
Terms for subject China containing 联 系 | all forms | in specified order only
一贯致力于发展同发展中国家议会的友好联系have always devoted itself to developing friendly contacts with legislatures in developing countries
与纠纷有实际联系的地点place which has actual connection with the dispute
代表联系人民群众deputies interact with the people
代表联系人民群众的渠道channels through which deputies interact with the people
保持同人民的密切联系keep in close touch with the people
保持同原选举单位密切的联系maintain close contact with the electoral units which elected deputies
保持密切的联系maintain a close contact
关联关系connection relationship
代表分工联系选民deputies have division of labour in their contacts with the voters
代表分工联系选民apportion among themselves the task of maintaining contact with their constituencies
办事机构之间的联系mutual contacts between administrative offices
加强与地方人大的联系strengthen contacts with local people's congresses
加强全国人大代表与地方各级人大代表的联系和沟通increase contact and communication between deputies to the National People's Congress NPC and deputies to local people's congresses at all levels
司法方面的联系juridical relation
同 140 多个国家的立法机构议会建立了联系establish ties with legislatures in over 140 countries
域名注册者联系registrant contact name
密切联系close contact with
密切联系人民群众maintain close ties with the masses
密切联系人民群众maintain close contact with the people
密切代表与人民群众的联系help deputies maintain close contact with the people
建立联系establish tie
技术联系technical contact
拓宽代表联系人民群众的渠道expand channels through which deputies interact with the people
最密切联系closest connection
管理联系manage contacts
管理联系admin name
管理联系administrative contact
缴费联系bill contact
联系本级人民代表大会代表keep in touch with the deputy to the people's congress at that level
联系群众maintain ties with people