
Terms for subject United Nations containing 议会议员 | all forms
亚太经社会区域人力资源开发高级官员会议Meeting of Senior Officials on Human Resources Development in the ESCAP Region
亚太经社会区域支持普及教育行动纲领高级官员会议Meeting of Senior Officials on a Programme of Action in Support of Education for All in the ESCAP Region
亚太经社会/南太平洋委员会妇女问题次区域会议ESCAP/South Pacific Commission Subregional Pacific Meeting on Women
亚太统计员投入产出表会议Asia-Pacific Meeting of Statisticians on Input-Output tables
亚洲及太平洋环境与发展问题高级官员会议Meeting of Senior Officials on Environment and Development in Asia and the Pacific
亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会审查巴厘宣言和行动纲领执行情况高级别会议High-level meeting of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific to review the implementation of the Bali Declaration and the Programme of Action
亚洲陆地运输基础设施发展政府间公路铁路官员会议Intergovernmental Meeting of Highway and Railway Officials on Asian Land Transport Infrastructure Development
决议问题非正式委员会Informal Committee on Resolutions
国际铁路运输危险货物条例安全委员会和危险货物运输工作组联席会议Joint Meeting of the RID Safety Committee and the Working Party on the Transport of Dangerous Goods
土地管理官员会议meeting of officials on land administrators
委员会附属政府间结构高级官员会议Meeting of Senior Officials on the Intergovernmental Structure Subsidiary to the Commission
安全理事会关于反恐怖主义的第13732001 号决议所设委员会Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1373 2001 concerning counter-terrorism
安全理事会关于反恐怖主义的第13732001 号决议所设委员会Counter-Terrorism Committee
安全理事会关于反恐怖主义的第13732001 号决议所设委员会Committee to Combat Terrorism
安全理事会关于基地组织和塔利班及有关个人和实体的第12671999号决议所设委员会Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1267 1999 concerning Al-Qaida and the Taliban and associated individuals and entities
安全理事会第13732001号决议所设委员会反恐委员会Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1373 2001, Counter-Terrorism Committee
安全理事会第15402004号决议所设委员会1540委员会Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1540 2004
客户和基层计划生育工作人员相互影响问题专家组会议Expert Group Meeting on the Interaction between Clients and Grassroots Family-Planning Workers
1990年代联合国非洲发展新议程执行情况最后审查大会特设全体委员会Ad Hoc Committee of the Whole of the General Assembly for the Final Review and Appraisal of the implementation of the United Nations New Agenda for the Development of Africa in the 1990s
援助协调员会议meeting of aid co-ordinators
政党和议员会议后续工作委员会Follow-up Committee to the Meeting of Political Parties and Members of Parliament
政府环境法高级官员特别会议Ad Hoc Meeting of Senior Government Officials Expert in Environmental Law
欧洲经委会区域世界环境与发展委员会报告后续行动部长级区域会议Regional Conference at Ministerial Level on the Follow-up to the Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development WCED in the ECE Region
欧洲经委会区域世界环境与发展委员会报告后续行动部长级区域会议Bergen Conference
气候变化、能源、可持续发展委员会第九届会议筹备工作讲习班Workshop on Climate Change, Energy and Preparations for the Ninth Session of the Commission on Sustainable Development
生物多样性问题科学专家不限成员名额政府间会议Open-ended Intergovernmental Meeting of Scientific Experts on Biological Diversity
精通环境法的高级政府官员会议Meeting of Senior Governmental Officials Expert in Environmental Law
英联邦加勒比成员国预防犯罪合作会议Conference for Collaboration in Crime Prevention in the Commonwealth Caribbean
蒙特利尔议定书多边基金执行委员会Executive Committee for the Multilateral Fund under the Montreal Protocol
裁军审议委员会Disarmament Commission
设立亚太地理信息系统区域常设委员会国际会议International Meeting on the Establishment of the Regional Permanent Committee on the Geographic Information System GIS in Asia and the Pacific