
Terms for subject Securities containing 货币 | all forms | in specified order only
一揽子货币currency basket
一揽子货币basket of currencies (由几种外国货币按某一比率形成的组合)
一揽子货币钉住盯住,挂钩a currency basket peg
一般货币债券common money bonds
一般资产货币general asset currency
不可兑换的货币inconvertible currency/money
不坚挺货币less favorable currency
不能兑换的货币irredeemable money
不能兑换的货币blocked currency
货币关联的投资工具currency linked instrument
货币关联的结构化证券currency linked structured security
货币相关的currency linked
与美元兑换率关联的货币currency linked to US dollar
与黄金挂钩的货币gold-pegged currency
世界货币体制world monetary system
两种货币可转换债券dual currency convertible
严峻压力下的货币市场money markets under severe stress
中央货币市场单位Central Money Markets Unit
中性货币制度neutral monetary policy
中性货币理论neutral money theory
主导货币leading currency
主要货币principal money
主要货币anchor currency
主要国际结算货币key currency for international settlement
事实上可兑换的货币currency convertible in fact
二元货币期权binary currency option
互换货币信贷swap credit
亚洲货币单位Asian currency units
亚洲货币单位Asia Monetary Unit
亚洲国际货币市场Asian international currency market
交叉货币上限对两种货币浮动利率之间的差距,设定利差上限cross-currency cap
交易所交易的货币期权exchange-traded currency options
今日货币money today
货币市场导出的from money markets
付息的货币interest money
代表性货币representative money
货币为代价money consideration
货币形式表示的股份shares expressed in terms of money
货币计算的投资股权比例equity ratio expressed in terms of money
以单一货币计算的股份shares calculated in a single kind of currency
以法定货币偿付的债券currency bond
价格一货币一流转机制price-specie-flow mechanism
伪造货币make the queer
低利率货币low interest rate currency
低息货币low interest currency
保管货币custody of money
信用货币银行信用发行的货币credit money
信贷货币monetary of credit
债务货币monetize the debt
债务性货币发行美联储发行货币来偿还政府债券的做法debt monetization
债务的货币monetization of the debt
货币forged currency
克隆货币市场基金clone money-market fund
免税货币基金tax-free money fund
免税货币市场基金tax exempt money market fund
全国货币委员会主席president of the National Monetary Committee
关键货币principal money
内生与外生货币endogenous and exogenous money
货币资产net monetary assets
分享货币期权share currency option
初级货币交易员junior money dealer
加拉加斯货币体系Caracas metro
升水货币premium currency
单一货币盯住single currency peg
卖空看涨期权货币套利bearish call money spread
卖空看跌期权货币套利bearish put money spread
货币利率区间增值存款dual currency range-linked deposit
货币发行dual currency issues
货币增值存款dual currency deposit
双重货币债券dual currency bonds
quantity adjusting option 的简写双重交叉货币工具quanto
双重货币工具选择权就是期权或期货再加一组远期汇率合约quanto options
双重货币日元债券dual currency yen bonds
双重货币期权dual currency options
双重货币账户dual currency account
变相货币currency in disguised form
变相货币currencies in disguised form
可兑货币convertible money
可换货币市场优先股exchangeable money market preferred stock
可换双货币债券reverse dual currency bond
可自由兑换货币贷款convertible credit
可自由兑换的货币convertible currency
可转换货币市场优先股 jconvertible money market preferred Stock
可转换货币市场优先股convertible money market preferred stock
可选择货币的贷款optional currency loan
名义货币token coin
名义货币nominal dollars
名义货币flat money
回溯货币期权look-back currency options
国家货币主权state monetary sovereignty
国际货币international monetary
国际货币制度危机crisis of the international monetary
国际货币基金平价international monetary fund parities
国际货币基金的特别提款权drawing right of IMF
国际货币市场基金international money market fund
国际货币市场指数international monetary market index
国际货币平价制度monetary parity system
国际货币外汇期权研讨会International Currency Options Symposium
国际货币标准代码International Standard Code
国际货币经纪人international money broker
场外交易货币期权OTC currency options
基准货币base currency
基本货币basic currency
壁垒货币期权barrier currency options
外国货币债券foreign currency bond
外国货币市场利率foreign money market rates
多种货币债券multiple currency bond
多种货币准备制度multiple currency reserve system
多种货币放贷multicurrency loan
多种货币条款的债券multiple currency clause bond
多种货币票据融资multicurrency note facility
多种货币证券multiple currency securities
多种货币选项贷款multicurrency option loan
媒介货币vehicle currency
存款货币银行deposit money banks
存款机构放松监管和货币控制法Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act
定值过高的货币overvalued currency
实际货币real currency
宽松货币政策quantitative easing policy
寄存货币money lodged
封存货币blocked currency
小额货币small note
平均汇率货币期权average rate currency options
应税货币市场共同基金taxable money market mutual fund
应税货币市场投资基金taxable money market investment fund
廉价货币easy money
弱势货币soft currency
弱势货币low-powered money
强制发行的货币duress note
强势货币hard currency
当地货币资金local currency funding
当日货币市场intraday money market
托宾的货币需求理论该理论认为,人们持有货币是因为货币比其他资产风险小、流动性好、转换成本低,而且容易进行资产最佳组合Tobin's theory of money of demand
投标分享式货币期权share currency option under tender
报价货币quoted currency
货币in money terms
按汇票货币支付payable in currency of draft
支付货币clearing currency
支票货币可开支票的银行活期存款check currency
数字货币digital money
数字货币期权digital currency options
数字化货币digital coins
货币优先股new money preferred
新加坡货币当局Monetary Authority of Singapore
新加坡国际货币交易所Singapore International Monetary ExchangeSIMEX
新型货币期权衍生货币期权exotic currency options
无息双重货币贷款zero interest dual-currency loan
替代性货币representative money
最终货币final money
有效货币资本virtual money-capital
有限法定货币limited legal tender
期权货币债券option currency bond
期货及货币市场工具futures and money market instrument
本地货币local currency
核准的货币approved currency
欧洲货币单位债券European Currency Unit Bonds
欧洲货币机构European Monetary Institute
欧洲货币汇率变动幅度European currency bands
欧洲货币联盟区EMU Zone
欧洲货币贷款市场Eurocurrency credit market
欧洲经济及货币联盟European Economic and Monetary Union
汇率看涨货币bull currency
法定货币债券legal tender bond
法定货币偿债能力legal tender powers
流动货币active money
流通中货币money in circulation
流通中的货币active circulation
浮动利率对浮动利率的货币互换floating-to-floating currency swaps
浮动利率间的货币互换floating-to-floating currency swaps
港元货币市场基金Hong Kong dollar money market fund
溢价货币premium currency
滥发的货币funny money
热门货币favoured currency
特别提款权货币SDR currencies
猴子货币指公司的临时股票或国内市场上流通的外国货币monkey money
猴子货币贷款monkey money credit
理想货币ideal money
货币支付的利息explicit interest
相对其他货币升值appreciation against other currency
短期货币temporary money
短期货币交割current money delivery
短期货币市场利率short-term money market rate
货币hard money
票据货币currency of a bill
票据替代货币note in substitution for currency
票据替换货币note substitution for currency
科威特货币债券Kuwait Dinar bond
稳定的货币stable money
稳定的货币价值stable currency
管理货币management money
管理下的货币managed currency
紧缩货币政策tighten monetary policy
纽约货币市场New York money market
组合货币债券composite currency bonds
结算货币currency of denomination
结算货币clearing currency
联邦储备货币Federal Reserve currency
股权资产类基金中的货币风险currency risk in equity asset class funds
自动货币转换automatic currency conversion
艾一道货币市场基金平均数美国货币市场基金的平均收益率IBC/Donoghue money fund report average
蔡金货币流量Chaikin money flow
虚拟货币资本virtual money-capital
规定的货币prescribed currency
认可的货币approved currency
象征货币token coin
美国财政部负责货币事务的副部长under Secretary for Monetary Affairs
财政货币混合政策fiscal monetary mix
货币乘数证券money multiplier security
货币互换交易currency swap
货币互换合同currency swap contract
货币交易money sale and purchase
货币代号currency code
货币价值审计value for money audit
货币价值形式money form of value
货币价值高估currency overvaluation
货币体制monetary regime
货币体制改革reform of monetary system
货币体制的稳定性monetary stability
货币供应压缩monetary squeeze
货币供给对股票价格的影响money supply effects on stock prices
货币保本收益型存款currency linked deposit
货币信贷对股票信贷的差额balance of money loans over stock loans
货币信贷管理monetary management
货币信贷调控monetary and credit control
货币倍数money multiplier
货币债券评级currency bond rating
货币充斥glut of money
货币兑换风险currency exchange risk
货币公库money pool
货币关联债券currency-linked bond
货币准备金money reserve funds
货币出资验证verification of monetary capital
货币利率互换currency interest rate swap
货币利率掉期currency interest rate swap
货币动荡monetary upheaval
货币如欧元区currency area
货币升值money being dear
货币协议monetary agreement
货币危机money crunch
货币发行机制note issue mechanism
货币可兑性currency convertibility
货币吞吐量money throughput
货币回扣money rebates
货币回报率money rate of return
货币因素money consideration
货币坚挺currency hardness
货币基金money fund
货币基金currency fund
货币增值currency appreciation
货币多元化currency diversification
货币头寸money position
货币套期交易cross-currency swap
货币套期保值currency hedging
货币套期债券currency hedge bond
货币委员会currency board
货币存款账户currency hold account
货币存额currency holding
货币市场交换money market swap
货币市场债权money market claim
货币市场储蓄账户money market deposit account
货币市场共同基金money market mutual fund
货币市场共同基金股份/份额monetary market mutual fund shares
货币市场利率money market rates
货币市场利率money market interest rate
货币市场到期日梯形表用来监视资金流动性风险money market maturity ladder
货币市场单位Central Moneymarkets Unit
货币市场单据money market certificate
货币市场压力pressure on the money market
货币市场基金自动转账money market fund sweep
货币市场套期保值money market hedge
货币市场存款money market deport
货币市场寸头money market position
货币市场投资融资机制美联储创建money market investment funding facilityMMIFF
货币市场投资融资机制美联储创建money market investment funding facility
货币市场放款money market advance
货币市场求偿权money market claim
货币市场计息制money market basis
货币市场证券money market security
货币市场资金保有量money market position
货币市场银行报价Banxquote Money Markets
货币市场隐形的合约利率money market implied contract rate
货币市场隐形的远期利率money market implied forward rate
货币市场需求账户money market demand account
货币幅度票据currency range notes
货币当量monetary equivalents
货币内在价值moneyness intrinsic value
货币总量money throughput
货币总量money aggregate
货币总额monetary total
货币托拉斯时代monetary trust time
货币投放issue of currency
货币投放issue money
货币投机要求speculative demand for money
货币投资investment of money
货币抵偿原理compensatory principle of money
货币持有量money position
货币持有量currency holding
货币指数monetary indexes
货币指标monetary indicator
货币掉期合约currency swap contract
货币接近close money
货币搭配不当currency mismatch
货币收缩money squeeze
货币政策委员会中国人民银行monetary policy committee
货币政策工具operating instrument
货币政策工具instruments of monetary policy
货币替代以一种货币代替另一种货币执行货币的职能currency substitution
货币期权currency options
货币期权估价valuing currency options
货币期权债券currency options bond
货币期货合同currency futures contract
货币期货期权currency futures option
货币条款贷款协议详细规定的支付偿还等各项条款currency clause
货币money pool
货币沉淀currency sedimentation
货币流动资本monetary working capital
货币浮动范围currency band
货币混乱monetary chaos
货币留成制currency retention scheme
货币的稳定monetary stability
货币看跌期权currency put option
货币秩序monetary discipline
货币管理外包把货币风险管理外包给专业机构currency overlay
货币紧缩monetary squeeze
货币紧缩政策tight money policy
货币组成currency composition
货币经纪公司money brokerage firm
货币衍生产品currency-based products
货币衍生工具currency derivative
货币补偿money relief
货币补偿monetary indemnity
货币补偿条款currency indemnity clause
货币认沽期权currency put option
货币认购期权currency call option
货币认购权currency warrant
货币证券用于代替货币使用的有价证券,在范围和功能上与商业票据基本相同,主要包括期票、汇票、支票和本票等,其功能则主要是用于商品交易、报酬支付债权债务清算。信用卡,其实质也是货币证券。currency security
货币负债monetary obligation
货币账户money account
货币贬值money being cheap
货币贬值风险risk of currency depreciation
货币贷借与股票贷借的比率ratio of money loans to stock Ioans
货币贷款money loan
货币资产monetary aggregate
货币资产负债monetary assets and liabilities
货币资本capital in money form
货币资金bank roll
货币转换收益/损失translation gain/loss
货币转换的双重货币债券currency change dual currency
货币过户money transfer
货币配对currency matching
货币金融管理monetary management
货币金额amount of money
货币错配currency mismatch
货币需求monetary demand
货币非国家化denationalization of money
货币面值currency denomination
货币面纱monetary veil
货币风险共担currency risk sharing
货币风险转移currency overlay
发行银行的资产货币assets currency
资历浅的货币交易员junior money dealer
资本货币capital money
跨国货币互换交易cross-currency swap
跨国货币利率互换cross-currency interest rate swap
跨国货币封顶cross-currency cap
跨国货币清算风险cross-currency settlement risk
跨国货币风险cross-currency exposure
货币利益soft-dollar benefits
货币酬金soft dollars
近期可收回的货币near money
远期货币合约currency forward
远期货币合同forward currency contract
远期货币合约currency forward contract
逃离货币货币贬值,资金逃离货币购买房产、珠宝等物flight from currency
选择性货币期权alternative currency option
道纳夫货币基金平均值Donoghue's money fund average
金融货币体制financial and monetary system
金融与货币money and currency
银行货币市场账户bank money market account
银行同业货币市场interbank money market
长期货币市场long term money market
零利率货币政策zero interest rate policy
货币投资过度论non-monetary over-investment
货币收人soft income
货币收人non-monetary income
货币的负债non-monetary debt
货币股利non-monetary dividend
货币负债non-monetary liability
货币金融资产non-monetary financial assets
非常时期货币emergency currency
非法定的小额货币facultative money
靠信用发行的货币fiduciary notes
预计货币价值expected monetary value (EMV)
高值货币hard money
高能量货币high powered money