
Terms for subject Agriculture containing | all forms
上市marketable size
irregularity (irregularitas)
则人土深度irregular depth
则减数分裂irregular meiotic division (divisio meiotica irregularis)
则分枝形态irregular branching morphology
则双倍体irregular amphiploid
则圆形孢子gibbospore (gibbospora)
则型粒剂irregular-type granule
则异源多倍体irregular allopolyploid
则形颗粒irregular-shaped particle
则徬徨变异irregular fluctuation
则显性conditioned dominance
则生长的pantachobryous (pantachobryus)
则的informal (informalis)
则的fortuitous (fortuitosus)
则离差irregular deviation (deviatio irregularis)
则种植irregular planting
则系统scramble system
则繁殖irregular multiplication
则纹理irregular grain (granum irregulare)
则耕深irregular depth
则萌发孔anomotreme (anomotrema)
则误差non-compensating error
则"跳动"fortuitous "jitter"
则随机种植irregular random planting
贝显性irregular dominance (dominantia irregularis)
不等unequal size
两脚divider (复)
两脚caliper (复)
中等模农场medium sized farm
中等模农场medium farm
中等模集成电路medium scale integrated circuit
互联interconnection rule
产品格说明product specification
今后经营prescription for future management
代谢metabolic rhythm
价数valence rule
伐木felling rule
伸展的网目stretched mesh size
位置选取position selection rule
作业works program
作业operation planning
作物智能栽培学的范化作物智能栽培学基本特征之一normalization of intelligent crop production
全面划加强领导comprehensive planning and more effective leadership
公园park planning
具不则牙齿的inequident (inaequidens)
具不则牙齿的unequal-toothed (inaequidens)
具不则牙齿的inaequident (inaequidens)
内径测径inside calipers
农业agricultural planning
农业土地利用工程agricultural land use engineering planning
农业开发区调整法Adjustment Law for Agricultural Developing Area
农业总体agricultural master plan
农业法farming laws
农业法agricultural laws
农业法重新编制reorganization of agricultural laws
农业资源环境的范化normalization of agricultural resource environment
农产品格化standardization of the agricultural products
农地适度模经营moderate-sized management of farmland
农场farm program
农场size of farm
农场模类别farm-size category
农场总whole-farm planning
农场管理企业和家庭farm management planning enterprise and home
农村rural planning
农村土地资源欧洲经济共同体rural land resources planning EEC
农村电气化rural electrification planning
农村能源rural energy planning
农药管理法agricultural chemicals regulation law
减数分裂无meiotic irregularity
出口exit rule
出口标准export standard schedule
分级grading schedules
分级grading rules
分蘖regularity of tillering
制图用圆drawing compass
制备preparative scale
制定长期long-range planning
区域regional assignment
区组block layout
区组laying out of block
half moon
半圆protractor scale
协议protocol specification
卫生sanitary regulation
历史historical rule
原始线性primal linear program
双联线性doubly coupled linear programming
反应response norm
发育developmental rhythm
可捕catchable size
格化post-normalization (postnormalisatio)
命名naming rule
命名rules of nomenclature
命名rules of nomenclature
商品commercial size
国际标准化组织International Organization for Standardization Sizes (ISO sizes)
国际植物命名法International Botanical Nomenclature Code
国际植物学命名international rules of botanical nomenclature
国际法International Rules
范目标分布circular normal target distribution
土地laying out of field
土地划局Land Consolidation Office
土地划法land consolidation act
土地利用plan of land utilization
土地利用land use plan
土地改良land improvement scheme
土地资源利用planning utilization of land resources
城市划范围city planning area
基本basis rule
复写copy rule
jumbo size
模制备large-scale preparation
模模型计算extensive model calculation
模消费extensive consumption
模狩猎hunting of big games
模的指干扰brute force radar system
模耕作large-scale farming
模试验extensive test
模造林extensive reforestation
模集成化指电路large-scale integration
模饲养extensive feeding
孟德尔分离Mendel's regularity of segregation
季节性seasonal rhythm
安全技术safety regulations
家畜饲养size of livestock keeping
模乳品生产部门small-scale dairy sector
模养殖者smallholder farmer
模养殖者small‐scale farmer
模农业smallholder agriculture
模分布small-scale distribution
模制备small-scale preparation
模牲畜饲养者smallholder livestock keeper
模牲畜饲养者small livestock farmer
模生产small production
模畜牧生产者small livestock farmer
小区plot plan
小麦、大麦和黑麦的检验inspection standard of rice,wheat,barley and rye
工作job description
工程engineering specification
工艺process scale
市场交易法marketing law
农业conventional agriculture
农业技术conventional agrotechnique
坐标normal coordinate
施用conventional application
服务custom service
栽培技术conventional cultural practice
栽培措施customary cultivation practices
生产 概率normal production probability
conventional (conventionalis)
耕作制conventional tillage system
育种技术conventional breeding technique
过程regulatory process
阈值conventional threshold value
干草hay grading
平地质量specifications of levelling quality
建筑标准法building standard law
heteronomous (heteronomus)
强制决定forced decision rule
征用法expropriation law
循环cyclic rule
性能performance requirements
划预算master planning budget
技术regulation (复)
投票voting rule
切割器护刃器调节guard gage
拟定城乡town and country planning
定尺寸栽植ruler planting
捕捞amount of fishing
排水draining scheme
推理inferential rule
插秧rice planting rule
摘心质量specifications of pinching quality
播种质量specifications of sowing quality
操作operation rules
操作working rule
放养stocking size
数据库范化normalization of database
施肥regularity of fertilization
则分布irregular distribution
则叶分布指稻叶irregular leaf distribution
则型气孔ranunculaceous type
则型气孔anomocytic type
则型指气孔,typus anomocyticusanomocytic type
则降雨量irregular rainfall
则饲料指无一定比例的irregular feed
律土壤erratic soil
律徬徨变异irregular fluctuation
律的erratic (erraticus)
律行动erratic behaviour
律降水量erratic precipitation
aperiodic (aperiodicus)
random (fortuitus)
aperiodical (aperiodicus)
普通general rule
普通general requirements
晶片wafer scale
最适optimum size
最适农场optimum size of farm
则性周期regular sexual cycle
则空间排列regular spatial arrangement
律共聚物regular copolymer
律取代regular replacement
律损耗regular loss
律移位regular shift
结构的tactic (tacticus)
聚合物tactic polymer
有利反应favorable reaction norm
有机标准和技术法的等同性评估准则Tool for Equivalence of Organic Standards and Technical Regulations
有机标准和技术法的等同性评估准则Guide for Assessing Equivalence of Organic Standards and Technical Regulations
木材timber and lumber standards
木材standardization of wood
机器人robotic planning
栽植布局planting layout
检查test rules
检疫植病quarantine law
检验inspection standard
棉纤维及梳整检验的regulation for cotton fiber and processing test
植物保护法plant protection law
植物检疫进口plant quarantine import requirements
模糊fuzzy scheduling
模糊fuzzy rule
品种试验official variety test
授粉legitimate pollination
播种根据规定的轮作制播种regular planting
模糊算法normal fuzzy algorithm
usual (usualis)
的后期分离regular anaphase separation
行植regular row planting
表示法orthographic representation
表达regular expression
毒物与有害物管制法poisonous and deleterious substances control law
水利法water legislation
水利法water bye-laws
汽缸量cylinder gage
油菜育种方案rape breeding plan
legal regulations
防治legal control
流行病regularity of epidemic
测微micrometer gage
浓淡shading rule
混合mixing regulation
灌溉irrigation scheduling
煎锅格鱼类pan-size fish
生产production rule
生殖卵管理法reproductive egg controlling law
田区layout of the fields
盘子格鱼类plate-size fish
直方柱形图定化histogram specification
直方柱形图正标准化histogram normality
相关correlation rule
相同same size
碱基配对base pairing rules
磁圆magnet compass
种子法seed laws
稳定stable program
竞赛管理rules governing competition
策略数据strategic data planning
简化simplified programming
管理managerial planning
粮食控制法food control law
粮食法food law
粮食管理法food control law
细胞分裂律性rhythmicity of cell division
经济economic programming
经营operation rules
绿化reforestation programme
绿化afforestation project
绿化afforestation plan
缓和alleviating prescription
缓和农场建筑物relaxation of farm building regulation
网目bar mesh size
罗盘仪法compass rules
美国法American Code
育种breeding scale
胁变strain gauge
脱粒质量specifications of thrashing quality
英国British standard
蔗价cane price's regulations
螺距screw pitch gage (screw pitch gauge)
划试验blank assay
划试验blank test
则萌发孔nomotreme (nomotrema)
enactment (enactmentum)
定分配额限额fixing of quotas
定名称code designation
定尺寸木材dimension lumber
定成熟度legal maturity
定液normal solution
定耕作compulsory cultivation
定量normal weight
定饮食bdiet b
normality (normalitas)
律性rhythmicity (rhythmicitas)
律的rhythmic (rhythmicus)
整砌石coursed ashlar walling
specification (复)
格化正交基orthonormal basis
格化正交性orthonormality (orthonormalitas)
格化正交的orthonormal (orthonormalis)
格化浮点控制normatized floating control
格检查specifications check
格简化simplification of standards
模农场scale farm
specification (复)
范化 管理normalization and management
范序列canonical sequence
范的normative (normativus)
范碱canonical base
角度计angle gauge
角度计angle gage
解释interpretation rule
计量经济学econometric specification
证明proof rule
试验trial layout
试验size of experiment
试验圃plot plan
超大模计算机superway computer
超大模集成电路superlarge-scale integration
超过法律定期限而失效的subject to prescription
超过法律定期限而失效的subject to limitation
轮作rotation plan
轮作regularity of crop rotation
辅导tutorial rule
辐射质量specifications of radiation quality
violation (violatio)
违反foul play
连续不则繁殖serial irregular multiplication (multiplicatio irregularis serialis)
适用于鱼类和水产品的行为Code of Practice for Fish and Fishery Products
通用common use size
造林afforestation project
重新说明redeclaration rule
重量定度weight normality
重量weight requirement
量树tree gage
量树tree gauge
鉴别discrimination rule
销售marketing standard
队列queue discipline
防止空气污染法air pollution control law
防疫法epidemic laws
防虫insectproof program
降级collapsing rule
限制restricted scale
限制主restricted master programming
随机probabilistic programming
随机逻辑大模集成电路random logic large scale integration (random logic LSI)
非正denormal (denormalis)
格化prenormalization (praenormalisatio)
食品卫生法food sanitation law
食品卫生法food hygiene law