
Terms for subject Technology containing 通信 网 | all forms | in specified order only
专用数据通信服务网leased data communication service
专线通信网leased line network
互网络通信internetwork communication
交换通信网switched communication network
交换型远程通信网switched telecommunication network
交换远程通信网switched telecommunication network
交换长途通信网switched telecommunication network
交通技术市场信息网络系统traffic technology market network
交通网自适应信号配时程序traffic adaptive network signal timing programme
交通网自适应信号配时程序traffic adaptive network signal timing program
全国通信光缆骨干网a key national network of communications optical cables
全国通信光缆骨干网a key national network of communications optic cables
军用通信网forces network
国际电信卫星通信网INTELSAT communication network
多站通信网multidrop communication network
宽带通信网broadband communication network (络)
微波通信网microwave communication network
数据通信网data communication network (络)
数据通信网络标准化standardization of data communication network
无向通信网non-oriented communication network
无线电通信网radio link network
有向通信网oriented communication network
本地通信网local network
气象传真通信网weather facsimile network
气象电传通信网meteorological telecommunication network
气象电传通信网meteorologic telecommunication network
气象电传打字通信网meteorological teleprinter network
气象电传打字通信网meteorologic teleprinter network
水运通信网communication network of water transportation
消防无线电通信网fire radio communication network
租用专线通信网leased line network
紧急灾情通信网emergency network of the situation of a disaster
网络信息流通network traffic
计算机通信网computer communication network (络)
通信网network of communication
通信网communication network (络)
通信网呼号net call sign
通信网损耗net loss
通信网控制程序communication network control programme
通信网控制程序communication network control program
通信网管理电台net control station
通信网络处理机communication network processor
长途通信网toll network
长途通信网toll communication network
集成数字通信网in teg rated digital communication network