
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
镑计算的价格sterling price
房屋抵押贷款协会Nationwide Building Society (英国最大的房屋贷款协会,也是英国提供抵押贷款和存款账户的一个主要机构,总部位于英格兰斯文顿,其核心资本规模在2013年英国《银行家》杂志全球1000家大银行排行榜中名列第98位)
即期镑汇票demand sterling bill
可转账transferable sterling
富时 AIM 国 50指数FTSE AIM UK 50 Index
富时国系列指数FTSE UK Series Indices
封锁的镑结存blocked Sterling balances
〉伦敦俱乐部London Club (由商业银行组成的债权人非正式组织)
制簿记English system of bookkeeping
U.K. ton
国保险业者协会Association of British Insurers
国公司税U.K. corporation tax
国商品价格指数U.K. Commodity Index
国式结帐方式English form of closing the ledger
国成本和工厂会计师协会ICMA The Institute of Cost and Management Accountants
国特许会计师协会ICA The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
国税法United Kingdom tax law
国财政大臣Britain's chancellor of the exchequer
国财政部exchequer exc
国边际税率U.K. marginal tax rate
hundredweight (=100 磅)
格兰及威尔斯特许会计师公会Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
格兰银行票据bank of England bill
格兰银行给商业银行的证券抵押贷款Lombard loan
澳公司Anglo-Australian company
Pound Sterling (英国是欧盟成员国,但是它没有参加欧元区。英镑是英国的标准货币单位,辅币为 new pence (新便士),1 GBP = 100 new pence)
Pound (United Kingdom)
镑保证协议Sterling Guarantee Agreement
镑债券debenture in pound sterling
镑兑换率rate against pound sterling
镑公债sterling bond
镑区zone sterling
镑区的货币公库sterling area pool
镑外币债券sterling foreign currency bond
镑外汇sterling exchange
镑存单存款sterling certificate of deposit
镑对美元交叉汇率sterling-dollar cross rate
镑承付票据sterling acceptance bill
镑支付协定agreement sterling
镑收支差额sterling balance
镑贬值depreciation of sterling
镑贷款sterling credit
被冻结的blocked sterling
银行同业镑市场inter-bank sterling market