
Terms for subject Business containing 费率 | all forms | in specified order only
上水逆行运费率upstream freight rate
上门取送费率collection and delivery rate
不分级运费率freight all kind
不定期货船运费率tramp shipping freight rate
中间费率条款centrum clause
船舶战争险条款中间费率条款指凡超过战争险费率部分由租船方支付,低于此费率部分由船东退还租船方centrum clause
临界损失费率critical claim rate
交叉费率forked tariff
从价运费率ad valorem rate of freight
仓储费率warehouse charge rate
优惠费率fine rate
优惠保险费率concessional premium rate
会员费率member rate
航运公会订出的会员运费率member rate
低价运费率distress rate
费率insurance rate
费率premium rate
费率insurance premium rate
保险费率指数index of premium rate
保险费率指数index number of premium rate
保险费率指标indicator of premium rate
停埠船运费率berth freight rate
停埠船运费率一般低于正常运费率berth cargo rate
停埠货物运费率berth rates
费率full rate
全线通用运费率joint through rate
公会运费率conference rate
减低保险费率rate cutting
分类费率classified rate
分类费率class rating
分级费率classification rates
分级费率class rate
分组运费率group rate system
列名货物运费率named cargo rate
判定费率judgement rate
判定费率judgment rate
制定费率机构rating organization
削价运费率distress rate
区域统一费率zone rate
半定半活费率two-part tariff
协会运费率conference freight rate
协定费率agreed rate
协议费率arranged rate
单一因素联运费率指海陆空联运中,不论运途中使用哪一种运输形式,如船运、火车运输或空运,均以某基准因素为准,使用某一运费率,例如按一个 20 英尺货柜收费 2000 美元等single factor through rate
单一直达运费率simple factor through rate
电费单位定额收费率flat rate tariff
卸货费率landing rate
原净费率original net rate
原始费率original rate
原毛费率original gross rate
原毛费率gross original rate
参考费率reference premium rate
参考费率advisory rate
可供选择的运费率alternative rate
可比保费率comparable premium rate
可用费率operational rate
可调整费率保单adjustable premium policy
合同费率contract rate
合理费率fair rate
同一费率freight all kind rate
同一费率freight all kind
品名无差别运费率freight all kind rate
商品流通费率升降幅度extent of fluctuation in commodity distribution expense rate
商品类别包柜费率commodity box rate
商品运费率goods rate
按商品品目规定的商品运费率commodity rate
团体折扣费率group-rate discount
固定保险费率constant premium rate
国际费率international list of rate
国际不定期船运费率international tramp shipping freight rate
电费在特定时间內按低费率收费restricted-hour tariff
地区运费率zone freight rate
基准费率key rate
基准运费率Scale standard freight scale
基准运费率base freight rate
基未费率basis rate
基本费率basic rate
基本费率base rate
契约费率contract rate system
季节性调整年度费率seasonally adjusted annual rate
寄存费率deposit rate
差别费率discriminating rates
差别费率differential rates
已调运费率adjusted rate of freight
平均保费率average rate
平均收费率average rate
平均运费率估什值average freight rate assessment
平均运费率估计average freight rate assessment
年金选择保险费率annuity option rate
并装运费率LCL rate
广告费率advertising ratio
强制费率compulsory rate
保险征收超费率保险费rate up
待商运费率open freight rate
总括费率blanket rate
总括保险费率blanket rate
手工费率manual rate
指示性费率indicating rate
按滑动费率支付专利权使用费sliding scale royalty
按滑动费率支付专利权税sliding-scale royalty
按现时费率at current costs
按订正费率计算at revised rate
按递远递价比例计算的运费率tariff on tapering scale
推定费率constructed rate
整车和不足最低载货量的一批货物或运费率carload and less than carload lot or rate
无弹性保险费率inelastic premium rate
无条件费率non-tied rate
时间/货量运费率time/volume rates
普通货物运费率general cargo rate
普通货运费率general cargo rate
最低费率bottom rate
最低运费率指对重量或体积过小的货物所定费率,或按每份提单订定运费率minimum rate
最新费率latest rate-list
有差别的费率discriminating rate
未列明运费率的货物cargo not otherwise specified
保险未经投保人同意不得擅改保费率的合同closed contract
本地运费率local rate
标准费率basic rate
标准运费率norm freight charge rate
根据原保险费率as per original rates
正常吨位费率normal burden rate
汇款费率remittance rate
混合费率consolidated rate
混合费率mixing rate
滑动费率sliding scale
滞期费率demurrage rate
火险费率fire insurance rate
火险费率fire insurance tariff
照原保险费率as per original
特别储藏费率special storage rate
特别储藏运费率指装运贵重物品等运费率special storage rate
特定商品运费率specific commodity rate
特定货物运费率commodity rate
特殊费率exceptional rate
特殊费率special rate
保险特订费率experience rating
费率existing rate
现行费率prevailing rate
现行运费率current freight rate
班轮费率berth rates
班轮公会运费率conference rate
班轮运费率berth rates
用户收费率customer rate
电信计费率message rate
电汇费率cable rate
电费费率electricity rates
直线费率straight-line rate
相等费率equal rate
短期结算费率in-and-out rates
费率lease rate
竟争性费率competitive rate
等变化费率equal rates of change
等级外运费率exception rate
等级运费率class rate
约定费率contractual rate
约定费率administered rates
约定运费率contract rate
经验费率experience rate
经验费率即凭经验计算费率experience rates
统一费率consolidated rate
统一收费率flash rate
统一运费率consolidated freight rate
统一运费率freight all kind rate
统括费率blanket rate
联运费率combined rate
联运全程费率through rate
自定运费率open freight rate
自由费率open rate
自由运费率open freight rate
船方不负担装卸的运费率free in and out freight rates
船队低保险费率fleet rating
补充费率supplementary schedule
费率charging rate
电信费率message rate
计算运费率compute freight rate
议定费率agreed rate
货运班轮费率cargo liner freight rate
货运班轮运费率cargo liner freight rate
费率一览表book of rates
费率制订rate making
费率协定tariff agreement
费率待商定rate to be agreed
费率提高increase in rate
费率标准rate standards
费率确定establishment of rate
费率计算computation of rate
费率计算表schedule rate
费率降低reduction of rates
超基准收费率over pivot rate
过高费率excessive rate
费率rate of passage
费率carry rate
费率指每单位货物运价; 亦称运费单价freight rate
费率基础basis of tariff
费率tariff schedule
进口 / 出口运费率import/export tariff
远距离递减费率tapering distance rate
连续费率a series of rates
追加运费率incidental fee tariff
适用费率applicable rate
通常费率conventional rate
通用运输费率collection through rate
通用运费率all-commodity rate
速遣费率即提前完成装卸任务的速遣费率rate of despatch money
部门时间费率departmental hour rate method
部门消费率sectoral rate of consumption
里程费率distance rate system
铁路运费率railroad freight rate
银行对顾客收取的费率bank's rates for customers
附加费率loaded rate
附加费率extra rate
附加费率add-on rate
附加运费率additional freight rate
陆上运费率运价land rate
陆运费率land rates
集装箱费率container and unitized load device rate
零担费率less-than-carload rate
零担货运费率less-than-carload rate
海运公会会员运费率non-member rate
非会员费率nonmember rate
运费同盟非契约运费率non-contract rate
非本地费率non-local rate
预定费率estimated rate
预定费率scheduled rating
预订费率booking rate
额定运费率norm freight rate