
Terms for subject Surgery containing | all forms
三叉神经眼枝撕avulsion of ophthalmic branch of trigeminal nerve
不完全性撕incomplete avulsion injury
中心central dislocation
二尖瓣prolapse of mitral valve
二尖瓣瓣叶mitral valve prolapse
先天性膝关节congenital dislocation of knee
先天性髋congenital dislocation of hip
先天性髋关节congenital hip joint dislocation
先天性髋关节congenital dislocation of hip joint
先天性髌骨congenital dislocation of patella
全头皮撕total scalp avulsion injury
创伤性traumatic dislocation
化学物质面部皮肤剥chemical face peel
压缩位综合征compression dislocation syndrome
嗜碱性粒细胞粒试验basophil degranulation test
复发性肩关节recurrent dislocation of shoulder
复发性肩关节后recurrent posterior dislocation of shoulder
头皮撕avulsion of scalp
套状撕degloving injury
完全性撕complete avulsion injury
寰枢椎自发性半atlanto-axial joint spontaneous subluxation
尺骨骨干骨折兼桡骨头Monteggia fracture
尿液落细胞检查exfoliative cell examination of urine
尿道黏膜urethral mucosa prolapse
尿道黏膜prolapse of urethra
崩裂性脊柱滑spondylolytic spondylolisthesis
掌指关节半subluxation of metacarpophalangeal joint
avulsed wound
头皮再植replantation of an avulsed scalp
月骨lunate dislocation
月骨周围perilunar dislocation
桡骨头radial head dislocation
桡骨小头半subluxation of capitulum radii
桡骨小头半radial head subluxation
环枢关节subluxation of atlantoaxial joint
瓣叶prolapse of valve cusp
电解electrolytic epilation
prolapse of hemorrhoid
瘢痕性cicatricial alopecia
瘫痪性髋关节paralytic dislocation of hip
皮肤撕avulsion injury of skin
盂唇软骨撕avulsion of glenoid labrum
直肠rectal prolapse
睾丸dislocation of testis
神经撕avulsion of nerve
等渗性isotonic dehydration
肋骨骨膜剥periosteal stripping of rib
肌骨头骨骺滑slipped femoral capital epiphysis
股骨大粗隆和小粗隆撕骨折avulsion fracture of great and lesser trochanter
肩关节dislocation of shoulder
肺剥decortication of lung
肾蒂淋巴管剥stripping of renal lymphatic vessel
胃黏膜gastric mucosal prolapse
胫骨结节撕骨折avulsion fracture of tibial tubercle
胺与胺前体摄取和细胞系统amine precursoruptake and decarboxylation system
胺与胺前体摄取和羧细胞amine precursoruptake and decarboxylation cells
胺与胺前体摄取和羧细胞瘤APUD cells tumor
胺与胺前体摄取和羧细胞瘤amine precursoruptake and decarboxylation cells tumor
氧葡萄糖法deoxyglucose method
水治疗dehydration therapy
焦痂separation of eschar
钙骨基质decalcified bone matrix
髓鞘性病demyelinating diseases
腰椎髓核岀症prolapse of nucleus pulposis of lumbar spine
腺昔氨酶缺乏症adenosine deaminase deficiency
膀胱prolapse of bladder
膝关节dislocation of knee
葡萄糖-6-磷酸氢酶缺乏症glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
蒙泰贾骨折Monteggia fracture-dislocation
距骨周围peritalar dislocation
输尿管prolapse of ureter
输尿管口prolapse of ureteral orifice
输尿管口囊肿prolapse of ureterocele
远端桡尺关节半Madelung deformity
远端桡尺关节半subluxation of distal radio-ulnar joint
远端桡尺关节半distal radioulnar joint subluxation
退行性脊柱滑degenerative spondylolisthesis
闭孔displaced into obturator foramen
阴囊撕avulsion of scrotum
阴茎dislocation of penis
阴茎皮肤撕avulsion of penis
阴茎阴囊撕avulsion injury of penis and scrotum
阴茎阴囊皮肤撕avulsion of penile and scrotal skin
非外伤性寰枢椎nontraumatic atlanto-axial dislocation
颞下颌关节dislocation of temporomandibular joint
骨骺滑slipped epiphysis
髋关节hip joint dislocation
高渗性hypertonic dehydration
鼻中隔三角软骨dislocation of triangular cartilage of nasal septum