
Terms containing 订单 | all forms | in specified order only
busin.一年期订单yearly order
securit.一揽子订单blanket order
busin.一揽子订货单blanket order
adv.一揽子采购订单blanket purchase order
securit.上市订单处理程序list order processing program
securit.订单give an order
securit.不受市场限制的订单market not held order
securit.不当地处理投资订单mishandling of investment order forms
tech.不指定的订购单open indent
busin.订单不符discrepancy in an order
busin.订单品质不符variation from quality ordered
tech.与业主订约的业务单位prime professional
securit.与交易量关联的订单指令,委托,报价size-related orders
busin.与品质订单不符variation from quality ordered
busin.专门订单Special Order
busin.两者择一的订单订货alternative order
adv.中止订单abeyance order
securit.中止订单suspend an order
busin.临时订单contingency order
avia.订单生产make to order
avia.订单装配assemble to order
busin.为顾客修理产品订单order for repairs to products for customers
busin.主产品订单principal production orders
busin.主要产品订单principal product order
securit.书面订单order in writing
tech.二者择一的订单alternative order
tech.二者择一的订单alternate order
securit.互联网订单交易连接internet order connection
securit.交割订单delivery order
securit.交叉订单cross order
securit.交易订单记录失误order recording failures
securit.交易所订单board order
avia.人工发布采购订单manually issued purchase order
securit.代理人订单agency order
securit.以交易/订单为基础的制度order-based system
securit.以交易订单为导向的自动调节市场order-driven automated market
tech.任意处理的订单discretionary order
securit.传送交易订单route an order
securit.传递订单relay an order
avia.供应商历史和公开采购订单supplier history and open purchase order
avia.供应商历史和公开采购订单supplier history and open purchase orders
busin.依存订单指期货交易中,客户交给经纪人两种订单, 其中一种订单不成交,另一订单就无法生效,两单是依存的contingent order
securit.便利订单facilitating order
tech.信函订单letter orders
tech.订单体法revised simplex method
avia.修正订单order corrected
avia.修订订单orders modified
securit.假设订单shadow book
tech.停板订单limit order
avia.先行材料订单advance material order
securit.全权委托订单order at discretion
securit.全球订单传递网络global order routing network
busin.公函订单letter orders
busin.再订同类货订单repeat order
adv.订单处理net orders processed
securit.凑整订单bunching odd-lot orders
tech.出售外汇核订单authorization sheet for sales of exchange
tech.分批订单job order
busin.分批制造订单job order manufacture
tech.分散订单spread order
securit.分期执行的订单front-ending an order
tech.分次订单split order
tech.分段订单scale order
securit.分配委托订单order allocation
busin.办毕订单completed order
tech.订单一税则convention single tariff
securit.单一订单single order
adv.单个订单成本cost per order
tech.单头铁丝订书机single-head wire stitcher
securit.卖出订单sell order
busin.厂商新订单manufacturer's new orders
busin.厂商未发货订单manufacturer's unfilled orders
adv.厂家直销订单direct order
adv.原始订单original order
tech.参考订单order under reference
avia.发令订单firing order
tech.发出订单placing an order
securit.发出订单effect orders
securit.发出订单的最后期限deadline for placing order
securit.发出交易订单pass orders
tech.取决于市价订单resting order
shipb.可斟酌情况处理的订单discretionary order
tech.同步锁订单sync-lock unit
tech.品质与订单不符variation from quality ordered
busin.售汇核订单autorization sheet for sale of exchange
tech.商业订单commercial order
busin.圣诞节订单Christmas orders
securit.处理客户的委托订单handle clients' orders
avia.备件多项订单spares multiple item order
busin.备择订单alternate order
tech.外汇出售核订单authorization sheet for sales of exchange
tech.外汇购买核订单authorization sheet for purchase of exchange
securit.大宗交易订单block order
securit.大批订单scale order
busin.大批订单涌至spark off an inflow of orders
securit.大笔订单large order
securit.大额订单large-volume order
gen.她在订货单上附了一张支票She attached a cheque to the order form
adv.媒介订单firm order
adv.媒体订单standard order blank
busin.完成订单成本order-filling cost
avia.完成客户订单fulfill customer order
busin.定制的订单order for custom-made
adv.定期订单standing order
tech.定期订单time order
busin.定额结算订单open order
tech.实际执行订货单actual order
busin.客户订单汇总表summary of customer's order
tech.客户订单汇总表summary of customer's orders
avia.客户订单联机处理系统customer order on-line processing system
securit.客户交易订单client order
securit.客户委托的订单order form
avia.客户联机订单处理系统customer on-line order processing system
tech.客户订货单customers order
securit.寻找订单fishing order
busin.订单货物集中一次装运pool the order into one shipment
securit.订单先进先出small order first-in-first-out
busin.小额订单fractional order
securit.小额订单执行系统small order execution system
securit.小额订单执行系统small order execution system SOES
securit.小额订单歹徒通过小额订单执行系统 (Small Order Execution System) 进行交易的投资者SOES bandits
securit.小额订单登记系统small order entry system
securit.小额订单自动执行系统small order automatic system
securit.小额订单记账系统small order entry system SOES
busin.履行执行订单fulfill the order
tech.工作订单working order
shipb.工厂订单factory order
tech.已完成订单completed order
tech.已执行的订单order executed
tech.已注销订单order cancelled
tech.已满期的订单order expired
busin.市场订货单market order
busin.常年订单standing order
securit.平均价订单average value order
securit.应急订单contingency order
securit.开出订单give out order
securit.开市订单Market On Opening
securit.开市订单market on opening order
securit.开市价订单opening order
avia.开放订单open order
securit.开放式订单open indent
tech.开盘订单on-the-open order
securit.开盘随市订单at the opening
securit.当日有效订单good-for-day order
busin.当期订单current orders
tech.待交订货单back order
busin.待执行订单order awaiting execution
securit.待执行订单open order
securit.待执行订单open orderOP
tech.快速订单quick order
tech.总承包商订货单general contractor order
tech.总括blanket order
tech.总括blank order
tech.总订货单blanket order
tech.总订货单general order
tech.总订货单blank order
securit.总订购单blanket order
busin.恐怕不行,我们的订单很多I'm afraid not. As you know, we have a lot of order to fill
securit.成批订单board-lot orders
gen.我们是罗伯特•福克斯和约翰・斯密斯。我们发给你们一封邮件,要求订两个单人房间We're Robert Fox and John Smith. We sent you an email, asking you to reserve two single rooms
gen.我想取消预订的单人房间I'd like to cancel my booking for a single room
busin.我方订单数量主要取决于你方所出价格The size of our order depends greatly on the prices
gen.我是史密斯。我预订了本月20号的一个带飘窗的单人间I'm Smith. I've booked a single room with a bay window on the 20th of this month
gen.我能订一*间面朝花园的单人房间吗?May I have a single room facing the garden?
securit.或有订单contingent order
gen.所有的单人间都订满了All the single rooms have been occupied
busin.执行订单execute an order
tech.执行订单execution of the order
tech.执行订单execution of order
securit.执行订单的先后次序order priority
securit.执行交易订单execute a trade order
securit.执行交易订单的经纪人executing broker
avia.批准的备用零件订单approved spare parts order
securit.批量交易订单block trading order
tech.承接订单accept an order
busin.承购订单valueless favor
busin.承赐订单valued favour
avia.技术长期订单technical standing order
busin.货主抄送按订单供货清单copy order
securit.投标订单bid order
securit.投资者认购订单价格price in investors' subscription orders
avia.拒收订购单rejection purchase order
tech.拒绝订单并加以说明rejection of order with explanation
tech.拟订投标人名单restricted list of bidders
tech.拟订投标人清单restricted list of bidders
securit.持有订单hold order
securit.指令式债券、订单式债券bond to order
tech.指定的订单转换系统designated order turn-around system
busin.指时订单time order
busin.订单by order
tech.订单生产order production
avia.订单生产make to order
securit.按开市订单on the opening order
securit.按开盘订单at the opening order
securit.按最后订单at the close order
busin.按需交货订单指买方按其需要要求卖方交付定单数量内的部分货物的一种订货方式call off order
tech.接受订单acknowledgement of orders
tech.接受订单execute an order
securit.接受订单acceptance of order
tech.接受买方订单的指示accept one's order as per instruction
tech.接受新订单enter new order
tech.接收订单accept an order
busin.接纳订单book the order
securit.撤回订单uplift an order
securit.撤销订单withdrawal of order
securit.撤销订单kill order
busin.撤销订单损失loss from canceling order
securit.撤销前订单cancel former order
securit.撤销可转让订单negotiable order of withdrawal
securit.撤销可转让订单账户NOW account
busin.撤销某项订单repeal an order
securit.撤销购买订单dried up
securit.支撑订单supporting order
busin.收入订货单登记簿order received book
avia.收到订单after receipt order
tech.收市订单market on close
securit.收盘订单限制limit on close order
securit.收盘买卖订单market on dose order
busin.收集订货单collect indents
securit.整手订单board-lot orders
tech.新订货单new order
gen.是的,先生,我们已经收到您当天的预订单。有什么需要帮忙吗?Yes, sir, we get your reservation on that date. So anything we can do for you?
securit.最佳价格订单best priced order
securit.最佳价格订单at-best order
tech.最佳订购单optimum quantity order
securit.有偿订单服务payment for order flow
securit.有条件订单conditional order
busin.有限制订单continence order
busin.有限制订单contingency order
tech.服务订单管理service order management
adv.期刊的免费订阅者名单comp list
busin.期货订单order for future delivery
agric.期货订单future (复)
busin.未交货订单指某一生产企业在年底或月底未向订户完成交货的全部订单数或金额unfilled orders
tech.未交货订单unfilled order
shipb.未交货的订单undelivered order
avia.未关闭订单open order
tech.未发订货单unfilled order
tech.未发货订单unfilled orders
tech.未执行的订单unfilled order
tech.材料订单order bill of materials
busin.材料订单簿materials order book
busin.材料订购单materials purchase order
busin.材料预订单advance material order
tech.标准订单order of merit
avia.标准工装订货单master tool order
busin.订单autorization sheet
shipb.根据订单生产production of customer's order
tech.欠交订货通知单back order memo
securit.正常订单差额normal order imbalance
busin.残次品修复订单order for reconditioning of defective work
securit.波士顿交易所自动交易订单路径网络Boston exchange automated communication order-routing network
tech.注销订货单cancel order
busin.清理所有订单wind up all the orders placed
securit.滚动订单roU order
busin.照前订单repeat order
tech.特制品订单special production order
tech.特定订单生产specific order production
busin.特定产品订单special product order
adv.现行订单standing order
tech.现金cash order
busin.生产订单number of production order
busin.用广告兜揽订单solicit order by advertising
avia.用户订单跟踪系统customer order tracking system
avia.用户在线订货单的处理customer on-line order processing
avia.电传订单telegraphic order
securit.电话订单phone order
avia.电话订单telephone order
tech.留待将来交货的订单back order
busin.登记订单book order
securit.直接取消订单straight cancel order
tech.相对订单counterpart (外汇订单)
tech.相配订单matched orders
securit.订单short order
securit.确定订单firm order
busin.确认订单confirmatory order
securit.确认订单order draft
securit.确认卖空订单的规定requirement to confirm short selling order
tech.空白订单blank order form
shipb.空白订单blank order forms
busin.空白订货单carte blanche order
securit.竞价订单auction order
busin.等候订单waiting order
securit.等待办理的订单pending order
busin.签发订单部门order department
busin.签订订单order given
securit.纳斯达克订单传送与执行系统NASDAQ Order Delivery and Execution System
securit.纳斯达克小额订单执行系统NASDAQ Small Order Execution System
tech.经常订单standing order
tech.经济订单数量economic ordering quantity
tech.经济订单数量economic order quantity
securit.结束日订单以一个指定的价格买人或卖出的指令,此指令将持续有效直至当日交易结束,一般是下午五点end of day order
securit.结算订单限制limit on close order
securit.综合订单combination order
avia.综合采购订单系统 IIintegrated purchase order system II
avia.综合采购订单系统integrated purchase order system
busin.缩减订单curtailment of order
securit.网上订单online orders
securit.网上订单net order
securit.网上订单输人online order entry
securit.网上交易订单输人系统computerized order entry system
securit.股票交易订单价格order price for securities trading
gen.能告诉我你的订单号吗?Could I have your order number?
securit.自主订单take your time TYT orders
securit.自动订单接人系统automated order entry system
securit.自动订单撮合与执行系统Automatic Order Matching and Execution System
securit.自动订单系统automated order system
securit.自动执行交易订单automatic order execution
securit.自动执行交易订单automated order execution
securit.自助订单self-service orders
securit.自助最终订单self-service terminal orders
tech.舱位订单indent for space
shipb.船厂订购单buying order of shipyard
avia.补充产品订单supplemental production order
avia.补充采购订单purchase order supplement
securit.被限制的订单limited order
busin.要求撤销订单request for withdrawing of order
securit.触价后转为市价订单market-if-touched order
securit.触价后转为市价订单Market-If-Touched orders
avia.订单firing order
busin.订单job order sheet
busin.…订单order of
tech.订单order blank
tech.订单order for goods
gen.订单indent (ind.)
securit.订单job order
securit.订单不足insufficient orders
securit.订单交易量throughput rate
securit.订单交易量协议throughput agreement
securit.订单付费pay to the order
securit.订单价格限制order price restriction
securit.订单传递系统order routing system
busin.订单余数arrears of order
agric., econ.订单农业contract farming
securit.订单分拆order splitting
agric., busin.订单order form system
securit.订单order-based system
adv.订单取得者order getter
avia.订单取消order cancelled
avia.订单取消order canceled
shipb.订单intent number
tech.订单order number (数)
gen.订单order number
busin.订单咨询系统order information system
avia.订单处理与库存监控order processing and inventory monitoring
adv.订单处理部门order-process department
securit.订单处理量order throughput
securit.订单失衡order imbalance
securit.订单order room
securit.订单建档book building
securit.订单建档方法book building method
securit.订单式证券document to order
busin.订单成本order cost
tech.订单成本job order cost
shipb.订单所载货物the ordered goods
securit.订单报告order reporting
tech.订单控制order control
securit.订单支持系统order support system
busin.订单数量quantity of orders
avia.订单数量调整order quantity adjustment
avia.订单数量调整表order quantity adjustment form
busin.订单最早到期日期规则minimum due date per order rule
securit.订单期限order period
securit.订单order booth
busin.订单格式form of order
securit.订单汇集规则order concentration rule
busin.订单涌至influx of order
busin.订单生产production order
busin.订单生产order production
busin.订单生产成本表production order cost sheet
securit.订单确定交易order confirmation transaction
busin.订单确认order confirmation
busin.订单确认条confirmation slip
busin.订单管理management of orders
securit.订单管理系统order management systems
busin.订单簿order book
securit.订单系数order parameter
securit.订单累计制book building method
busin.订单纷至influx of order
busin.订单经管人order clerk
busin.订单编号及日期order number and date
securit.订单路径order routing
securit.订单输人order entry
adv.订单输入order entry
tech.订单输入应用order entry application
securit.订单配售order allocation
securit.订单配对order matching
securit.订单配对时段order matching period
avia.订单项目purchase order item
avia.订单项目分解order item split
busin.订单amount of orders
busin.订单额数order of magnitude
tech.订料单order for material
tech.订料单order bill
tech.订舱单application slip
busin.订舱单shipping form
tech.订舱单booking menu
tech.订舱单shipping application
tech.订舱单booking list
tech.订舱单application for space
tech.订舱单application for shipment
tech.订货单order blank
tech.订货单order list
tech.订货单order slip
busin.订货单place an order for cargo
busin.订货单place an order for goods
tech.订货单储存方案储存方案purchase list
tech.订货单号indent number
tech.订货单处理order processing
tech.订货单涌至influx of order
busin.订货单登记簿order register
tech.订货时付款随订单支付现金cash with order
busin.订货申请单purchase requisition and order
busin.订货联系单cargo note
busin.订购单buying order
tech.订购单order sheet
avia.订购数据清单上可获得的零件部件components available for ordering data list
busin.订购清单inventory on order
busin.订载单boat note
busin.订运清单booking report
securit.记录订单指示order recording
tech.设备购买订货单facility purchase order
tech.试验订单trial order
securit.调拨订单intercept order
busin.船运公司所签货物订舱单booking note
tech.货运预订报告单booking report
agric.购买订单purchase order
shipb.购买设备订购单facilities purchase order
busin.贵方要下更大的螺丝刀续购订单吗?Will you place a repeat order of screwdrivers for a larger amount?
securit.超级订单传递系统Super DOT
securit.超额订单数量excessive order numbers
avia.车间订单shop order
securit.转交订单relay an order
avia.转包合同器材售货订单subcontract material sales order
securit.近价订单about order
tech.进口订货单import order
avia.进度订单列表系统schedule order listing system
avia.进度需求和订单分析schedule requirements and order analysis
avia.进度需求和订单分析系统schedule requirements and order analysis system
securit.连续大量买卖订单continuous large-amount purchase orders and withdrawals
securit.追踪订单tracing order
securit.部门到部门交易订单desk to desk trading booth orders
avia.采购订单信息系统purchase order information system
avia.采购订单公布频率procurement plans publication frequency
avia.采购订单管理purchase order management
securit.重要订单significant order
tech.销售订单处理sales order processing
avia.销售订单管理报告sales order control reporting
avia.销售订单管理记录sales order control record
avia.销售订单sales order screen
busin.销货订单selling order
tech.销货订单sales order
busin.长期订单即总括定单standing order
journ.报刊等的长期订单standing order
tech.闭口订货单close indent
tech.阻抗恒订单constant impedance unit
securit.附有条件的订单if order
busin.附条件订单conditional order
tech.附条件的订单conditional order
busin.限价订单indent with order
busin.限价订单limited price order
securit.限价订单stop limit orders
securit.限价订单账册limit order book
tech.限价停止订单stop limit order
securit.限价或市价收盘订单limit or market on the close order
busin.限定订单即限定供应厂家的订单closed indent
tech.限定进口订单closed indent
securit.限定价格订单limited price order
busin.限额双联订购单indent with limit
busin.限额订购单indent with limit
shipb.订单付现款cash with order
securit.非固定价格订单order without fixed price
tech.非指定订单open indent
tech.非特定订单open indent
securit.非限定供应商订单open indent
adv.订单booking sheet
tech.订单booking list
tech.预付款器材订单advance material order
avia.预测需求订单forecast demand ordering
securit.首次购买订单first buy order
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