
Terms for subject Artificial intelligence containing | all forms
不相容inconsistent edge
串行缘检测sequential edge detection
串行缘检测流程sequential edge detection procedure
亚像素缘检测sub-pixel edge detection
形网格hexagonal lattice
判决decision boundary
区域的界像素boundary pixels of region
饱和函数one-sided saturated function
单位面积中的edge per unit area
切空间two-sided tangent space
图像image edge
基于界的串行算法boundary-based sequential algorithm
基于界的并行算法boundary-based parallel algorithm
基于界的描述descriptions based on boundary
基于界的方法boundary-based method
基于界的表达boundary-based representation
<-> 基于多形表达的形状描述符shape descriptors based on polygonal representation
<-> 基于矩保持的亚像素缘检测sub-pixel edge detection based on moment preserving
Voronoi 多Voronoi polygon
形网polygonal network
形逼近polygonal approximation
3-D 差分缘检3-D differential edge
差分缘检测算子Differential Edge Detector
并行缘检测parallel edge detection
活动active edge
渐近紧asymptotic tight bound
视觉缘的感知perception of visual edge
做边学learning while doing
界值扩展edgeworth expansion
界偏差boundary bias
界像素处理treating of border pixel
界变异boundary mutation
界描述符descriptors for boundary
界提取算法boundary extraction algorithm
界曲率curvature of boundary
界标记boundary signature
界段boundary segments
界直径diameter of boundary
界矩moment of boundary
界细化boundary thinning
界误差boundary error
界跟踪boundary following
界长度length of boundary
界闭合boundary closing
缘元素提取edge element extraction
缘元素组合edge element combination
纹状体缘区marginal division
缘叶limbus lobe
缘带zonal marginalis
缘性质marginal property
缘描述edge description
缘描述参数edge description parameter
缘方向直方图histogram of edge direction
缘检测法edge detection method
Wallis 缘检测算子Wallis edge detector
缘检测算子edge detection operator
3-D 缘模型3-D edge model
缘模板edge template
缘注意peripheral attention
缘点数直方图edge point histogram
缘直方图描述符Edge Histogram Descriptor
缘算子edge operator
缘跟踪edge tracing
缘链接edge linking
缘锐化edge sharpness
重组交叉edge recombination crossover
集合edge set
8-连通8-connected boundary
4-连通4-connected boundary
multiple edges
非活跃inactive edge