
Terms for subject Rail transport containing | all forms
专用电子算机special-purpose computer
两阶段设two-phase design
中央算机系统Central Processing System
交流数自动闭塞AC counting code automatic block
传输式测力transmission dynamic meter
伺服型加速度servo accelerometer
养路管理算机系统computer-aided track maintenance &management system
分段设subsection design
分界站列车交接train receiving and delivery plan at demarkation
分界站列车交接train receiving and delivery plan at demarcation
列车到发及运行train receiving
列车到发及运行dispatching and running plan
列车到发及运行train receiving, dispatching and running plan
列车牵引train traction calculation
力学mechanical computation
化学量关系式stoichiometric relation
升阻比估estimation of lift-to-drag ratio
卸车unloading plan
卸车wagon unloading plan
aggregate to
吊弦长度dropper calculation
咽喉道岔或到发线的算通过能力calculated carrying capacity of throat turnout or receiving and dispatching tracks at station
多点位移multi-point displacement meter
大型电子算机large-scale computer
实施性施工组织设practical design for construction scheme
实施性施工组织设design for practical construction organization
容量volume calculation table
3-4 小时列车运行train working plan in three or four hours
屈曲buckling calculation
布氏硬度Brinell hardness tester
干扰算电流interfering calculation current
建筑结构设design of building structure
建筑节能设energy-saving design of buildings
建筑防火设fire prevention design of buildings
建筑防火设fire protection design of buildings
弛度sag calculation
张力tensio meter
aggregate to
悬丝静电fibre electrometer
抗裂cracking computation
抗风设wind-proof design
按重量或体积weight or measurement
接口管理interface management plan
支柱负载mast loading calculation
故障水平fault level calculation
数值模拟numerical simulation
施工划管理planned management of construction
施工图设construction detail design
施工封闭plan of closing sections for construction
旅客列车设行车速度design speed of passenger train
无功功率wattless power meter
无障碍设design for disabled passenger
日历装车calendar day loading arrangement
日要车daily car wagon requisition plan
旬间装车ten day loading plan
明渠流量open channel flowmeter
曲线设超高designed superelevation of curve
最大设超高允许值maximum permissible designed superelevation
最大设超高允许值maximum allowable value of designed superelevation
最终设数据final design data
月度货物运输monthly freight traffic plan
有效算步长effective calculation step
机车算速度computed speed of locomotive
机车设locomotive design
材料material calculation
桥渡设bridge crossing design
模块化设modularized design
模块化设列车modular train
横断面设transverse section design
气动热算公式aerothermal calculation formula
油位oil level meter
流线型头部外形设方法design method of streamline head shape
消防性能化设fire performance-based design
点感式加速度inductive accelerometer
heat metering
量装置heat metering device
热工thermotechnical calculation
热额定设方法thermal design method
爆破设blasting design
玻璃比重glass hydrometer
玻璃液面glass gauge of liquid level
电子距离数器electronic distance counter
电容式加速度capacitive accelerometer
电感式加速度inductive accelerometer
破损阶段设plastic stage design method
竖向荷载设vertical load design
站场设design of station and yard
管弹簧式压力tube-spring manometer
行驶公里数accumulated kilometrage
行驶里数accumulated mileage
纵断面设longitudinal section design
线路设route design
平均方法statistically averaged method
继电保护整定relay protection setting calculation
综合化飞机概念设环境Synthetic Environment for Air Craft Design
编组marshalling plan
罐车容积tank volume table
翼型设升力系数airfoil design lift coefficient
肖式硬度Shore durometer
能源energy measurement
腕臂cantilever calculation
自动量搅拌站auto-ensure concrete mixing station
自动量搅拌站auto-measure concrete mixing station
解析analytic computation
算分析computation analysis
算拉断荷载calculated breaking load
算机联锁computer-based interlocking
算机辅助调度computer-aided dispatching
算正矢calculated versine
算深度calculated depth
算系数calculation coefficient
桥涵算跨径computed span
账交易open account trade
货物费重量charged weight
量柜metering cabinet
量装置measure device
量间measuring room
动轮载design dynamic wheel load
变更design variation
开挖线pay line (B line)
更改要求Engineering Change Request
最高行车速度maximum design speed
枯水流量designed low water flow
概算budgetary estimate of design
概算approximate estimate of design
洪水位designed flood level
活载designed live load
能力design output
草案draft of design
行包库存件数designed capacity of luggage office
行车速度designed operation speed
规范code of design
通过能力carrying capacity of railway as designed
锁定轨温design stress-free temperature in CWR
降雨design rainfall
调度日班daily shift traffic plans
货车wagon loading plan
路肩设高程shoulder elevation
车站算机系统Station Processing System
车站作业station operating performance plan
车站班station working shift plan
车站设station design
车辆算长度calculated length of car
车辆设规范specifications for design of cars
车辆设规范specification for design of cars
轨道设track design
轮廓daily outline plan
轮轨系统设准则design principle of wheel/rail system
边设边施工fast track construction
运输工作日常day-to-day traffic plan
运输成本transport cost plan
追踪能力headway calculation
通信设telecommunication design
通话数器call counter
速度speed indicator (指示器)
遥测温度distance-reading thermometer
铁路长期railway long-term plan
防溅设splash-proof design
防风设wind-proof design
隐身设stealth design
隧道设tunnel design