
Terms for subject Technology containing | all forms
一种立体悬的蜂窝状装饰honeycomb vault
三洗汰机tertiary wash box
三洗汰机tertiary jig
上升时间rise-time jitter
上升水流汰机upward current jig
上岸shore board
上岸landing ramp
闸断路器trip-free circuit breaker
不反dead stroke
不反弹簧锤dead stroke hammer
不定反irregular chattering
不规则random jump
不规则反irregular chattering
两段式汰机two-compartment jig
中心center jump
串级cascade tripping
串联series tripping
串联闸线圈series trip coil
丹弗型汰机Denver jig
丹弗型选矿汰机Denver mineral jig
main ramp
主选汰机primary washbox
事故闸电气系统emergency trip wire system
二阶步校验second-order leapfrog test
亮度brightness beat
人工hand jigging (选)
人工短路fault throwing
低电压under-voltage tripping
低电压under-voltage release
flank wall balcony
侧鼓式汰机jig with side bed
便携式舞地面portable dance floor
入口access board
典型的船舶板布置图typical vessel ramp arrangement
再洗汰机re-wash box
再选汰机re-wash jig
减振器回shock absorber recoil valve
减震器回阻力rebound resistance of shock absorber
刀盘动检查仪cutter truing gauge
刀盘动检查仪cutter truing gage
minute jump clock
分段section of alternating pit
分段焊工序wandering block sequence
分段多层skip block welding
分段多层焊法skip block welding sequence
分路闸机构shunt-trip attachment
初选态机primary washbox
前轮动行程front-wheel bump travel
动筐式汰机basket jig
动筛汰机movable-sieve jig
动筛式汰机vibro-assisted jig
动筛式汰机movable sieve type washbox
十位tens jumper
十位杆隔片tens jumper distance piece
单室汰机single-compartment jig
单模双芯线光纤dual fiber optical jumper monomode
单模双芯线光纤dual fiber optic jumper monomode
卸货unloading ramp
卸货unloading gang plank
twin ramp
双历瞬calendar unlocking yoke
双室汰机duplex jig
双式汰机duplex jig
双膈膜夹具汰机twin-diaphragm jig
双隔膜汰机twin-diaphragm jig
效应rebound effect
bounce plate
硬度rebound hardness
硬度试验scleroscope hardness test
反应性瞬发prompt jump of reactivity
变压器欠流闸装置transformer undercurrent trip
变压器欠载闸装置transformer underload trip
变压器过流闸装置transformer overcurrent trip
可伸缩telescopic gangway
可移线removable jumper
可调式岸用adjustable shore ramp
周波cycle skipping
周波cycle skip
哈兹型活塞汰机Harz jig
噪声noise bounce
四箱砂矿汰机four cell placer jig
冲击rebound blow
rebound clip
弹簧片rebound leaf
模数modulus of resilience
法硬度试验dynamical indentation
法硬度试验dynamic indentation
硬度计rebound hardometer
硬度计Shore hardness tester
硬度计hardness drop tester
试验rebound test
间隙rebound clearance
rebound valve
jump valve
圆形汰机circular jig
圆环回现象ring resilience
圬工mason's runway
地震的弹性回理论elastic rebound theory of earthquake
均压线potential equalizing jumper
外圆动量outside diameter runout
多次跃传输multiple hop transmission
定筛汰机fixed-sieve jig
定筛汰机buddle jig
stern rampway
尾斜mitre stern rampway
尾直straight stern rampway
尾角quarter ramp way
带轮brow plate
帧间动响应frame-to-frame step response
并联shunt tripping
并联闸装置shunt trip
应力stress jump
应变回strain rebound
应急闸机构emergency trip mechanism
痕迹bounce mark
频率bounce frequency
弹性回假说elastic rebound hypothesis
弹性回理论elastic rebound theory
弹性回elastic rebound theory
径向eccentricity tester
径向radial runout
径向动量radical play eccentricity
径向振摆circular runout
悬吊式flying gangway
悬挂suspended catwalk
手动汰机hand-operated jig
手动汰机hand jig
手动manual tripping
手动manual trip
手动闸开关fixed trip switch
手动闸把手hand trip control
手动闸断路器fixed trip circuit breaker
手推用barrow runner
手推车barrow runner
手摇汰机hand jig
手车barrow runner
指令光发生器cue kit
指令光带黏合器cue patch applicator
按钮弹开关thumb jump
振荡模mode jump
接地线grounding jumper
撑杆高架pole-vault stand
收放式retractable ramp
斑点spot dancing
angled type rampway
斜角angled rampway
施工runway board
旅客上下船用的passenger gangway
旅客装载passenger loading apron
旋转slewing rampway
动运转run true
无反击锤dead stroke hammer
无提升机汰机bucket-less jig
无条件unconditional transfer
无条件unconditional jump
无载no-load release
曲条cabbage flea beetle
最小minimum hop
最小步通路minimum hop path
有限finite jump
用于摊铺混凝土的plank runway
用于摊铺混凝土的plank run
木材反back lash (锯木时)
木条gang boarding
机器machine jigging
机座的弹springing of the stand
杰弗雷型气动汰机Jeffrey air operated jig
杰弗雷型隔膜汰机Jeffrey diaphragm jig
桥墩升滑模pier-shaft jump form work (板)
桥头bump at bridge-head
桨叶式汰机paddle jig
桩的回rebound of pile
梯形汰机trapezoidal jig
mode hopping
模式mode jump
模式mode hopping
正常反ordinary chattering
正弦跃函数sinusoidal jump function
每秒一秒表independent seconds watch
水力汰机hydraulic jig
水带hose pulsation
汽车轮渡tail-gate ramp
泛美汰机Pan-American jig
波模mode jump
波纹面滑式离合器jaw-type jump clutch
洗砂汰机sand-cleaner jig
活动movable gangway
活塞汰机plunger jig
活塞汰机piston jig
活塞式汰机plunger type washbox
活塞式汰机piston-type washbox
活塞式汰机plunger jig
活塞式汰机piston jig
活门chattering of the valve
流体传动汰机Southwestern-Kraut hydro motor jig
流体传动汰机hydromotor jig
测试test skip
海岭ridge jump
液压hydraulically operated ramps
液压闸装置hydraulic tripping device
游泳和水池swimming and diving pool
湿度对火电压特性曲线moisture and flash over voltage curve
溢流汰机overflow jig
滑轮gang board
滑轮gang plank
滑雪跑道消失器ski-jump energy dissipator
滑雪跑道溢洪道ski-jump spillway
滑雪式ski jump
滚动装船斜坡tail-gate ramp
滚装ro/ro rampway
滚转开吊桥roller bascule bridge
满线杆簧stop latch spring
牲畜stock chute
理查德型脉动汰机Richards jig
理海型汰机Lehigh jig
电位jump in potential
登岸landing carriage
登陆landing stair
登陆shore board
登陆landing staircase
登陆landing ramp
盘式汰机pan jig
instantaneously changing
双历机构instantaneous date and day mechanism
prompt jump
变近似prompt jump approximation
换日instant data setting calendar
换日装置及调对和保险机构correctors and safety systems
日历instant-jump calendar
日历机构instantaneous date mechanism
日历机构instantaneous calendar
机构instantaneous unlocking mechanism
机构instantaneous movement
杆传动轮桩unlocking yoke driving wheel stud
杆凸轮unlocking yoke cam
杆桩unlocking yoke stud
杆棘爪簧unlocking yoke spring click
杆簧unlocking yoke spring
杆簧压片unlocking yoke spring maintaining plate
杆衬圈unlocking yoke ring
杆驱动轮unlocking yoke driver
瞬时闸断路器instantaneous trip circuit breaker
瞬间自动instantaneous trip
dock board
砌筑脚手架mason's runway
福斯特型汰机Faust jig
立即immediate skip
端面ending pulsation
端面ending beat
等温isothermal jump
筛下气室汰机Batac jig
筛侧空气汰机Baum jig
简单汰桶dolly tub
简单人工汰机simple hand jig
简单手动汰机simple hand jig
粗料态机bull jig
粗粒汰机coarse jig
精选汰机finishing jig
紧急emergency trip
紧急闸转速emergency trip speed
累积式cumulative tripping
绕组温度winding temperature trip
缺陷defect skip
联杆凸轮传动汰机Hancock jig
肖氏回硬度器Shore scleroscope
肖氏回硬度试验scleroscope hardness test
肖氏弹硬度试验rebound Shore hardness test
胡波型风力汰机Hooper jib
脉冲pulse jitter
脉冲间隔pulse interval jitter
脉动汰机air pulsated jig
脉动床层汰床层mobile bed
自动合开关kickdown switch
自动automatic skip
自动automatic tripping
自动闸断路器automatic trip circuit breaker
自由free trip
自由free handle
helm kick (海水冲击所致)
舵轮kick of wheel
舷侧卸货side loading ramp
舷门斜side ramp
船尾quarter gallery
船尾stern ramp
船尾stern gang-plank
船尾after brow
船尾门tail-gate ramp
船首bow ramp
船首forward brow
船首bow gang-plank
船首板门bow ramp
船首斜angled stern ramp
莱曼Lyman jump
式路线leapfrog routine
装卸bridge plate
装卸货cargo-handling ramp
装货loading ramp
装货landing skid
装货loading gang memo
装货dock leveller
装货dock leveler
触点contact bounce
触点回时间contact bounce time
incorrect trip
起始越区primary skip zone
超速闸机构over-speed trip mechanism
越级over level tripping
丁砖砌合Yorkshire bond
丁砖砌合flying bond
丁砖砌法Yorkshire bond
丁砖砌法flying bond
伞塔free tower
停器trolley pole catcher
停器trolly pole catcher
升式熔断器dropout fuse
合联轴节jump coupling
cycle skipping
cycle skip
场制式field skip system
游泳diving tower
diving tower
字计数器cyclometer counter
字钟表盘jumping dial
skip floor (楼面)
层公寓单元duplex apartment (占有两层的公寓单元)
层式公寓maisonette type
层式skip floor
层式公寓duplex apartment
层楼面skip floor
层电梯方式skip level elevator system
skip frame
tripping out
tripping off
开式熔断器flip open cutout fuse
开式熔断器dropout fuse
开电路tripping circuit
staggered piling
指令immediate skip
挡装置trip dog
jumping bar
杆定位jumper locate
杆簧螺钉screw for jumper spring
格符号figure shift
shock table
shaking sieve
flow table
桌流动试验flow table test
trip-over stop
swing span
skip cast
double moding
步图galloping pattern
步开关leapfrog switching
步检验leapfrog test
步模progressive die
步电阻step resistance
步码skip code
步记录skip logging
步记录cycle skipping
步记录cycle skip
溢洪道的水凸缘priming nose
水坝transverse dike
水板潜水箱diving board
汰分室jigging cell
汰机jigging box
汰机vanning jig
汰机wash box
汰机中部拦板washbox centre sill (在中部排渣室上)
汰机洗箱jigging box
汰机活塞jigging plunger
汰机筛上分室washbox compartment
汰机筛下气室washbox cell
汰机筛板jigging sieve
汰机筛板jigging screen
汰机选槽jig tank
汰洗煤机jig washer
汰洗选机jig washer
汰选槽jigging box
jump spark
spark over
jump spark
火信号灯flashover sign
火电压spark-over voltage
火电压arcing voltage
火距离sparking distance
为了防止焊件变形,通焊之前的skip welding
intermittent welding
skip sequence welding
焊法wandering welding sequence
焊法skip welding sequence
焊法wandering block sequence
fly spring
脱试验trip test
舞厅salon dancing
舞厅saloon dancing
舞地板dance floor
line skipping
injury accident of passenger jumping from train
jump on rail
转指令skip instruction
转程序jump routine
转链skip chain
轮定位杆jumping wheel jumper
阶级联leapfrog cascade
车轮动理论wheel bound theory
轧机弹mill springing
轧机弹mill spring
轧机机座的弹mill spring
转角angle web
转阀式风力汰机plumb pneumatic jig
轮胎震频率tire hop frequency
接线flexible jumper
轴的径向shaft run-out
side ramp
side gangplank
边缘edge jitter
过载闸装置overload trip device
返回return jump
远动闸控制remote trip control
远方闸保护remote trip protection (装置)
远方闸装置remote tripping device
电缆transfer trip cable
电缆接头transfer trip cable splice
速度velocity jump
重介质heavy medium jigging
重介质汰机dense medium jig
铁芯温度core temperature trip
铜色黄条Phyllotreta cupreata
long skip
长石床层汰机feldspar jig
valve bounce
闭锁继电器chattering prevention block relay
防反逻辑debounce logic
防回装置anti-ricochet device
阶乘跃函数factorial jump function
阶段stage jigging
随机random skip position
随机random jump
随机图像randomized jitter
隔膜汰机diaphragm jig
隔膜式汰机diaphragm type wash box
隔膜式汰机diaphragm type jig
非自动non-automatic tripping
风力pneumatic jigging
风力汰机pneumatic jig
风力汰机air jig
风力脉动汰机pulsator air jig
风力脉动汰机pulsating air jig
馈线接板feed jumper
高频汰机high-frequency jig
鲍姆汰机Baum wash box
鲍姆汰机Baum jig
黑白变测试bump test
齐默尔曼辊转开桥Zimmerman roller bascule bridge
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