
Terms for subject Electric machinery containing 连接 | all forms | in specified order only
三角形-星形连接△-Y connection
三角形-星形连接mesh-star connection
三角形-星形连接delta-star connection
连接线图interconnection diagram
连接线表interconnection table
互相连接的发电机interconnected generator
交叉连接绕组cross-connected winding
凸缘轴连接flanged-shaft joint
刚性连接bending resistant connection
卡夹连接clip connection
卷压连接crimp pressed connection
双△连接twin delta
双△连接twin delta connection
双反三角形连接变压器diametric connection
双反星形连接变压器double star connection
双叠连接double lap connection
双可逆星形连接double reversible star connection
双斯考特连接double Scott (connection)
反并联连接anti-paralled connection
叠式连接lap connection
同步连接synchronous coupling
后绝缘连接post-insulated connection
四边形连接four bar linkage
四边形连接trapeziform connection
均压连接balancing connection
均压线连接equalizer connection
均压连接equalizer connection
均压连接uniform pressed connection
坑压连接non-uniformity pressed connection
定子连接线stator jumper
定子极间连接线stator jumper
定子线圈极间连接线stator jumper
对轮铰孔连接broaching and joining the coupling
引线连接lead connector
V 形连接变压器Vee-connection
Z 形连接interconnected star connection
Z 形连接zigzag connection
T 形连接T connection
德诺则尔曲折连接绕组Deroziers zigzag winding
快速连接型端子quick connection type terminal
抗弯连接bending resistant connection
接地连接ground connection
接地连接earth connection
摩擦连接friction locking
斯柯特连接变压器Scott-connected transformer
无接头连续包带continuous no-joint tapping
无接头连续涂敷continuous no-joint coating
无环流连接connection without circulating-current
星形连接connection in star
星形连接中性点star neutral
星形连接star connected system
星形连接发电机Y-connected generator
星形连接相电压star voltage
星形连接线电压line voltage of Y-connection
星形连接绕组Y-connected winding
星形-三角形连接Y-∆ connection
星形-三角形连接star-delta connection
星形-三角形连接绕组Y-∆ connected winding
星形-星形连接电动机Y-Y connected motor
星形-星形连接绕组Y-Y connected winding
星形-星形-三角连接Y-Y-∆ connection
星形-星形-三角连接star-star-delta connection
星形-曲折连接star-zigzag connection
星形-曲折连接绕组star-zigzag connected winding
曲折连接平衡器interconnected star balancer
曲折连接绕组zigzag winding
曲折形连接interconnected star connection
板装连接board mounted connector
极间连接水轮发电机rotor coil connector
极间连接interpolar connector
极间连接线支架pole jumper support
止口连接spigot joint
永久性连接设备permanently connected equipment
法兰连接flange mounting
法兰轴连接flanged shaft joint
活动连接flexible connection
浮动连接floating joint
渐开线连接evolute connection
燕尾连接dovetail connection
燕尾连接dovetail joint
连接electric coupling
电刷连接brush shunt
电动机非连接front of motor
电枢端部连接线armature -connection
电枢端部连接线armature end-connector
直接连接发电机directly-coupled generator
直接连接式汽轮发电机directly coupled turbogenerator
直接连接电动机directly-connected motor
直接连接的励磁机-connected exciter
直接连接的励磁机close-coupled exciter
直接连接的励磁机directly-coupled exciter
相组连接phase group connector
相间连接interphase connection
相间连接线phase connector
磁极连接field connection
端部连接end connection
线圈连接coil connection
线圈连接coil tie
线圈连接线connecting conductor of coil
线圈连接线coil-to-coil connector
线圈连接线coil tie-wire
线圈连接linking set of coil
线圈连接coil connection group
线圈间的连接connection between coils
绑接连接bound connection
蝶形连接butterfly connection
螺栓连接bolt connected joint
补偿线圈连接线compensating coil connecting-wire
转子线圈连接rotor coil connection
连接shaft coupling
过渡连接intermediate lug
Y 连接connection in star
Y 连接star connection
连接connection in delta
Y 连接Y-connection
Y-Y-△ 连接star-star-delta connection
Y-Y-△ 连接Y-Y-△ connection
Y-Y 连接double Y connection
Y-Y 连接star zigzag connection
连接 相关条目connecting
连接 相关条目connexion
连接coupling strip
连接插头和插座connecting plug and socket
连接方法type of connection
连接法兰adapter flange
连接法兰coupled flange
连接terminal lug
连接connecting strip
连接端头splice terminal
连接connecting stage
连接线connecting conductor
连接组别变压器vector group connection
连接组别变压器connection group
连接螺钉joint screw
连接connecting shaft
连接adapter shaft
连接dumb bell shaft
阻尼连接damper segment connector
阻尼条连接damper segment connector
集电环连接slip ring connection
额定连接容量rated connecting capacity
鸽尾连接dovetail joint
齿轮连接汽轮机geared turbine