
Terms for subject Business containing 规程 | all forms | in specified order only
一般规程regular generates
一般性技术规程unclassified technical order
不规则估计程序atypical estimation procedure
会计规程手册manual of accounting
作业规程works order
作业规程working instruction
修正正规方程组modified system of normal equations
公认的规范审计程序auditing procedure generally recognized as the normal
区域性协会和合营企业章程规范model rules of regional associations and joint ventures
启钥技术规程turnkey technical order
回避或违犯规定程序by-pass or violate established procedures
大规模工程学macro engineering
工作规程work specification
工艺规程technological order
工艺规程operation and route sheet
工艺操作规程technological operating regulation
建筑工程标准与规程standards and rules for construction projects
成本会计规程cost accounting regulation
技术规程与技术说明Technical Order
技术制造过程规格手册Engineering and Manufacturing Process Specification Manual
技术操作规程technical operating regulation
技术标准规程Technical Standard Order
技术程序规划文件Technical Program Planning Document
抽样规程sampling instruction
指导性规程directive rules
操作规程process specification
操作规程instruction to proceed
时间符合工艺规程Time Compliance Technical Order
最小二乘方正规方程normal equation of least square
最小平方正规方程LS normal equation
最小平方正规方程least squares normal equation
本地规程误差local procedure error
标准运作规程standard practice instruction
检验规程testing regulation
检验规程test regulation
正规方程normalized equation
正规方程组system of normal equations
生产技术规程technical regulation for production
程序规则Rules of Procedures
程序规则rules of order
经营规程operating instruction
联合规程joint regulation
航空技术规程aircraft technical order
艾特肯广义最小平方正规方程Aitken's generalized least-square normal equation
规化过程programming process
规定程序established process
选择规程selective regulation