
Terms for subject United Nations containing | all forms
与联合国合办国际人口与发展练研究中心International Centre for Training and Research in Population and Development in Association with the United Nations
东南亚次区域关于技合农业信贷练和研究的专家协商South-East Asian Subregional Experts Consultation on TCDC Training and Research in Agriculture Banking
亚太区域儿童和妇女社会指标练讲习班Training Workshop on Social Indicators for Children and Women in the Asia-Pacific Region
亚太地区传授人权培Training Course on Teaching Human Rights in the Asian and Pacific
亚太旅游业教育和练研究所网APETIT Network of Asia-Pacific Education and Training Institutes in Tourism
亚太旅游业教育和练研究所网Network of Asia-Pacific Education and Training Institutes in Tourism
亚洲及太平洋人类住区练、研究和信息机构网Network of Training, Research and Information Institutes in Human Settlements in Asia and the Pacific
亚洲及太平洋防治荒漠化研究和练中心区域网Regional Network of Research and Training Centres on Desertification Control in Asia and the Pacific
亚洲社会福利和发展练研究中心Asian Centre for Training and Research in Social Welfare and Development superseded
人事管理练方案People Management Training Programme
信息、练和分析中心United Nations Information, Training and Analysis Centre
关于发展规划采用经济和数学方法区域培课程Regional Training Course on the Application of Economic and Mathematical Methods in Development Planning
关于编写划界案提交大陆架界限委员会的练手册training manual on the Preparation of a Submission to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf
区域机构间环境练项目Regional Interagency Project for Environmental Training
发展环境下预防犯罪和刑事司法规划练讨论会Training Seminars on Planning for Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Administration in the Context of Development
国际水资源管理练中心International Training Centre for Water Resources Management
国际环境教育和练大会International Congress on Environmental Education and Training
国际环境科学练中心International Centre for Training in Environmental Sciences
在职on-the-job training
地方政府练研究机构网络Network of Local Government Training and Research Institutes
者培训training of trainers
工作人员发展和培方案staff development and training programmes
1990年代环境教育和练领域国际行动战略International Strategy for Action in the field of Environmental Education and Training for the 1990s
建立区域防治荒漠化研究练中心网络政府间会议Intergovernmental Meeting on a Regional Network of Research and Training Centres on Desertification Control
拉丁美洲和加勒比区域环境练网信托基金Trust Fund for the Regional Environmental Training Network on Latin America and the Caribbean
拉丁美洲和加勒比区域环境练网络Regional Environmental Training Network for Latin America and the Caribbean
拉丁美洲和加勒比环境练网信托基金Trust Fund for Environmental Training Network in Latin America and the Caribbean
民事登记和生命统计练讲习班Training Workshop on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics
灾害管理练中心Disaster Management Training Centre
灾害管理练方案Disaster Management Training Programme
特遣队成员个人武器和练弹药personal weaponry and training ammunition
环境练网项目Environmental Training Network Project
环境教育和练股Environmental Education and Training Unit
环境法和环境政策全球练方案Global Training Programme on Environmental Law and Policy
环境管理练方案Environment Management Training Programme
社区交流和培方案Community Exchange and Training Programme
统计教育和练专家组Expert Group on Statistical Education and Training
职业培vocational training
联合国练研究所UNITAR= United Nations Institute for Training and Research
联合国少年司法标准和政策练班United Nations Training Course on Juvenile Justice Standards and Policy
联合国恐怖主义和其他人为灾害管理练方案United Nations Disaster Management Training Programme on Terrorism and other Man-made Disasters
联合国/粮农组织/气象组织/欧空局练班:可见、红外和微波遥感器应用于水文学和农业气象学United Nations/FAO/WMO/ESA Training Course: Use of Remote Sensor Visible, Infra-red and Microwave in Hydrological and Agro-meteorological Applications
联合国裁军研究金、培和咨询服务方案United Nations Disarmament Fellowship, Training and Advisory Services Programme
练所用弹药training ammunition
贫穷衡量与公共开支练讲习班Training Workshop on Poverty Measurement and Public Expenditure
遥感应用于农业、干旱和荒漠化国际练班International Training Course on Remote Sensing Applications to Agriculture, Drought and Desertification
遥感应用于环境评价和监测国际练班International Training Course on Remote Sensing Applications for Environmental Assessment and Monitoring
非洲环境教育和练区域技术合作网Regional Technical Cooperation Network in Africa on Environment Education and Training