绕组partial damping winding
安匝iron part ampere-turns
铁芯端core end
铁芯端叠片laminations in core end
铁芯端叠片end section of core
铁芯背rear of core
铁芯轭core yoke
铁芯轭rear of core
part and element
uppermost part
齿体积tooth volume
齿净长net length of teeth
齿安匝ampere turns for teeth
齿平均磁密mean flux density of teeth
齿总横截面gross cross section of teeth
齿损耗tooth loss
齿横截面积cross sectional area of teeth
齿磁滞损耗hysteresis loss in teeth
齿磁路长length of magnetic path in teeth
齿磁路长length of flux path in teeth
齿磁路长flux path length in teeth
齿饱和tooth saturation