
Terms for subject Economics containing 良好的 | all forms | in specified order only
业主应与其雇员维持良好的合作关系The owner should maintain good cooperative relation with his employees
代销人确实为商业信誉良好的The consignee turned out to be of good credit and business standing
信用良好的头等证券blue chip security
信用良好的头等证券gilt-edged security
信誉良好的银行a reputable bank
厂家只把这种产品卖给那些信誉良好的承销人The manufacturer shall sell such products only to such consignors with goods credit
如果双方有良好的愿望,签定提供成套设备的合同是可能的Given mutual goodwill n., it is possible to sign a contract for the supply of complete equipment
如果没有信誉良好的银行担保有关买主的信用,我们不接受承兑交单付款方式If the reliability of the buyers concerned can't be guaranteed by a reputable bank, I am afraid that we can't accept D/A payment
树立良好的信誉非常重要It's important to build up good reputation
良好的劳资关系在公司运行中起着重要的作用Good industrial relations play an important part in the running of the company
良好的开端可促进你我双方今后的合作A good initiation can promote further cooperation between us
良好的适合销售的质量fair and marketable quality
良好的适销质量fair and marketable quality
车间主任应在新雇用的年轻工人中实施严格的纪律,维持良好的秩序The workshop director should enforce strict discipline and good order among the newly employed youngsters
这幢大楼在租赁期内保持着良好的状况The building is kept in good condition during its tenancy