
Terms for subject Electronics containing 连接 | all forms | in specified order only
一级连接primary connection point
三Y连接triple-star connection
三角连接triangle connection
上部水平连接upper lateral connections
上部水平连接upper lateral rod
不可接触绝缘位移连接non-accessible insulation displacement connection
不可逆连接non-reversible connector
不可重复接线连接non-rewirable connector
不均匀连接nonuniform connection
不对称连接nonuniform connection
与链路连接的终端link-attached terminal
专用存储器连接private memory connection
业务数据线路连接service data line connector
业务特定面向连接协议service-specific connection-oriented protocol
丝扣连接threaded connector
两针连接two-pin connector
两针主连接two-pin mains connector
中型用户线交叉连接模块middle subscriber line cross-connect module
中小型用户线交叉连接模块small-to-middle-size subscriber line cross-connect module
中心城市的计算机连接设备central city computer connections
中心局连接central office connection
中性点连接neutral point connection
中性点不接地的Y形连接ungrounded Y-connection
中继线号群连接trunk number group connector
中继链路架连接trunk link frame connector
中跨连接midspan joint
中间连接网络intermediate connecting network
串级连接cascade connection
临时性连接contingent connection
连接装置host connection unit
主交叉连接primary cross-connection point
主机连接选件host connectivity options
主机架连接main frame connector
主测试连接master test connector
二重连接siamese joint
交叉连接cross bond
交叉连接cross strut
ATM 交叉连接ATM cross-connect
ATM交叉连接asynchronous transfer mode crossconnect
交叉连接交换cross-connect switch
交叉连接存储器cross-tie memory
交叉连接总线cross-connect bus
交叉连接cross-connecting board
交叉连接测试台cross-connect testbed
交叉连接cross-connecting point
交换与连接exchange and connect
交换式虚拟连接switched virtual connection
交换网连接switching network junction
交流连接AC connection
交错触头连接staggered-contact connector
企业系统连接体系结构enterprise system connection architecture
传输连接transport connection
传输连接消除transport connection clear
传送连接transport connection
传送连接拆线transport connection clear
传送连接端点transport connection endpoint
传送连接请求transport connection request
连接单元接口pseudo attachment unit interface
低比特率数字交叉连接low-bit-rate digital cross-connect
低比特率数字交叉连接接口设备low-bit-rate digital cross-connect interface unit
低熔点金属连接low-melting-point metal connection
低阶通路连接low-order path connection
作业存储器连接job memory connection
侧面连接端子flag terminal
假想信令参考连接hypothetical signaling reference connection
假想数字基准连接hypothetical digital reference connection
先进连接系统advanced connectivity system
连接optical junction
光交叉连接optical cross-connection
光交叉连接节点optical cross-connect node
光子接人连接photonic access connector
光子模块间连接photonic inter-module connector
光数字交叉连接设备optical digital cross-connect equipment
光数据交叉连接optical data cross-connecting
光电连接optical-to-electrical connection
光纤连接fiber joint box
光纤连接配线板fiber joint panel
光纤单路连接fiber-optic single channel connector
光纤双路连接fiber-optic twin channel connector
光纤多路连接fiber-optic multichannel connector
光纤媒体连接fiber optic medium attachment
光纤媒体连接单元fiber optic medium attachment unit
光纤媒体连接单元与光纤收发机fiber optic medium attachment unit and fiber optic transceiver
光纤有源连接optical fiber active connector
光纤段网络连接optical section network connection
光纤物理媒体连接fiber optic physical medium attachment
光纤网关交叉连接optical gateway cross-connect
光通路交叉连接optical path cross-connect
全控制连接fully-controllable connection
共享子通道连接处理机shared subchannel attachment handler
共发射极连接common emitter connection
具有分断能力的连接connector with breaking capacity
兼容连接compatible connectors
内部连接协议internal connection protocol
内部连接internal connect block
内部连接internal junctor
内部连接线internally connecting wire
内部交叉连接总线internal cross-connect bus
内部直接连线direct-inside wire
写访问连接接收器write access connection acceptor
写访问连接起动器write access connection initiator
分布式数据库连接服务distributed database connection services
列表连接wireless connection diagram
列阵磁带自动化连接array tape automated bonding
刚性柱连接tower bracing
动态连接管理dynamic connection management
匹配连接时的衰耗structural return loss
十字连接cross connection
半永久虚连接semi-permanent virtual connection
连接器插槽single connector attachment
连接多测量设计single-connection, multiple-measurement design
连接single attachment station
连接辅件single connection assistant
单一型连接hermaphroditic connector
单个连接呼叫控制one connection call control
单元连接cell connector
单元机组断开连接isolation of a unit
单模光纤连接single mode fiber connector
单线连接single wire connector
卡口插旋连接bayonet joint
卡口连接bayonet coupling
印制板连接printed-board connector
印刷板连接printed board connector
印刷电路板连接printed circuit board connector
印刷线连接printed wiring connector
压入式连接press-in connection
压力连接pressure connection
压接连接crimped connection
压接连接pressurized connector
压接连接pressure-wire connector
压接连接crimp connector
压线连接pressure-wire connector
同意接受传送连接transport connection accept
同步连接synchronous tie
同步数字交叉连接设备synchronous digital cross connect equipment
同步数字交叉连接设备synchronous digital cross-connect equipment
同步数字系列数字交叉连接SDH digital cross connect
名字连接协议name binding protocol
吸入连接suction connection
拱坝周边连接peripheral joint arched dam
呼叫和连接控制处理器call and connection control processor
和…连接link up with
和…连接link up
圆形连接circular connector
在线保护性连接protective splicing on line
地线连接ground-wire attachments
地面网络连接设备terrestrial network connection equipment
均衡连接uniform connection
坚固连接tight coupling
填实连接packed joint
增加连接add connection
增加连接应答connection added acknowledge
增强型快速连接enhanced quick connect
增强型视频连接器标准enhanced video connector standard
增强型频道连接enhanced video connector
处理机间连接interprocessor connection
连接out join
外围连接接口peripheral connect interface
外围连接接口/扩展的驱动器阵列接口peripheral connect interface/extended driver array interface
外围设备互连-外围设备互连桥接板PCI-to-PCI bridge board
外围设备互连总线电源管理接口PCI power management interface
电缆外皮连接sheath bonding
外部连接external link
连接呼叫控制multi-connection call control
多元连接complex conjunction
多光纤阵列连接multifiber array connector
多处理器控制连接器模块multiprocessor control connector module
多媒体音像连接multimedia audio video connection
多方连接子系统multiparty connection subsystem
多模光纤连接光缆MMF jointing cable
多点连接装置multipoint junction unit
多用户连接子系统multiparty connection subsystem
多电路连接multicircuit connection
多纤芯连接multifiber connector
多触点连接multiple-contact connector
多触点连接multicontact connector
多路复接交换连接multiplex exchange connecting frame
多边形连接polygonal connection
大型用户线交叉连接模块large subscriber line cross-connect module
太阳能电池阵列定向连接orientation linkage for a solar cell array
夹形连接clamp-on connector
套管连接nipple joint
套管型连接sleeve-type coupling
媒体连接单兀media attachment unit
媒体独立接口-连接单元接口适配[转接]卡MII-to-attachment unit interface adapter card
子母板连接mother-daughter board connector
子网连接保护subnetwork connection protection
子网连接subnetwork attachment point
存储器连接电路storage connecting circuit
定位螺钉连接set-screw type connector
定向连接事务处理connection-oriented transaction processing
定向连接传送业务connection-oriented transport service
定子出线连接支架stator connection support
定子绕组连接线stator winding connection leads
实验室用精密连接laboratory precision connector
客户访问连接customer access connection
封闭式连接sealed connector
射频连接radio frequency joint
小型用户线交叉连接模块small subscriber line cross-connect module
屏蔽连接shielded connector
布线连接wiring connector
带外围设备互连接口的 Altera 可重新配置计算机Altera reconfigurable computer with peripheral component interconnect interface
带靠背轮连接的电动机clutch-type motor
平行连接套管parallel jointing sleeve
平行接地连续导体parallel earth continuity conductor
并联连接connect across
应急连接contingent connection
底盘连接chassis connector
座席连接辅助设备position connection auxiliary
开关连接switch connection
开关滤波器连接switching filter connector
开尾螺栓连接split-bolt connector
开放式数据库连接技术open database connectivity
开放式网络连接open network connection
开路连接circuit-opening connection
异步连接asynchronous link
异步传送模式交叉连接ATM cross-connect
异步传送模式交叉连接asynchronous transfer mode crossconnect
异步无连接链路asynchronous connectionless link
引漏管连接leak off connection
弧光连接arcing contact
电力系统连接weak tie
弹头电气连接warhead electrical connector
弹性卡夹连接spring clamp connection
弹性卡夹连接装置spring clamp connecting device
电力系统连接strong tie
Z形连接interstar connection
Т形连接tee connector
总呼叫连接延迟total call connection delay
总线连接bus tie
感性连接inductive link
连接的负荷connected load
扇出连接fan-out connector
扭转式连接twist-on connector
扼流圈连接choke joint
承载连接控制bearer connection control
承载信道连接bearer channel connection
把…连接到…connect on...
抓离连接snatch-disconnect connector
抗腐连接environment resistant connector
护套连接sheath bonding
换向器组多路连接multiple connection of commutating groups
接合连接joining of wires
接地连接grounding connection
接地连接earthing connector
接地回路连接ground circuit connector
接地电缆连接grounding cable bond
接地电缆连接grounding cable connector
接地电路连接earth circuit connector
接地连续性检查回路ground-continuity check circuit
接收呼叫连接信号receive call connect signal
接触件交错排列的连接staggered-contact connector
控制器扩充连接controller extension connector
控制寄存器连接control register connector
控制棒驱动机构连接装置CRDM adapter
控制电缆并联连接control cable parallel connector
推拉连接push-pull coupling
推拉连接push-pull connector
推挽连接push-pull connector
搭扣连接clasp joint
改进型绕接连接modified wrapped connection
数字连接单元digital connection unit
数字交叉连接设备digital cross-connect equipment
数字交叉连接设备digital cross-connect equipment
数字信号交叉连接digital signal cross-connect
数字分路与交叉连接设备digital branching and cross-connect equipment
数字接人连接开关digital access connection switch
数字接人与交叉连接系统digital access and crossconnect system
数字接人交叉连接系统digital access cross-connect system
数字视频连接器接口digital video connector interface
数据连接保护data connection protection
数据连接设备data connection equipment
数据库连接data base connector
Java 数据库连接技术Java database connectivity
数据接人连接系统data access connection system
数据链路连接data link connection
Y 星 Y连接star connection
Y 星 Y连接Y connection
星形连接star connector
星状连接star connection
有引线多芯片组件连接leaded multichip module connector
连接网络unconnected network
未完成的呼叫连接uncompleted call connection
机架和面板连接rack-and-panel connector
机械无焊连接solderless joint
机械连接mechanical connector
机械连接极限开关mechanical limit switch
机械连接终端开关mechanical limit switch
机械连接限位开关mechanical limit switch
束缚连接bound connection
板边插入连接edge-socket connector
板间连接mother-daughter board connector
构件连接模型component connection model
标志器连接marker connector
树脂连接rosin connection
桥式连接full-wave connection
桥形连接bridge connection
模块间连接inter-module connector
横向连接电缆cross-connection cable
正交连接quadrature connection
气力连接pneumatic connection
气密连接hermetic connector
气密封连接hermetic connector
气密性连接区域gas-tight connection
水力连接hydraulical connection
水力连接hydraulic connection
永久连接电容器permanently connected capacitor
汇接线连接junction wire connector
活动光纤连接free fiber-optic connector
活动接口连接flexible interface connector
活动较链连接ball and socket attachment
测试连接test connection
测试连接test connector
测试连接设备test connection equipment
浮动安装连接float-mounting connector
浸没式连接submersible connector
结;粘连接bond connector
熔丝连接可编程只读存储器fuse link programmable read-only memory
熔断连接break-away connector
熔焊连接welded connection
物理媒体连接子层physical media attachment sublayer
牵引式中跨连接drawn-type midspan joint
环形连接ring coupling
球窝连接ball and socket attachment
球較连接ball and socket attachment
用户连接subscriber connector
用户相关呼叫连接延迟user-dependent call connection delay
用户线交叉连接模块subscriber line cross-connect module
用户线交叉连接模块个人计算机LXM personal computer
用户线交叉连接模块处理器LXM processor
用角撑架牛腿连接横梁和柱seat connection of beams to columns
电位端连接电阻connecting resistance potential
电力回路段平行连接parallel connection of electrical circuit sections
电力网连接的确定power network connectivity determination
电加热器连接electric heater connector
电导连接电荷耦合器件conductively-connected charge-coupled device
电枢端部连接armature end connection
电气连接electric coupling
电气连接检测装置interconnection checker
电气回路段组合连接combined connection of electrical circuit sections
电流连接current connection
电缆连接cable coupling
电缆连接cable bond
电缆连接cable assembly
电缆连接cable connector
电缆连接cable connector
电缆连接jointing chamber
电缆连接装置cable link
电缆交叉连接cross cable bond
电缆外皮连接cable sheath bond
电缆延续连接continuity cable bond
电缆护套连接cable sheath bond
电缆接地连接grounding cable bond
电缆盒连接cable box connection
电缆箱连接cable box connection
电缆终端连接套管pothead jointing sleeve
电缆终端连接套管pothead cable end sleeve
电路交换连接类型circuit-switched connection type
电通路交叉连接系统electrical path cross-connect system
留声机连接phonograph connection
连接drain connection
皮带连接固定器belt fastener
瞬间中继连接jiffy junction connector
程序连接规约program linkage convention
窄带数字交叉连接系统narrowband digital cross-connect system
等待连接awaiting connection
等电位连接线equipotential bonding conductor
简单广域连接收发器simple wide area connect transceiver
简易客户连接设备simplified customer connecting equipment
算法连接algorithmic connection
连接pipe adapter
管套连接telescoped joint
管脚连接pin connection
管道连接conduit coupling
Ⅱ类设备连接器connector for class II equipment
紧密连接closed contact
网件连接服务Netware connection service
网件异步服务接口连接服务NASI connection service
网关连接网络gateway connection network
网桥连接负载bridge tied load
网络连接network junction
网络连接单元network connection element
网络连接network connection block
网络连接处理程序network connection handler
网络连接存储network attached storage
网络连接network access machine
网络连接network junction point
网络连接策略管理器network connection policy manager
网络连接network attached table
网络连接设备network connection equipment
网络信息传输连接connector for network information transfer
网络信息传送连接connector for networked information transfer
网络多媒体连接network multimedia connection
美国电话电报公司网件连接业务AT&T Netware connection service
耐火连接fireproof connector
耐环境影响连接environment resistant connector
耦合连接coupler connector
联轴节连接box joint
节点连接node junction method
节点连接nodes attached table
芯片直接互连direct chip interconnect
芯片间数字连接interchip digital link
虚信道连接端点virtual channel connection endpoint
虚信道连接终接virtual channel connection termination
虚信道连接终接点virtual channel connection termination point
虚拟连接标识符virtual connection identifier
虚拟连接virtual connection table
虚拟国际连接virtual international connecting point
虚拟容器交叉连接virtual container cross-connection
虚拟直接连通virtual cut through
虚通道连接标识符virtual path connection identifier
虚通道连接端点virtual path connection endpoint
虚通道交叉连接virtual path cross-connect
衔铁端连接armature end connection
表示层连接端点presentation connection end point
表面焊接连接surface bonding connection
计算机连接inter-computer coupler
超群连接supergroup connector
轨端电气连接电气轨道为减少连接电阻而用焊接连接的导体接头rail bond
轨道连接track bond
轨道连接rail bond
转换连接translator connector
转接连接单元transit connection element
转接连接connector adaptor
转接连接相关功能transit connection related function
转接直通连接信号transit through-connect signal
转移与连接指令branch and linkage
转移与连接branch and link
软件连接software connectivity
辅助连接aiding connection
辅助交叉连接secondary cross-connection point
通孔连接through-hole contact
通用连接universal coupling
通用连接网络generalized connection network
通用光纤闭合连接universal fiber optic closure
通用型绕接连接conventional wrapped connection
通用精密连接general precision connector
通道与线路连接channel and line attachment board
逻辑连接logical connection layer
逻辑连接logical connection machine
配套连接connector mated set
配电连接电缆service connection cable
配电装置电气连接系统图bus layout and switching arrangement
针式连接pin connection
针式连接pin connector
针迹连接needle drop
钏焊连接riveted weld joint
钩形连接hooked joint
钩形连接hook joint
螺栓连接pin connection
螺栓连接pin connection
块;件连接locator joint
锁扣连接snap-up connection
锡焊连接soldered connection
Novell 镜像服务器连接Novell mirror server link
镜像阻抗连接耦合叉指换能器image impedance connected coupling interdigital transducer
长距离吉千兆接口连接long-haul gigabit interface connector
队列连接人口queue linkage entry
防斜插连接scoop-proof connector
防水连接submersible connector
阳极连接anode connection
阻抗连接impedance bond
陶瓷可控熔塌高度芯片连接技术ceramic controlled collapse chip connection
随机连接random splice
隐埋层/连接结构buried layer/connecting layer structure
连接not connected
非共享子通道连接处理程序unshared subchannel attachment handler
非可逆连接non-reversible connector
非屏蔽双绞线单连接unshielded twisted pair single attachment station
面向连接同步链路synchronous connect-oriented link
面向连接模式connection-oriented mode
面向连接的会聚功能connection-oriented convergence function
面向连接的消息服务connection-oriented message service
面向连接的网络connection-oriented network
面向连接的网络层协议connection-oriented network layer protocol
面向连接的网络服务connection-oriented network service
面向连接的网际包交换协议connection-oriented internetwork packet exchange protocol
面向连接的网际协议connection-oriented internetwork protocol
面向无连接的消息服务connectionless oriented message service
顶部连接connecting top section
预绝缘连接pre-insulated connection
馈送线缆交叉连接feeder cable cross-connection box
馈送线缆交叉连接feeder cable cross-connection cabinet
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