
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing | all forms
上部荷topside load
不变constant load
不变荷permanent load
不平衡unbalanced load
不平衡负unbalance load
不稳定负swinging load
不连续discontinuous load
专用压segregated ballast water
专用运工具private carrier
中心负center-point load
串列式卸tandem offloading
主动断裂active breaking load
井架恒dead load of derrick
井架承能力derrick capacity
井架最大安全maximum safe load of derrick
井架极限hanging load
井筒加wellbore loading
井筒卸wellbore unloading
交变冲击alternating shock load
交替alternate load
人字架gin-pole load
人工输入荷manual load
从顶部装系统load on top system
传热介质油装heating medium loading pump
作业机承能力rig capacity
作业系泊operating mooring load
作业系缆operating hawser load
作业锚operating anchor load
侧向lateral load
侧向净荷net side load
保证负proof load
偏离offset carrier
充电负charging load
光杆polish rod load
全部total load
公用体管道common carrier pipeline
公用common carrier
冬季重线winter load line
ice load
冰弯曲荷ice bending load
冰挤压荷ice crush load
冲击负shock load
冲击负impulsive load
净压clean ballast
准静力quasi-static loading
分舱重线subdivision load line
分隔压segregated ballast tanks
子波front loaded wavelet
剪切shearing load
剪切shear-type load
开关load switch
时间loading duration
load point
heap capacity
charger valve
面积load-carrying area
dynamic load
应力live stress
live load
动力dynamic loading
动风荷dynamic wind load
单一single load
单位风unit wind load
卵石热heat-exchange pebbles
unins tall
导阀subtractive pilot
能力offloading capacity
速度discharge rate
吃水ballast draft
回程return ballast voyage
ballast pump
ballast tank
kentledge goods
ballast cargo
压曲buckling load
原油装crude loading pump
双端卸end-to-end discharge
双轴biaxial loading
反铲装backhoe loader
变形荷deformation load
可变variable load
可承负荷bearable load
可收回空心retrievable hollow carrier
可调压水舱pressure tank
可调式摩擦离合器adjustable overload friction clutch
同位素isotope carrier
after load
周期cyclic loading
周期冰荷cyclic ice load
咬住seizuring load
四角线装cant-line stowage
地震动dynamic earthquake load
balanced load
垂直加vertical loading
声波负acoustic load
备用装船压系统loadout stand by ballast system
复合负铸型syndromous load cast
夏季重吨位summer deadweight
夏季重线summer load line
装置multichannel carrier
多相平衡balanced polyphase load
大钩hook load
大钩承能力hook-load capacity
大钩最大静max. static hook load
大钩额定hook load rating
天车最大maximum load of crown block
失效failure load
套管外outside casing load
安全safety load
安装静erection dead load
实用工作live load
实际荷试验actual loading testing
实验极限test collapse load
容许safety load
容许permissible load
容许冲击负allowable impact load
容许桩承能力allowable pile capacity
容许过overload margin
密封seal load
屏极负阻抗plate load impedance
峰值负peak hook load
工作operating load
工作超operating overload
平均工作负average work load
平均负mean load
平衡balanced load
平面内荷in-plane load
平面外荷out of plane load
并列式卸side-by-side offloading
并列式卸parallel offloading
幻路负phantom load
应急压控制系统emergency ballast control system
河道bedload channel
开式承结构open carrying structure
张紧式荷传感器tension-type load cell
弹簧加单向阀spring-loaded check valve
弹簧加止回阀spring-loaded check valve
弹簧加调压器spring-loaded regulator
快速瞬变装fast transient loader
快速装quick loading
global load
gross load
货吨gross freight ton
重量deadweight tonnage
恒振幅波器constant-amplitude carrier
恒振幅流子constant-amplitude carrier
悬浮suspended load
悬移suspended load
惯性inertial load
扭力torsion load
扭转torque load
carrier ring
地层砂load-bearing formation sand
弹簧bearing spring
强度loading strength
截面load bearing section
接触点weight-bearing contact
旋转接头load-carrying swivel joint
carrier bar
loading board
loading plate
活塞loading piston
loading plate
load bearing solids
系数support coefficient
结构loadcarrying structure
能力load supporting capability
supporting power
面积loadcarrying area
颗粒load bearing grain
承受bearing load
催化剂supported catalyst
银催化剂supported silver catalyst
拉力tensile load
拖轮式装articulated trailer
持久sustained load
挤压成型氧化铝extruded alumina support
振动负oscillatory load
排水承能力drained bearing capacity
embarkation ladder
数据承data-carrying capacity
断裂crushing load
断裂负collapse load
施加负applied load
特性曲线no-load characteristic
荷热变形no-load heat distortion
荷运转running free
荷速度load-free speed
试验zero-load test
运行vacant run
运行empty running
运转no-load work
重量empty weight
无负操作no-load operation
传感器satellite borne sensor
显微镜物台microscope stage
显微镜物台microscope carrier
最大peak load
最大充许bearable load
最大大钩maximum hook load
最大大钩peak hookload
最大轴向承能力ultimate axial capacity
有功负active load
天线airborne antenna
工具箱airplane kit
激光测声系统airborne laser sounding system
重力仪airborne gravimeter
阴极监测系统airborne cathodic monitoring system
极限collapsing strength
构造tectonic loading
柔性装软管loading flexible hose
桩侧荷pile lateral load
桩承能力pile capacity
桩轴向荷pile axial load
正常normal load
正电荷流子positive carrier
正调制positive carrier
残余波单边带carrier-reduced single side band
unit load
气体gas carrier
气流喷射air blast load
tritium carrier
hydrogen carrier
水压water ballast
汽车装lorry loading
沉积sedimentary loading
河流stream load
油轮重量marine tankage
油轮重量tanker tonnage
油轮满吃水tanker loaded draft
kick-off valve
wave load
波动fluctuating load
应力live stress
活动压shifting ballast
活塞荷能力piston load capacity
流体负fluid load
海上装管道sea loading pipeline
海床承seafloor bearing capacity
海流荷current load
消耗式expendable carrier
涡轮水力hydraulic load on turbodrill
温差式过继电器thermal-overload relay
游动系统最大maximum load of travelling system
溶解solutional load
操作capacity operation
特性full load characteristic
point load
heat-carrying media
体油heat transfer oil
体油heat medium oil
体裂解heat carrier cracking
热动式过继电器thermal-over lad relay
热超继电器thermal-overload relay
焊接负weld load
牵引traction load
牵引负tractional load
牵引负traction load
特殊specific load
特轻加extra light loading
特轻加extra lightly loaded
特轻加extra light load
环境environmental loads
环境条件environmental load
电器过electrical overload
疲劳fatigue loading
试验actual loading testing
瞬时impulsive load
瞬时动transient dynamic load
破裂cracking load
碎石debris load
稳定steady load
稳恒steady load
quiescent value
吃水light draft
吃水1ight draught
吃水线light water line
吃水线light load line
损失no-load loss
排水量light weight
特性曲线no-load characteristic
行程idle path (轴承制造误差引起的轴承游隙)
试运转no-load test run
free pulley
运转idle motion
频率idling frequency
空心荷传感器hollow center load cell
空重静empty dead load
突加shock load
突然冲击过sudden shock overload
立井架erection load for mast
立根水平setback horizontal load
立根盒pipe setback load
等效负equivalent load
等效静荷equivalent static load
管材负tubular loading
线linear load
组合combined load
结冰icing load
耦合负coupled load
联合compound loading
脉冲pulsed load
脉冲impulse load
脉冲调频pulsed frequency-modulated carrier
脉动pulsed load
脉动fluctuating load
beam load
自动装lorry loader
舷侧压ballast wing tank
仪器ship-borne instrument
仪器onboard instrument
直升机降落指挥员helicopter landing officer
系统ship-borne system
重力仪shipborne gravimeter
重力仪shipboard gravimeter
船舶装vessel ton
艄尖压fore peak ballast tank
节点承能力joint capacity
一变形曲线load-deformation curve
变形痕迹load-deformed mark
持续曲线load duration curve
loading ratio
途径load path
镜拟load modelling
薄壳微珠pellicular micro beads
容量stowage capacity
开关load switch
损失loading loss
loading machine
loading port
port of embarkation
空间stowage space
空间loading space
loading location
handling tube
系数loading factor
系数loading coefficient
系数coefficient of charge
计算尺load adjuster
charging capacity
装船压系统loadout ballast system
规定specified rated load
解尖压aft peak ballast tank
计算机生成荷computer-generated automatically load
记录record carrier
设计极限负design ultimate load
调制器modulator carrier
不同时率load diversity
介质supporting medium
匹配load matching
变送器load cell
load pouch
load pocket
定值器load setter
密度load density
弹簧loading spring
抽头变换load tap changing
时抽头变换装置on load tap changer
条件loading condition
构造load structure
load mould
supporting gas
溶剂loaded solvent
load ball
线load line
能力load-carrying capacity
能力charging capacity
褶皱load fold
charge number
charge capacity
阻抗loaded impedance
控制系统cargo control system
货车倾翻卸装置car dump
起吊lifting load
起重机钩crane hook load
保护overload protection
折断overload breakage
摩擦离合器overload friction clutch
断路器overload circuit breaker
系数overload factor
联轴节overload coupling
警报机构overload-alarm mechanism
超高负ultrahigh duty
越野重车cross-country truck
探测器carborne detector
磁带机truck tope recorder
移动式地球站mobile satellite earth station
钻机carrier rig
钻机truck-mounted rig
转盘额定静rated static rotary load
轴向axial force
轴向加系统axial loading system
轴向压axial compressive load
轴向对称axially symmetric load
轴向拔出axial pullout load
吃水light draft
人吊笼man-carrying cage
人密闭工作舱manned work enclosure
support carrier
体法supporters method
体蒸馏carrier distillation
供系统carrier supply system
噪比carrier-to-noise C/N ratio
supporting gas
波电报carrier telegraph
波电缆carrier wire
波终端机carrier terminal
carrier fluid
loading point
荷构造load structure
荷添加剂load carrying additive
货吃水线plimsoll mark
货舱单cargo manifest
重吨deadweight ton (dwt)
重滑橇heavy duty skid
重线标志load line mark
重量dead weight
输出负output load
输出负因数output loading factor
superimposed loading
压力overburden pressure
反应acceleration response
开关overload switch
放空阀overloaded relieve valve
断裂overload breakage
overload point
磨损overload wear
自停装置load-up stop-motion
限额overload margin
还原reduction carrier
进出口货清单manifest of import and export
连续负continuous duty
部分fractional load
吃水load draft
heavy carrier gas
水线标志deep load mark
结构heavy structure
荷的heavy duty
重力gravity load
重复荷repeating load
重负荷heavy duty carrier
金属一体强相互作用strong metal-support interaction
钢丝绳许用allowable rope load
储备系数store coefficient of hook load
钻头drilling load
闭环液压加系统closed-loop hydraulic loading system
降落荷landing load
降落荷分布landing load distribution
集总负lumped loading
集电极负collector load
弯曲static deflection
静/动static/dynamic load
静止重量statical lifting capacity
静液压负hydrostatic load
静负statical lifting capacity
静风荷static wind load
非承固体颗粒non-load bearing solid
非排水承能力undrained bearing capacity
面荷area load
预压preload tank
频敏负frequency-sensitive load
额定rated load
额定风wind-load rating
能力wind load capacity
风暴storm load
高阻负high-resistance load
鳞状负铸型squamiform load cast
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