
Terms for subject Nursing containing 肿瘤 | all forms | in specified order only
三叉神经肿瘤trigeminal neuroma
上颌窦恶性肿瘤carcinoma of maxillary sinus
丘脑肿瘤thalamus tumour
中央区肿瘤tumor in the centre of brain
中脑窝肿瘤middle fossa tumor
侧脑室肿瘤lateral ventricle tumour
内镜黏膜下肿瘤切除 endoscopic enucleation of submucosal tumor
原发性胸膜肿瘤primary tumors of pleura
原发性腹膜后肿瘤primary retroperitoneal tumor
口腔恶性肿瘤malignant tumor of mouth
后脑窝肿瘤posterior fossa tumor
妊娠合并卵巢肿瘤pregnancy associated with ovarian tumor
小脑半球肿瘤cerebellum tumour
小脑蚓部肿瘤vermis tumour
心包肿瘤pericardial tumor
扁桃体恶性肿瘤malignant tumor or tonsil
肿瘤性低血糖症_paraneoplasia hypoglycemia
枕叶肿瘤occipital tumour
泪腺肿瘤tumor of lacrimal gland
牙源性肿瘤odontogenic tumor
牙源性上皮性肿瘤epithelial odontogenic tumor
球后肿瘤retrobulbar tumor
直肠肿瘤rectal tumor
眼眶肿瘤tumor of orbit
眼睑肿瘤tumor of eyelid
神经组织肿瘤nervous tissue tumor
第三脑室肿瘤3rd ventricle tumour
第四脑室肿瘤4th ventricle tumour
纵隔肿瘤tumors of mediastinum
职业性肿瘤occupational tumor
肿瘤tumors of kidney
肿瘤护理nursing care of renal neoplasm
肿瘤免疫immunity of tumour
肿瘤免疫学检查examination of tumor immunology
肿瘤免疫状态tumor immunity
肿瘤免疫诊断immunologic diagnosis of tumor
肿瘤危险征象tumor danger signals
肿瘤外科治疗surgical oncology
肿瘤性贫血anemia of neoplasm
肿瘤扑落音tumor plop
肿瘤播散tumor spread
肿瘤标记tumor markers
肿瘤浸润淋巴细胞tumor infiltrating lymphocyte
肿瘤特异性抗原tumor specific antigen
肿瘤病理分期pathologic stages of tumour
肿瘤病理分级pathologic grading of cancer
肿瘤相关抗原tumor associated antigen
肿瘤综合治疗combined therapy of tumour
肿瘤防治健康教育hygiene education for prevention and treatment of tumor
脊髓肿瘤spinal cord tumor
脑干肿瘤brain stem tumor
膀胱肿瘤bladder tumor
膀胱肿瘤护理nursing care of tumors of the bladder
血友病假性肿瘤hemophilic pseudotumor
遗传性肿瘤hereditary tumor
间叶组织肿瘤mesenchymal tissue tumor
鞍区肿瘤sellar tumour
顶叶肿瘤parietal tumour
预防肿瘤治疗脱光副反应prevention of alopecia
颅内肿瘤护理nursing care of brain tumor
颅脑肿瘤intracranial tumour
颅颈部肿瘤craniocervical tumour
额叶肿瘤frontal tumour
颞叶肿瘤temporal tumour
骨盆腔肿瘤pelvic mass