
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing | all forms
世界地震工程会World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
世界工业环境管理会world industry conference on environmental management
世界工程技术会World Engineering Conference
世界水事会World Water Conference
世界水资源会World Congress on Water Resources
世界电力会World Power Conference
世界联合海洋会Joint Oceanographic Assembly Ocean World
世界资源信息会Universal Resource Information Symposium
东北地区年度防污染会Annual North Eastern Regional Antipollution Conference
东太平洋海洋会Eastern Pacific Oceanographic Conference
东部地区雪沉积物会eastern snow conference
中东部地区可靠性合作协East Central Area Reliability Coordination Agreement
串行网络连接协Serial Line Internet Protocol
主动态配置协dynamic host configuration protocol
主要工业国家经济最高级会economic summit conference of major industrial countries
亚洲经济会Asian Economic Conference
亚洲经济计划者会Conference of Asian Economic Planners
代理协合同agency agreement
报告特种文献conference report
保修协maintenance bond
保证金协margin agreement
全国先进技术管理会National Advanced Technology Management Conference
全国污染控制会及展览会National Pollution Control Conference and Exposition
全国环境信息会National Environmental Information Symposium
全国能源会National Energy Conference
全国计量会National Conference on Weights and Measures
全国遥测会national telemetering conference
全巴基斯坦科学会All-Pakistan Science Conference
加拿大中央大学地质会Central Canada University Geological Conference
加拿大地球物理会Canadian Geophysics Congress
加拿大环境部长会Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment
动态主机配制协dynamic host configuration protocol
北极浅海工程会Arctic Offshore Technology Conference
北极环境港湾与海洋工程会Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Condition
北极边缘国际会International Conference on Arctic Matins
北美古生物会North American Paleontological Convention
北美大地数据系统现代化会North American Conference on the Modernization of Land Data System
买卖purchase-and-sale by agreement
地价agreed price of land
南非测量员会Conference of South African Surveyors
印度洋海洋事务会Indian Ocean Marine Affairs Conference
印度科学会协会Indian Science Congress Association
发展中国家海岸和港口工程国际会International Conference on Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing Countries
可再利率抵押renegotiated rate mortgage
国际不连续变形分析会International Conference on Analysis of Discontinuous Deformation
国际专业会组织者协会International Association of Professional Congress Organizers
国际分析化学会International Congress on Analytical Chemistry
国际制图会International Cartographic Conference
国际动力源会委员会International Power Sources Symposium Committee
国际勘查地球化学会International Geochemical Exploration Symposium.
国际和平利用原子能会International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy
国际噪声和相干干扰抑制会International Symposium on Noise and Clutter Rejection
国际土地开发会International Land Development Conference
国际土壤力学与基础工程会International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
国际土壤科学会International Congress of Soil Science
国际地下水会International Conference on Ground Water
国际地名标准化会International Conference on Standardization of Geographical Names
国际地球科学和遥感会International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
国际地质力学数值方法会International Conference on Numerical Methods in Geomechanics
国际地质年代学、宇宙年代学、同位素地质学会International Meeting for Geochronology, Cosmochronology and Isotope Geology
国际地质材料分析会International Conference on the Analysis of Geological Materials
国际声波发射会International Acoustic Emission Symposium
国际复合材料会International Conference on Composite Materials
国际大陆反射剖面合作协consortium for continental reflection profiling
国际太平洋地区新第三纪地层会International Congress on Pacific Neogene Stratigraphy
国际宇宙空间会International Space Congress
国际实验室鉴定会International Laboratory Accreditation Conference
国际岩石力学会International Symposium of Rock Mechanics
国际工程和环境地球物理会International Symposium on Engineering and Environmental Geophysics
国际应用矿物学会International Conference on Applied Mineralogy
国际开发会International Development Conference
国际拉曼光谱学会International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy
国际放射性碳 C¹⁴测定年龄会International Radiocarbon Dating Conference
国际断裂研究会International Congress on Fracture
国际晶体生长会International Conference on Crystal Growth
国际月球实验室会Lunar International Laboratory Symposium
国际材料会International Materials Conference
国际标准会International Standards Conference
国际水与环境会International Conferences on Water and the Environment
国际水库诱发地震强度会International Symposium on Reservoir-Induced Seismicity
国际沉积学和沉积矿床会International Symposium on Sedimentology Related Mineral Deposits
国际油污染预防展览会和会International Oil Pollution Prevention Exhibition and Conference
国际海上结构会International Sea Structure Congress
国际海洋会International Oceanographic Congress
国际海洋定位会International Symposium on Marine Positioning
国际海洋开发和污染防治技术会和展览会International Conference & Exhibition on the Technology of Ocean Development & Pollution Prevention
国际海洋能源回收会International Conference on Ocean Energy Recovery
国际溶剂萃取会International Solvent Extraction Conference
国际热分析会International Conference on Thermal Analysis
国际煤炭科学会International Conference on Coal Science
国际牧草会International Grassland Congress
国际环地极会International Circumpolar Conference
国际理论和应用力学会International Conference of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
国际理论声学和计算声学会International Conference on Theoretical and Computational Acoustics
国际生态学会International Congress of Ecology
国际电子与原子碰撞物理学会International Conference on Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions
国际真空冶金学会International Conference on Vacuum Metallurgy
国际石油污染展览会及会International Oil Pollution Exhibition and Congress
国际石炭纪地层学和地质学会International Congress of Carboniferous Stratigraphy and Geology
国际矿业与煤矿自动化会International Conference on Automation of Mines and Collieries
国际矿产勘査会International Symposium on Mineral Exploration
国际矿山水会International Mine Water Congress
国际矿物选矿会International Mineral Processing Congress
国际磁学与结晶学会International Conference on Magnetism and Crystallography
国际等离子体化学会International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry
国际系统与进化生物学会International Congress of Systematic and Evolutionary Biology
国际自然保护技术会International Technical Conference on the Protection of Nature
国际航海会常设委员会Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses
国际花岗岩和成矿作用会International Symposium on Granites and Associated Mineralizations
国际计算机和操作技术在矿产工业中的应用会International Symposium on the Application of Computers and Operations Research in Mineral Industry
国际计算机方法和水资源会International Conference on Computer Methods and Water Resources
国际货币会International Monetary Conference
国际资源管理学会会International Symposium of Society and Resources Management
国际辐射学会International Congress of Radiology
国际近海结构力学与极地工程会International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Polar Engineering
国际近海结构力学和北极工程会International Conference Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (Symposium)
国际近海结构性能会International Conference on Behaviour of Offshore Structures
国际近海结构性能会International Conference on Behavior of Offshore Structures
国际通信卫星系统会International Communications Satellite System Conference
国际采矿业展览会与会International Mining Exhibition and Conference
国际采矿科学技术会International Symposium on Mining Science & Technology
国际采矿设备会Mining Equipment International
国际金矿地质和勘查会International Symposium on Gold Geology and Exploration
国际铝土矿、铝矶士和铝会International Congress on Bauxite-Alumina-Aluminium
国际陆地与海洋地球物理会International Conference on Geophysics of the Earth and the Oceans
土地权属land dispute
土地争调处arbitrament of land disputes
土地行政复judicial review of land administrative order
圭亚那地质会Inter-Guiana Geological Conference
地图与地理圆桌会map and geography round table
地点不定的会unallocated session
地球化学勘探方法会Symposium on Methods of Geochemical Prospecting
地球同步气象卫星协调会Coordination Meeting on Geostationary Meteorological Satellites
地球环境与资源会Earth Environment and Resources Conference
地球资源调查计划评委员会美国国家航宇局Earth Resources Survey Program Review Committee NASA
大西洋组织常设会Standing Conference of Atlantic Organization
太平洋会Pacific Congress
太平洋区域科学会组织Pacific Regional Science Conference Organization
太平洋地区海洋科学技术会Pacific Congress on Marine Science Technology
太平洋构造图幅会Pacific Structural Sheet Conference
太平洋海洋资源开采和保护会常设委员会Permanent Commission of the Convention on the Exploitation and Conservation of the Maritime Resources of the Pacific
太阳物理地区咨询会regional consultation on solar physics
实验热力学会委员会Experimental Thermodynamics Conference Committee
工业组织会Congress of Industrial Organizations
年度技术会annual technical conference
应用岩石工程会conference of applied rock engineering
最大污染物水平recommended maximum contaminant levels
的最高污染物水平proposed maximum contaminant level
快速掘进和隧道工程会rapid excavation and tunneling conference
技术会信息局Technical Meetings Information Service
政府系统地质学家会Government Geologists Conference
政府间海洋研究会intergovernmental conference on oceanographic research
政府间海洋研究会intergovernmental conference on oceanic research
数字数据通信消息协digital data communication message protocol
数据系统语言会conference on data system language
日本拖曳水槽会Japan Towing Tank Conference
晚第三纪界线会Symposium on Late Neogene Epoch Boundaries
最佳人口和环境会Congress on Optimum Population and Environment
核工程及核科学会Nuclear Engineering and Scientific Congress
核能贸易协会会Nuclear Energy Trade Association Conference
欧洲卫星远程电信会European Conference on Telecommunications by Satellite
欧洲土力学与地基工程会European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
欧洲地理信息会European Conference on Geographical Information
欧洲太阳物理会European Conference on Solar Physics
欧洲海洋生物学会委员会Committee for European Marine Biological Symposia
欧洲矿产规划会European Conference on Mineral Planning
欧洲航空气象专家会European Conference of Meteorological Experts for Aeronautics
欧洲计算机显示会European Conference on Computer Vision
欧洲金属会European Metals Conference
水资源会Water Resources Congress
泛美流体包裹体研究会Pan-American Conference on Research on Fluid Inclusions
泛美金融会Pan-American Financial Conference
泛非会Pan-African Congress
波罗的海海洋学家会Conference of Baltic Oceanographer
海洋测试范围和仪表测量设备会ocean testing range and instrumentation conference
海洋科学钻探会conference on scientific ocean drilling
滨海技术会offshore technology conference
澳大利亚地学部主任会Australian Council of Chairman of Earth Science Department
澳大利亚石油和矿业会Petroleum & Mining Australia
澳大利亚矿产经济学会Minerals Economics Conferences, Australia
激光和电子光学会conference on lasers and electro optics
环境保护协agreement on environmental protection
环境卫星会environmental satellite conference
环太平洋能源和矿产资源会Circum-Pacific Energy and Mineral Resources Conference
矿产开发协所属mineral development agreements
科技学术会论文集索引index to scientific & technical proceedings
租赁-购买协lease-purchase agreement
稀土元素研究会Rare Earth Research Conference
精密电磁测量会conference on precision electromagnetic measurements
紫外一氧化氮光谱ultraviolet nitric oxide spectrometer
经济和区域开发协economic and regional development agreements
网络协network protocol
美国参院公共工程委员会决议Senate Public Works Committee Resolution
美国测量和制图会American Congress of Surveying and Mapping
美国测量和填图会American Congress on Surveying and Mapping
美国自动控制会American Automatic Control Conference
联合国人类环境会conference on the human environment (UN)
联合国制图会United Nations Cartographic Conference
联合国国际组织会United Nations Conference on International Organizations
联合国海洋法会United Nation Conference on the Law of the Sea
联合国科学技术应用于开发会United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development
联合国科学技术应用会United Nations Conference on Science Application and Technology
联合国科学技术应用会United Nations Conference on the Applications of Science and Technology
联合工业会joint industry conference
联邦采矿与冶金会Commonwealth Mining and Metallurgical Congress
能源会energy conference
能源及矿物生产中的环境与尾矿处理会Symposium on Environmental Issues and Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production
能源技术会和展览会energy-sources technology conference & exhibition
英国核能会British Nuclear Energy Conference
西北太平洋沿岸地区协调协Pacific Northwest Coordination Agreement
计划建申请书request for proposal
超文件传输协hyper text transfer protocol
辐射监测会conference on emissions monitoring
近海勘探会offshore exploration conference
钻探工艺会drilling technology conference
铝-镍合金会Aluminum-Nickel Alloy Meeting
飞机-卫星数据中继系统开发国际性协consortium for ASDAR development