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一旦确定了个模式的位置、搜索便查找十进制值Once the position of this pattern is determined, the search looks for a decimal value
他抨击些企业逃税、建议这些企业投资国内而非海外、还痛斥石油企业的利润He pounded them on tax avoidance, advised them to invest at home rather than overseas, and lambasted oil company profits
他表示:"任何一个最初以对冲为动机的人、最终都会变成一个赌徒。我在对冲上损失了太多的钱、因此我不会再么做了""Anybody that starts off as a hedger becomes a gambler and I have taken too many losses from hedging, so I don't do it anymore," he says
他还不能支付得起一台电脑和互联网连接的费用、但是他表示至少也是一个开始He still cannot afford the price of a computer or an Internet connection, but, he says, at least it is a start
场辩论的确反映出、 有多少认知不一致以及彻底的不确定性一一继续威胁着市场But what this debate does show is just how much cognitive dissonance——and utter uncertainty——continues to stalk the markets
你只需要向配置中提供一组不同的参数、就可以发现类错误You just feed in a different set of parameters to the configuration, and you expose the bug
你在个聊天室好像很受欢迎。你可以花点时间和我聊聊吗?You are quite popular in this chat room. Can you spare a little time with me?
使用种声学耦合器连接网络和办公室便于发送或接收电子邮件和传真Use this acoustic coupler to send or receive e-mails and faxes, access the Internet or connect to the home office from anywhere in the world
假设 8% 的年回报率的话、足以把1美元变成100多美元That's enough to turn $ 1 into over $ 100, assuming an 8% annual return
出乎意料地、她得到了份录影带讲经的小册子、她感受到内心的召唤、因此便携友同来To her surprise, she unexpectedly received a pamphlet about the video-lecture and she felt moved in her heart, so she came with a friend
到目前为止、种上升的趋势尚不及90年代末和前几年的科技热潮So far, the upswing doesn't begin to match the tech booms of the late 1990s and the middle years of this decade
NAR 发言人说会在很长一段时间形成买方市场Representatives of the NAR say that this makes it the best buyer's market in a long time
只有当已动用资本回报率 ROCE显著提高时、种状态才能得以持续This is sustainable only if return on capital employed improves dramatically
可以根据自己的需要在 HTML 文件中像样开启或关闭 PHP 模式You may jump in and out of PHP mode in an HTML file like this anywhere you want
国泰航空预计、每年飞越道墙的燃油成本高达10万吨、而这没有必要Cathay Airlines estimates that climbing up and down the -wall costs airlines 100 000 tonnes in unnecessary fuel burn every year
些汇编语句中通常不包含嵌套语句、分程序等There are usually no nested statements, blocks, and so forth in assembler statements
点上来说、恢复同业银行拆放市场、确保恰当的经济融资是重中之重In this context, reactivating the interbank market and ensuring the proper financing of the economy is of paramount importance
在全球层面、似乎没有一套从经济中抽走些流动性的退出策略Globally, there does not seem to be an exit strategy in place to drain this liquidity from the system
在生产服务器上安装软件和固件更新之前、应该先在测试环境中部署些更新Before you install software and firmware updates on your production servers, you should deploy these updates in a test environment
如前所述、样的辅助设备的确具有一些不寻常的特点As described before, such auxiliary equipment does have some unusual feature
如果你带着些建议再去看你的录像、你会发现你不像你感觉到的那么紧张了。好好享受你暴涨的自信心吧!If you watch your video recording with these tips in mind, you'll see that you dont look as nervous as you feel. Enjoy the confidence boost!
如果你认为标普500经济复苏后的市盈率在14至15之间、那么个假设就有它的道理If you think a post-recovery price-earnings ratio for the S&P 500 will be something like 14 to 15, then this assumption makes sense
如果您不想立即格式化该卷、请单去"不要格式化个卷"、然后单击 "下一步"If you don't want to format the volume right now, click "Do not format this volume", and then click "Next"
如果您想跳过似乎会引起问题的某个特定指令或一组指令、 就会很有用This would be useful if you wanted to skip a particular instruction or a set of instructions that appeared to be causing a problem
如果您觉得个网站对您很有帮助、请将它加到书签If you find this site helpful, please bookmark it
如果负责个项目的国有企业打算在如此巨大的投入下有所回报、那么消费者的支出不得不涨And if the new state-owned enterprise is to get a return on the huge investment required, broadband charges for consumers will have to rise
对于那些接触 Java 两年左右的人而言、似乎太简单了For those of you -who have come to Java technology in the last two years or so, this may all seem awfully simple
对我来说、是我最感到兴奋的领域、尤其是微机To my mind that's the most exciting field, especially the minicomputer
对货代而言、 是否更难保障对客户的服务承诺?Does this make it more difficult for forwarders to meet service guarantees to customers?
当一个程序装入了扩展存储器页中时、 EMM <-> 就将一个标志回复给个请求程序When a program allocates expanded memory page, the EMM returns a handle to the requesting program
当然、只适用于可缩放矢量字体格式Of course, this will only work for scalable vectorial font formats
当然、聪明的读者会注意到、种云计算趋势有一个明显的缺点Of course, clever readers will have noticed that this trend toward cloud computing has an obvious flaw
很抱歉、是我们的最低价。如果你们认为不能接受、那么我们没有办法、生意只好告吹Sorry, This is our rock-bottom price. If you find it unworkable, we have no other choice but to call the deal off
是来给你送复印机货运单I've brought you the delivery note for the duplicator
我想在里给大家放一小段视频剪辑、让大家对我们所面对的东西有一点了解I'd like to call for this little video clip to give you some idea of, sort of, what we face
是的、就是我国外旅行意外保险卡Yes, this is my overseas travel accident insurance card
最后、技术经理也许可以发现些讨论里面保护了软件可移植性的复杂本质以及编译一个大项目的过程Finally, technical managers may find the discussion to be an insight into the complex nature of software portability and the process of building a large project
比起学校、种有声课程是在逼着你去多说、多听The audio lessons force you to listen and speak more than I ever did in school
然而、在同一时期流通货币只是增长7%However, currency in circulation is up only 7% in that same time period
然而、如果有一种语言已经使用一个简单的数据结构表示、那么种情况就可以简化了However, this might be simplified if there was a language already represented with a simple data structure
现在、个网络绝对不同于你所知道的受保护的局域网Now, the Net is an entirely different environment than you'll find 'within the protected walls of your LA
种方式、用户一般读取的是被称为源文档的初始文档In this method, the user typically reads from an original document called the source document
PDA 用户希望能够运行新的应用程序、存储数据并以后再使用些程序和数据PDA users want to be able to run new applications, store data, and play around
确保做到一点的一种方法是设计一个封装该共享资源的类One way to ensure this is to design a class that encapsulates the shared resource
系统将生成高分辨率的数字影像、 而些影像可以被传送到您选择的分析软件The system produces a high-resolution digital image that can be transmitted to the analysis software of your preference
系统软件执行像从内存传输数据到磁盘、或者将文本递交给显示设备样的任务System software performs tasks like transferring data from memory to disk, or rendering text onto a display device
继续点击个单选按钮、 然后你将得到一个新设定的选项Go ahead and click on that radio button and you'll get a new set of options
至于设计、意味着平衡合意性、人的需求和技术的可行性、以及经济的可行性In the case of design, that means balancing desirability what humans need, with technical feasibility, and economic viability
要删除些项、必须使用 undo 命令撤销当前挂起的更改To delete such items, you must undo the current pending change using the undo command
计算机工程学课程灵活、而且前景很好。我相信是最好的选择The computer engineering program offers great flexibility and good prospects, and I felt it was the best choice for me
话务员把些情况键入计算机终端The operator keys the facts into the computer terminal
说来也怪、构思本书只用了五分钟、但写这本书却花去了整整一年Strange enough, the conception of the book took five minutes, but writing it took a whole year
谈到付款方式、能否告诉我、你们方面通常怎么做?Speaking of mode of payment, can you advise me of your general practice in this respect?
近来黄金投资获利颇丰、但主要是由于心理原因、而非供求因素Gold has been a great investment recently, but psychology rather than supply and demand are responsible
一利率水平是以货币市场上廉价的利率为基础、外加少量管理费用与贷款利润计算出来的This was calculated on the basis of a cheap money market rate, plus a small administration fee and a lending margin
一项目的目标是详细说明这一新产品的潜在市场The goal of this project is to define the potential market for the new product
不仅是经济力量的重新定位、还涉及这股力量将如何被用来塑造全球经济秩序It's not simply a redirection of economic power but a question of how that power will be used to shape the global economic order
个不需要追踪每一封信、但是能够阻止恶意入侵者的欺骗This is not to track everyone's mail, but to prevent bad guys from spoofing good guys
个命令行工具用于关闭和删除由其他进程锁定的文件This is a command line utility to close and delete a file which is locked by another process
个工具不能帮助用户浏览受审查的网站或者获取大文件The tool cant help a user browse censored sites or obtain large files
个广告人和他的合伙人决裂了、 自己开了个公司The advertiser split off from his partner and started a company of his own
个应用程序允许你增加监听程序、 并在运行时通报事件The app allows you to add listeners and notify them of events at run time
个电脑黑客设计了一种难以对付的病毒This hacker designed a computer virus that was hard to manage
个程序可以在运行时调整控件和窗体的大小All the functions to resize your controls and forms at runtime
个索引按开支总目、 列出每个政策范围下的个别纲领详情This index further provides details by head of expenditure of individual programmes which contribute to a policy area
个结论来自当时最新的电脑模型对资源动态使用所做的分析This conclusion flowed from a then state of-the-art computer model of the dynamics of resource use
个解决方案超出了数据处理的范畴、 进入了信息管理领域This solution extends beyond data processing and into information management as well
个高性能的折叠网络使用了三层交换、为客户端和服务器提供网络冗余The high performance collapsed backbone uses layer three switching. Network redundancy are provided to clients and servers
些人穿行于村镇之间、做手术有点像艺术表演These were folks that traveled from village to village, town to town, doing surgery sort of as a form of performance art
些制造业城市正努力将自己重塑为高科技、低污染、高附加值的现代都市These factory towns were trying to re fashion themselves into high-tech, low pollution, value-added modern metropolises
些国家在危机到来前都已习惯了盆满钵满的出口和税收收入、 现在都面临着重新调整All had become used to swollen export and tax revenues and face readjustment
些将帮助您浏览所有剪贴簿的页面These will help you go through all the pages of the scrapbook
些成果是慈善和政府活动的结果、促进了私营企业的发展These outcomes were the result of philanthropic and state action, which facilitated private enterprise
些技术一般使用专家系统或具有人工智能的成分Those technologies typically employ an expert system or have an artificial intelligence component
些数值被压缩入每画面76字节的数字签名中These values are encapsulated in a digital signature of 76 bytes per frame
些电话线也称为干线These telephone lines are also known as trunk lines
些问题包括页面刷新导致的屏幕闪烁现象These issues include pages to refresh the screen flicker
似乎正是现在某类证券交易中发生的事This seems to be precisely what has now happened to trading in certain classes of security
则注资新闻拉动了全球金融股票的上扬News of the cash injection yesterday helped boost banking stocks around the globe
可能让喜欢某种官方批准的监管机构感到不安、但它也会降低光环效应That might worry regulators who like some official seal of approval, but it would also reduce the halo effect
将为系统支持和运营促成一个共同平台、从而提高效率并保持一个安全可靠的系统This will facilitate a common platform for system support and operations, thus improving efficiency and maintaining a reliable and secure system
就意味着你可以提取和查看外部文档、或者访问 CAD 制图This means that you can call up and display external documents, or access CAD drawings
意味着、人民币海外市场规模的扩大在很大程度上将受制于贸易结算额、至少在一段时期之内如此That means that the growth of the offshore market will be largely constrained, for a while at least, by the amount of trade settlement
意味着实际分辨率是每英寸53点This means that the actual resolution is 53 dots per inch
是一个很好的时机、添加 RSS 图标的侧栏It 's a good moment to add a RSS icon to the sidebar
是个重要决定、 因此你为什么不考虑一两天再来答复我呢?It's a major decision. so why dont you sleep on it and give me your answer in a day or two?
是我们作为金融中介的责任所在、 也是我们坚持诚信以及公司商业准则的要求Our responsibility as a financial intermediary requires it and our commitment to integrity and the firm's business principles demand it
架数码相机是多少像素的?How many pixels does this digital camera have?
款文件加密软件具有界面漂亮友好、简单易用、稳定无错、功能强大和兼容性好等特点The document encryption software is pretty friendly interface, easy-to-use, and stability without fault, good compatibility and powerful features
种应用遇到了一个关键错误This application has encountered a critical error
种汇编语言输出表是支持调试的有用工具This assembly language output listing is useful as a debugging aid
种电脑设计简洁、配备大尺寸液晶显示屏、融入了 PC 机的所有功能These machines are distinguished by their compact design and large liquid crystal display panels that also incorporate the guts of the PC
种表现不只是因为钢铁等行业产能过剩、以极低的价格将产品倾销到国外That performance is not just the result of excess-capacity industries, such as steel, dumping output abroad at cutthroat prices
种跌幅将会使价格回落到与长期趋势相符Such a fall would bring prices back in line with the long-term trend
部机子有一个内装的传真调制解调器、可以处理我的大部分通信工作With a built-in fax modem, this machine can handle most of my communication tasks
里有一个例子是我们为客户设计的报表生成软件Another such example arose in the design of a report generator for one of our clients
通过使用谷歌的新服务、学生可以共享日程表、以前他们则无法轻易做到一点Using the new Google service, for instance, students can share calendars, which they could not easily do before
通过有权使用源代码、给了他们力量、否则他们不会获得这种力量By having access to the source code, it gives them power they would otherwise not have
随着受资助银行走过些战略阶段、我们相信、重大股东价值将开始显现As our investee banks move through these strategic stages, we believe that significant shareholder value will begin to emerge
首席财务官们和共同基金经理们或许正期待着散户投资者的种回归CFOs and mutual fund managers may hope for just such a return of the retail investor