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他们宁愿到角小店,而不到大超级市场They prefer the small comer shop to the large supermarket
伦巴第伦敦金融中心,金融市场Lombard Street
你向右拐再走过邮局那条,就到了这家店To get to the shop, you turn right and cross the street at the post office
英国凯里Carey Street (Carey Street 为伦敦一街道名,以前破产法院曾设于此)
华尔分析家a Wall street analyst
华尔大老板a Wall Streeter
上走去tend towards the street
商业大a business street
我们已注意到顾客偏爱那些位于角的小商店We have noted the customers' preference for small comer shops
百老汇大Broadway (美国纽约市的一条大街,为戏院、夜总会等娱乐场所的集中地区)
纽约麦迪逊大Madison Avenue (美国广告中心)
头广告outdoor advertising
道小商贩a street trader
道工业the neighbourhood industry
道工业neighborhood industry
道工厂a neighbourhood workshop
这家公司的所在地及主要营业地点在坎布里奇市花园The domicile and principal place of business of this corporation is located at Garden Street, Cambridge
这家商店是在高和伦敦路交叉的拐角处The shop is on the corner of the High Street and London Road